#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Test::More tests => 41; use_ok('App::Hashl'); my $IGNORED = '// ignored'; my $hashl = App::Hashl->new(); isa_ok($hashl, 'App::Hashl'); is($hashl->read_size(), (2 ** 20) * 4, 'default read size'); $hashl = App::Hashl->new(read_size => 512); is($hashl->read_size(), 512, 'Custom read size set'); is($hashl->si_size(1023), '1023.0 ', 'si_size 1023 = 1023'); is($hashl->si_size(1024), ' 1.0k', 'si_size 1024 = 1k'); is($hashl->si_size(2048), ' 2.0k', 'si_size 2048 = 2k'); is($hashl->si_size(1024 * 1024), ' 1.0M', 'si_size 1024^2 = 1M'); is($hashl->si_size(0), 'infinite', 'si_size 0 = infinite'); is($hashl->hash_in_db('123'), undef, 'hash not in db'); is($hashl->file_in_db('t/in/4'), undef, 'file not in db'); is_deeply([$hashl->files()], [], 'no files in empty db'); is_deeply([$hashl->ignored()], [], 'no ignored files in empty db'); my $test_hash = $hashl->hash_file('t/in/4'); my ($test_size, $test_mtime) = (stat('t/in/4'))[7,9]; ok($hashl->add_file( file => 't/in/4', path => 't/in/4', ), 'Add new file' ); is_deeply($hashl->file('t/in/4'), { hash => $test_hash, size => $test_size, mtime => $test_mtime, }, 'hashl->file okay' ); ok($hashl->file_in_db('t/in/4'), 'file is now in db'); ok($hashl->hash_in_db($test_hash), 'hash is in db'); ok($hashl->add_file( file => 't/in/1k', path => 't/in/1k', ), 'Add another file' ); is_deeply([sort $hashl->files()], [qw[t/in/1k t/in/4]], 'Both files in list'); ok($hashl->file_in_db('t/in/1k'), 'file in db'); ok($hashl->file_in_db('t/in/4'), 'other file in db'); ok($hashl->ignore('t/in/4', 't/in/4'), 'ignore file'); is($hashl->file_in_db('t/in/4'), $IGNORED, 'file no longer in db'); is_deeply([$hashl->ignored()], [$test_hash], 'file is ignored'); ok($hashl->ignore('t/in/1k', 't/in/1k'), 'ignore other file as well'); is($hashl->file_in_db('t/in/1k'), $IGNORED, 'file ignored'); ok($hashl->save('t/in/hashl.db'), 'save db'); undef $hashl; $hashl = App::Hashl->new_from_file('t/in/hashl.db'); isa_ok($hashl, 'App::Hashl'); unlink('t/in/hashl.db'); is($hashl->file_in_db('t/in/4'), $IGNORED, 'file still ignored'); is_deeply([$hashl->files()], [], 'no files in db'); $hashl->add_file( file => 't/in/1k', path => 't/in/1k', ); is_deeply([$hashl->files()], [], 'ignored file not added'); $hashl->unignore($hashl->hash_file('t/in/1k')); is_deeply([$hashl->ignored()], [$test_hash], 'unignore worked'); ok( $hashl->add_file( file => 't/in/4', path => 't/in/4', unignore => 1, ), 'Forcefully re-add file to db (unignore => 1)' ); is_deeply([$hashl->ignored()], [], 'add(unignore => 1) unignore worked'); is_deeply([$hashl->files()], ['t/in/4'], 'add(unignore => 1) add worked'); ok( $hashl->add_file( file => 't/in/1k', path => 't/in/1k', ), 'Re-add file to database', ); ok($hashl->file_in_db('t/in/1k'), 'file in db again'); undef $hashl; my $hash_512 = App::Hashl->new(read_size => 512)->hash_file('t/in/1k'); my $hash_1k = App::Hashl->new(read_size => 1024)->hash_file('t/in/1k'); my $hash_2k = App::Hashl->new(read_size => 2048)->hash_file('t/in/1k'); my $hash_inf = App::Hashl->new(read_size => 0)->hash_file('t/in/1k'); my $hash_1k_half = App::Hashl->new()->hash_file('t/in/1k-firsthalf'); is($hash_1k, $hash_2k, 'Same hash for read_size > filesize and read_size == file_size'); is($hash_1k, $hash_inf, 'Same hash for read_size == inf and read_size == file_size'); isnt($hash_512, $hash_1k, 'Partial hashing does not hash full file'); is($hash_512, $hash_1k_half, 'Partial hashing produces correct hash');