#!/usr/bin/env perl ## Copyright © 2010 by Daniel Friesel ## License: WTFPL ## 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use autodie; use App::Hashl; use Cwd; use Digest::SHA qw(sha1_hex); use File::Copy; use File::Find; use Getopt::Long; use IO::Handle; use Time::Progress; my $base = getcwd(); my $rel_paths = 1; my $db_file = '.hashl.db'; my $total = 0; my $cur = 0; my $show_progress = 1; my $timer; my $incoming_dir; my $read_size; my ($find_ref, $find_db_write); my $hashl; my $VERSION = '0.1'; STDERR->autoflush(1); GetOptions( 'd|database=s' => \$db_file, 'n|no-progress' => sub { $show_progress = 0 }, 's|read-size=i' => sub { $read_size = $_[1] * 1024 }, 'V|version' => sub { say "hashl version ${VERSION}"; exit 0 }, ) or usage(); if (substr($db_file, 0, 1) ne '/') { $db_file = "${base}/${db_file}"; } my $action = shift; sub usage { die(<<"EOF"); Usage: $0 [options] [args] See 'perldoc -F $0' (or 'man hashl' if it is properly installed) EOF } if (not defined $action) { usage(); } if (-r $db_file) { $hashl = App::Hashl->new_from_file($db_file); } else { $hashl = App::Hashl->new( read_size => $read_size, ); } sub get_total { my $file = $File::Find::name; if (-f $file and not -l $file and $file ne $db_file) { $total++; } } sub drop_deleted { for my $file ($hashl->files()) { if (! -e $file) { $hashl->delete_file($file); } } } sub copy_file { my ($file, $to) = @_; my $base = substr($file, length($base) + 1); if ($base =~ s{ / [^/]+ $}{}x) { mkdirs($incoming_dir, $base); } copy($file, "${to}/${base}"); } sub db_find_new { my ($file, $path) = @_; if (not $hashl->file_in_db($path)) { say "\r\e[2K${file}"; } } sub db_find_known { my ($file, $path) = @_; if ($hashl->file_in_db($path)) { say "\r\e[2K${file}"; } } sub db_info { printf( "Read size: %d bytes (%s)\n", $hashl->read_size(), $hashl->si_size($hashl->read_size), ); } sub file_info { my ($file) = @_; printf( "File: %s\nSize: %d bytes (%s)\nHash: %s\n", $file, $hashl->file($file)->{size}, $hashl->si_size($hashl->file($file)->{size}), $hashl->files($file)->{hash}, ); } sub process_file { my ($code, $write) = ($find_ref, $find_db_write); my $file = $File::Find::name; my $path = $file; if (not -f $file or -l $file or $file eq $db_file) { return; } if ($rel_paths) { $file = substr($file, length($base) + 1); } $cur++; if ($show_progress) { print STDERR $timer->report( "\r\e[2KUpdating: %p done, %L elapsed, %E remaining", $cur, ); } &{$code}($file, $path); if ($write and (($cur % 100) == 0)) { $hashl->save($db_file); } } sub db_update { my ($file, $path) = @_; my ($size, $mtime) = (stat($path))[7,9]; if ($hashl->file($file) and $hashl->file($file)->{mtime} == $mtime and $hashl->file($file)->{size} == $size ) { return; } $hashl->add_file($file, { hash => $hashl->hash_file($path), mtime => $mtime, size => $size, }); } sub db_ignore { my ($file, $path) = @_; if ($hashl->file_in_db($path)) { return; } $hashl->ignore($path); } sub db_copy { my ($file, $path) = @_; if (not $hashl->file_in_db($path)) { copy_file($path, $incoming_dir); } } sub mkdirs { my ($base, $new) = @_; for my $dir (split(qr{/}, $new)) { $base .= "/$dir"; if (! -d $base) { mkdir($base); } } } sub prepare_db_run { my ($dir) = @_; $dir //= $base; if (not $show_progress) { return; } find(\&get_total, $dir); $timer = Time::Progress->new(); $timer->attr( min => 1, max => $total, ); return; } sub cmd_copy { prepare_db_run(); ($incoming_dir) = @_; if (not $incoming_dir) { usage(); } if (substr($incoming_dir, 0, 1) ne '/') { $incoming_dir = $base . '/' . $incoming_dir; } $find_ref = \&db_copy; $find_db_write = 0; find(\&process_file, $base); print "\n"; } sub cmd_find_known { my ($dir) = @_; $dir //= $base; if (substr($dir, 0, 1) ne '/') { $dir = $base . '/' . $dir; } prepare_db_run($dir); $find_ref = \&db_find_known; $find_db_write = 0; find(\&process_file, $dir); print "\n"; } sub cmd_find_new { my ($new_dir) = @_; $new_dir //= $base; if (substr($new_dir, 0, 1) ne '/') { $new_dir = $base . '/' . $new_dir; } prepare_db_run($new_dir); $find_ref = \&db_find_new; $find_db_write = 0; find(\&process_file, $new_dir); print "\n"; } sub cmd_ignore { my ($ign_dir) = @_; $ign_dir //= $base; prepare_db_run(); if (substr($ign_dir, 0, 1) ne '/') { $ign_dir = $base . '/' . $ign_dir; } $find_ref = \&db_ignore; $find_db_write = 1; find(\&process_file, $base); $hashl->save($db_file); print "\n"; } sub cmd_info { my ($file) = @_; if ($file) { file_info($file); } else { db_info(); } } sub cmd_list { printf( "# hashl v%s Read Size %d bytes (%s)\n", $VERSION, $hashl->read_size(), $hashl->si_size($hashl->read_size()), ); for my $name ($hashl->files()) { my $file = $hashl->file($name); printf( "%s %-7s %s\n", $file->{hash}, $hashl->si_size($file->{size}), $name ); } } sub cmd_list_files { say join("\n", $hashl->files()); } sub cmd_list_ignored { for my $hash ($hashl->ignored()) { say $hash; } } sub cmd_update { drop_deleted(); prepare_db_run(); $find_ref = \&db_update; $find_db_write = 1; find(\&process_file, $base); print "\n"; $hashl->save($db_file); } given ($action) { when ('copy') { cmd_copy(@ARGV) } when ('find-known') { cmd_find_known(@ARGV) } when ('find-new') { cmd_find_new(@ARGV) } when ('ignore') { cmd_ignore(@ARGV) } when ('info') { cmd_info(@ARGV) } when ('list') { cmd_list(@ARGV) } when ('list-files') { cmd_list_files(@ARGV) } when ('list-ignored') { cmd_list_ignored(@ARGV) } when ('update') { cmd_update(@ARGV) } default { usage() } } __END__ =head1 NAME B - Create database with partial file hashes, check if other files are in it =head1 SYNOPSIS B [B<-d> I] [B<-s> I] I [I] =head1 DESCRIPTION Actions: =over =item B I Copy all files in the current directory which are not in the database to I. =item B [I] List all files which are already in the database. Scans either the current directory or I. =item B [I] List all files which are not in the database. Scans either the current directory or I. =item B [I] Add all files in I (or the current directory) as "ignored" to the database. This means that hashl will save the file's hash and skip matching files for B or B. =item B [I] Show information on I (or the database, if I is not specified). =item B List all files and their hashes. The list format is C<< hash size file >>. =item B List all filenames, one file per line. =item B List ignored hashes. =item B Update or create hash database. Iterates over all files below the current directory. =back =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<-d>|B<--database> I Use I instead of F<.hashl.db> =item B<-n>|B<--no-progress> Do not show progress information. Most useful with C<< hashl find-new >>. =item B<-s>|B<--read-size> I Change size of the part of each file which is hashed. By default, B hashes the first 4 MiB. Note that this option only makes sense when using C<< hashl update >> to create a new database. =item B<-V>|B<--version> Print version information. =back =head1 CONFIGURATION None, so far =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item * autodie (included with perl E= 5.10.1) =item * Digest::SHA =item * Time::Progress =back =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Unknown. This is beta software. =head1 EXAMPLES =head2 LEECHING First, create a database of your local files: C<< cd /media/videos; hashl update >> Now, assume you have a (possibly slow) external share mounted at F. You do not want to copy all files to your disk and then use B or similar to weed out the duplicates. Since you just used B to create a database with the hashes of the first 4MB of all your files, you can now use it to check if you (very probably) already have any remote file. For that, you only need to leech the first 4MB of every file on the share, and not the whole file. For example: C<< cd /tmp/mnt/ext; hashl copy /media/videos/incoming >> =head2 EXTERNAL HARD DISK Personally, I have all my videos on an external hard disk, which I usually do not carry with me. So, when I get new videos, I put them into F<~/lib/videos> on my netboo, and then later copy them to the external disk. Of course, it can always happen that I get a movie I already have, or forget to move something from F<~/lib/videos> to the external disk, especially since I also always have some stuff from the disk in F<~/lib/videos>. However, I can use B to conveniently solve this issue. Run periodically: C<< cd /media/argon; hashl -d ~/lib/video/.argon update >> Now, I always have a list of files on the external disk with me. When I get a new file: C<< hashl -d ~/lib/video/.argon new-file $file >> And to find out which files are not on the external disk: C<< cd ~/lib/video; print -l **/*(.) | hashl -d .argon new-file >> =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2010 by Daniel Friesel Ederf@finalrewind.orgE =head1 LICENSE 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO.