include all: build-src build-man build-applications build-src: @${MAKE} -C src build-man: @${MAKE} -C man build-applications: @${MAKE} -C share/applications test: all @if ! uname -m | grep -q -e arm -e mips; then \ PACKAGE=${PACKAGE} prove test/feh.t test/mandoc.t; \ else \ PACKAGE=${PACKAGE} prove test/feh.t test/mandoc.t || cat test/imlib2-bug-notice; \ fi test-x11: all test/run-interactive prove test/feh-bg-i.t install: install-man install-doc install-bin install-font install-img install: install-icon install-examples install-applications install-man: man/feh.1 @echo installing manuals to ${man_dir} @mkdir -p ${man_dir}/man1 @cp man/feh.1 ${man_dir}/man1 @chmod 644 ${man_dir}/man1/feh.1 install-doc: AUTHORS ChangeLog TODO @echo installing docs to ${doc_dir} @mkdir -p ${doc_dir} @cp AUTHORS ChangeLog TODO ${doc_dir} @chmod 644 ${doc_dir}/AUTHORS ${doc_dir}/ChangeLog ${doc_dir}/ \ ${doc_dir}/TODO install-bin: src/feh @echo installing executables to ${bin_dir} @mkdir -p ${bin_dir} @cp src/feh ${bin_dir}/feh.tmp @mv ${bin_dir}/feh.tmp ${bin_dir}/feh @chmod 755 ${bin_dir}/feh install-font: @echo installing fonts to ${font_dir} @mkdir -p ${font_dir} @chmod 755 ${font_dir} @cp share/fonts/* ${font_dir} @chmod 644 ${font_dir}/* install-img: @echo installing images to ${image_dir} @mkdir -p ${image_dir} @chmod 755 ${image_dir} @cp share/images/* ${image_dir} @chmod 644 ${image_dir}/* install-icon: @echo installing icon to ${48_icon_dir} @mkdir -p ${48_icon_dir} @cp share/images/feh.png ${48_icon_dir} @chmod 644 ${48_icon_dir}/feh.png @echo installing icon to ${scalable_icon_dir} @mkdir -p ${scalable_icon_dir} @cp share/images/feh.svg ${scalable_icon_dir} @chmod 644 ${scalable_icon_dir}/feh.svg @if test "${app}" = 1 && which gtk-update-icon-cache > /dev/null 2>&1; then \ gtk-update-icon-cache ${icon_dir}; \ fi install-examples: @echo installing examples to ${example_dir} @mkdir -p ${example_dir} @cp examples/* ${example_dir} @chmod 644 ${example_dir}/* install-applications: share/applications/feh.desktop @echo installing desktop file to ${desktop_dir} @mkdir -p ${desktop_dir} @cp share/applications/feh.desktop ${desktop_dir} @chmod 644 ${desktop_dir}/feh.desktop uninstall: rm -f ${man_dir}/man1/feh.1 rm -rf ${doc_dir} rm -f ${bin_dir}/feh rm -f ${desktop_dir}/feh.desktop rm -rf ${font_dir} rm -rf ${image_dir} @if test -e ${48_icon_dir}/feh.png; then \ echo rm -f ${48_icon_dir}/feh.png; \ rm -f ${48_icon_dir}/feh.png; \ fi @if test -e ${scalable_icon_dir}/feh.svg; then \ echo rm -f ${scalable_icon_dir}/feh.svg; \ rm -f ${scalable_icon_dir}/feh.svg; \ fi @if which gtk-update-icon-cache > /dev/null 2>&1; then \ gtk-update-icon-cache ${icon_dir}; \ fi dist: mkdir /tmp/feh-${VERSION} git --work-tree=/tmp/feh-${VERSION} checkout -f cp src/ /tmp/feh-${VERSION}/src/ sed -i 's/^VERSION ?= .*$$/VERSION ?= ${VERSION}/' \ /tmp/feh-${VERSION}/ sed -i 's/^MAN_DATE ?= .*$$/MAN_DATE ?= ${MAN_DATE}/' \ /tmp/feh-${VERSION}/ tar -C /tmp -cjf ../feh-${VERSION}.tar.bz2 feh-${VERSION} rm -r /tmp/feh-${VERSION} disttest: dist tar -C /tmp -xjf ../feh-${VERSION}.tar.bz2 make -C /tmp/feh-${VERSION} make -C /tmp/feh-${VERSION} test make -C /tmp/feh-${VERSION} install DESTDIR=./install make -C /tmp/feh-${VERSION} uninstall DESTDIR=./install rm -r /tmp/feh-${VERSION} clean: @${MAKE} -C src clean @${MAKE} -C man clean @${MAKE} -C share/applications clean .PHONY: all test test-x11 install uninstall clean install-man install-doc \ install-bin install-font install-img install-examples \ install-applications dist