icli 0.4 - Mon Jan 31 2011 * icli -vvv lists hosts/services with maximum verbosity * Acknowledging of host/service problems * Cut off or break long lines with -x (improves output readability) * Print long plugin output in -vv/-vvv (if available) * Fix -C (didn't remove all colours) icli 0.3 - Sun Nov 21 2010 * Show service flags with -v -ls (acknowledged, flapping etc.) * Filter hosts/services by check state or various flags * icli -vv lists hosts/services in an even more detailed manner icli 0.2 - Mon Nov 08 2010 * List downtimes and check queue * Reschedule service checks * Filter by host/hostgroup and/or service name icli 0.1 - Thu Jul 29 2010 * First release * listing of service/host states, filtered by hosts/hostgroups