#!/usr/bin/env perl ## Copyright © 2010-2012 by Daniel Friesel <derf@finalrewind.org> ## License: WTFPL <http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl> ## 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. use autodie; use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Carp qw(croak); use Date::Format; use Getopt::Long qw/:config bundling/; use List::MoreUtils qw(any firstval); use Term::ANSIColor; use Term::Size; our $VERSION = '0.43'; my ( $cache, $config, $data, $extra ); my $config_file = '/var/cache/icinga/objects.cache'; my $status_file = '/var/lib/icinga/status.dat'; my $rw_file = '/var/lib/icinga/rw/icinga.cmd'; my $context; my $colours = 1; my $list_type = 's'; my $verbosity = 1; my $recheck = 0; my $force_recheck = 0; my $match_output = undef; my $acknowledge = undef; my $as_contact = undef; my $term_width = Term::Size::chars(); my $cut_mode = 'b'; my ( @for_hosts, @for_groups, @for_services, @list_hosts, @list_services ); my @filters; sub have_host { my ($host) = @_; if ( $list_type eq 's' ) { return exists $data->{services}->{$host}; } else { return exists $data->{hosts}->{$host}; } } sub have_service { my ( $host, $service ) = @_; foreach my $s ( @{ $data->{services}->{$host} } ) { if ( $s->{service_description} eq $service ) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub have_service_multi { my ( $host, @services ) = @_; foreach my $s (@services) { if ( have_service( $host, $s ) ) { return 1; } } return 0; } sub with_colour { my ( $text, $colour ) = @_; if ($colours) { return colored( $text, $colour ); } else { return $text; } } sub pretty_date { my ($unix) = @_; if ( $unix == 0 ) { return 'never'; } return time2str( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', $unix ); } sub pretty_duration { my ($since) = @_; my $now = time(); my $dif = $now - $since; return sprintf( '%dd %dh %dm %ds', int( $dif / ( 24 * 3600 ) ), int( ( $dif / 3600 ) % 24 ), int( ( $dif / 60 ) % 60 ), $dif % 60, ); } sub pretty_noyes { my ($bool) = @_; return ( $bool ? with_colour( 'YES', 'white on_red' ) : with_colour( 'NO', 'black on_green' ) ); } sub pretty_yesno { my ($bool) = @_; return ( $bool ? with_colour( 'YES', 'black on_green' ) : with_colour( 'NO', 'white on_red' ) ); } sub split_by_words { my ( $str, $padding, $max_w ) = @_; my @words = split( / /, $str ); my @ret; while ( any { length($_) > $max_w } @words ) { for my $i ( 0 .. $#words ) { my $word = $words[$i]; if ( length($word) > $max_w ) { splice( @words, $i, 1, substr( $word, 0, $max_w ), substr( $word, $max_w ) ); last; } } } while (@words) { my $cur_str = q{}; my $tr_space = 0; while ( @words and ( ( length($cur_str) + length( $words[0] ) + $tr_space ) <= $max_w ) ) { if ($tr_space) { $cur_str .= ' '; } else { $tr_space = 1; } $cur_str .= shift(@words); } if (@ret) { $cur_str = ( ' ' x $padding ) . $cur_str; } push( @ret, $cur_str ); } return @ret; } sub break_str { my ( $text, $waste ) = @_; my $cut = $term_width - $waste; if ( ( not defined $term_width ) or ( $term_width == 0 ) or ( $cut < 12 ) ) { return $text; } if ( $cut_mode eq 'c' ) { return substr( $text, 0, $cut ); } elsif ( $cut_mode eq 'b' ) { return join( "\n", split_by_words( $text, $waste, $cut ) ); } else { return $text; } } sub check_is_soft { my ($x) = @_; return ( $x->{'last_hard_state'} != $x->{'current_state'} ); } sub check_is_host_down { my ($s) = @_; return ( $data->{'hosts'}->{ $s->{'host_name'} }->{'current_state'} != 0 ); } sub filter_generic { my ($x) = @_; my $filters_unfulfilled = @filters; if ($match_output and not $x->{plugin_output} =~ $match_output) { return 0; } foreach my $f (@filters) { if ( ( $f eq 'A' and $x->{'problem_has_been_acknowledged'} ) or ( $f eq '!A' and not $x->{'problem_has_been_acknowledged'} ) or ( $f eq 'D' and check_is_host_down($x) ) or ( $f eq '!D' and not check_is_host_down($x) ) or ( $f eq 'F' and $x->{'is_flapping'} ) or ( $f eq '!F' and not $x->{'is_flapping'} ) or ( $f eq 'P' and $x->{'passive_checks_enabled'} and not $x->{'active_checks_enabled'} ) or ( $f eq '!P' and $x->{'active_checks_enabled'} ) or ( $f eq 'S' and check_is_soft($x) ) or ( $f eq '!S' and not check_is_soft($x) ) or ( $f eq 'o' and $x->{'current_state'} == 0 ) or ( $f eq '!o' and $x->{'current_state'} != 0 ) or ( $f eq 'w' and $x->{'current_state'} == 1 ) or ( $f eq '!w' and $x->{'current_state'} != 1 ) or ( $f eq 'c' and $x->{'current_state'} == 2 ) or ( $f eq '!c' and $x->{'current_state'} != 2 ) or ( $f eq 'u' and $x->{'current_state'} == 3 ) or ( $f eq '!u' and $x->{'current_state'} != 3 ) or ( $f eq 'd' and $x->{'current_state'} == 1 ) or ( $f eq '!d' and $x->{'current_state'} != 1 ) or ( $f eq 'x' and $x->{'current_state'} == 2 ) or ( $f eq '!x' and $x->{'current_state'} != 2 ) or 0 # Terminator to ease adding new lines ) { $filters_unfulfilled--; } } if ($filters_unfulfilled) { return 0; } return 1; } sub filter_host { my ($h) = @_; if ( not filter_generic($h) ) { return 0; } return 1; } sub filter_service { my ($s) = @_; if ( not filter_generic($s) ) { return 0; } if ( @list_services and not( $s->{'service_description'} ~~ [@list_services] ) ) { return 0; } if ($as_contact and not has_contact($s, $as_contact)) { return 0; } return 1; } sub has_contact { my ($s, $contact) = @_; my $conf_s = firstval { $_->{service_description} eq $s->{service_description } } @{ $config->{services}{$s->{host_name}}}; return any { $_ eq $contact } @{$conf_s->{contacts}}; } sub read_objects_line { my ( $line, $ref ) = @_; if ( $line =~ / ^ (?:define \s )? (?<context> \w+) \s+ { /x ) { $context = $+{context}; } elsif ( $line =~ / ^ \t (?<key> [^=\t]+ ) [=\t] \s* (?<value> .*) $ /x ) { $cache->{ $+{key} } = $+{value}; } elsif ( $line =~ / ^ \t } $ /x ) { given ($context) { when ( [ 'info', 'programstatus' ] ) { ${$ref}->{$context} = $cache; } when ('hoststatus') { ${$ref}->{hosts}->{ $cache->{host_name} } = $cache; } when ('servicestatus') { push( @{ ${$ref}->{services}->{ $cache->{host_name} } }, $cache ); } when ('contactstatus') { push( @{ ${$ref}->{contacts} }, $cache ); } when ('hostdowntime') { push( @{ ${$ref}->{hostdowntimes} }, $cache ); } when ('servicedowntime') { push( @{ ${$ref}->{servicedowntimes} }, $cache ); } when ('hostgroup') { ${$ref}->{hostgroups}->{ $cache->{hostgroup_name} } = $cache; } when ('servicegroup') { ${$ref}->{servicegroups}->{ $cache->{servicegroup_name} } = $cache; } when ('hostcomment') { # TODO } when ('servicecomment') { # TODO } when ('host') { ${$ref}->{hosts}->{ $cache->{host_name} } = $cache; } when ('service') { push( @{ ${$ref}->{services}->{ $cache->{host_name} } }, $cache ); } when ('contactgroup') { ${$ref}->{contactgroups}->{ $cache->{contactgroup_name} } = [split(m{, *}, $cache->{members})]; } when ( [ qw[ timeperiod command contactgroup contact host service servicedependency ] ] ) { # skipped for now } default { warn("Unknown field in $status_file: $context\n"); } } $cache = undef; } } sub read_objects { my ( $file, $ref ) = @_; open( my $fh, '<', $file ); while ( my $line = <$fh> ) { chomp($line); read_objects_line( $line, $ref ); } close($fh); } sub enhance_status { HOST: for my $h ( keys %{ $data->{services} } ) { for my $s ( @{ $data->{services}->{$h} } ) { if ( $s->{current_state} != 0 ) { $extra->{$h}->{service_problem} = 1; next HOST; } } } HOST: for my $h ( keys %{ $config->{services} } ) { for my $s ( @{ $config->{services}->{$h} } ) { if ($s->{contacts}) { $s->{contacts} =~ s{^ *}{}o; $s->{contacts} = [split(m{, *}, $s->{contacts})]; } for my $group (split(m{, *}, $s->{contact_groups})) { push(@{$s->{contacts}}, @{$config->{contactgroups}{$group}}); } } } } sub service_state { my ( $checked, $digit ) = @_; if ( not $checked ) { return 'PENDING '; } given ($digit) { when (0) { return with_colour( ' OK ', 'black on_green' ) } when (1) { return with_colour( ' WARNING', 'black on_yellow' ) } when (2) { return with_colour( 'CRITICAL', 'white on_red' ) } when (3) { return with_colour( ' UNKNOWN', 'white on_blue' ) } default { croak("Unknown service state: $digit\n") } } } sub host_state { my ( $checked, $digit ) = @_; if ( not $checked ) { return ' PENDING '; } given ($digit) { when (0) { return with_colour( ' OK ', 'black on_green' ) } when (1) { return with_colour( ' DOWN ', 'white on_red' ) } when (2) { return with_colour( 'UNREACHABLE', 'white on_blue' ) } default { croak("Unknown host state: $digit\n") } } } sub display_queue { my @queue = map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } map { [ $_, $_->{next_check} ] } ( values %{ $data->{hosts} }, map { @{$_} } values %{ $data->{services} } ); @queue = grep { $_->{host_name} ~~ \@list_hosts } @queue; if (@list_services) { @queue = grep { $_->{service_description} ~~ \@list_services } @queue; } printf( "%-25.25s %-20.20s %-19s %-19s\n", 'Host', 'Service', 'Last Check', 'Next Check', ); for my $e (@queue) { if ( $e->{next_check} == 0 ) { next; } printf( "%-25.25s %-20.20s %-19s %-19s\n", $e->{host_name}, $e->{service_description} // q{}, pretty_date( $e->{last_check} ), pretty_date( $e->{next_check} ), ); } } sub display_downtime { my ($d) = @_; my $v = $verbosity; printf( '%-27.27s', $d->{'host_name'} ); if ( $v >= 3 ) { printf( ' %s %-10.10s', pretty_date( $d->{'entry_time'} ), $d->{'author'}, ); } if ( $v >= 2 ) { printf( ' %-30.30s', $d->{'comment'} ); } printf( ' %s %s', pretty_date( $d->{'start_time'} ), pretty_date( $d->{'end_time'} ), ); if ( $v >= 2 ) { print( $d->{'fixed'} ? ' Fixed' : ' Flexi' ); } print "\n"; } sub display_x_verbose { my ( $x, $format ) = @_; my $v = $verbosity; if ( $v > 2 ) { printf( $format, 'Host', $x->{'host_name'}, ); if ( $x->{'service_description'} ) { printf( $format, 'Service', $x->{'service_description'}, ); printf( "%-16s : %s (for %s)%s\n", 'Status', service_state( $x->{'has_been_checked'}, $x->{'current_state'} ), pretty_duration( $x->{'last_state_change'} ), ( $x->{'problem_has_been_acknowledged'} ? ' (Acknowledged)' : q{} ), ); } else { printf( "%-16s : %s (for %s)%s\n", 'Status', host_state( $x->{'has_been_checked'}, $x->{'current_state'} ), pretty_duration( $x->{'last_state_change'} ), ( $x->{'problem_has_been_acknowledged'} ? ' (Acknowledged)' : q{} ), ); } printf( $format, 'Plugin Output', break_str( $x->{'plugin_output'}, 19 ), ); for my $line ( split( qr{\\n}, $x->{'long_plugin_output'} ) ) { printf( $format, q{}, break_str( $line, 19 ), ); } printf( $format, 'Performance Data', $x->{'performance_data'}, ); printf( "%-16s : %d/%d\n", 'Current Attempt', $x->{'current_attempt'}, $x->{'max_attempts'}, ); printf( $format, 'Last Check Time', pretty_date( $x->{'last_check'} ), ); printf( $format, 'Next Check', pretty_date( $x->{'next_check'} ), ); printf( "%-16s : %s (%.1f%% state change)\n", 'Flapping', pretty_noyes( $x->{'is_flapping'} ), $x->{'percent_state_change'}, ); } if ( $v > 3 ) { printf( $format, 'Check Type', ( $x->{'check_type'} ? 'PASSIVE' : 'ACTIVE' ), ); printf( "%-16s : %5.3fs\n%-16s : %5.3fs\n", 'Check Latency', $x->{'check_latency'}, 'Check Duration', $x->{'check_execution_time'}, ); if ( $x->{'service_description'} ) { printf( "%-16s : o %s w %s c %s u %s\n", 'Last State Times', pretty_date( $x->{'last_time_ok'} ), pretty_date( $x->{'last_time_warning'} ), pretty_date( $x->{'last_time_critical'} ), pretty_date( $x->{'last_time_unknown'} ), ); } else { printf( "%-16s : o %s d %s u %s\n", 'Last State Times', pretty_date( $x->{'last_time_up'} ), pretty_date( $x->{'last_time_down'} ), pretty_date( $x->{'last_time_unreachable'} ), ); } printf( $format, 'In Downtime', 'FIXME' ); printf( $format, 'Active Checks', pretty_yesno( $x->{'active_checks_enabled'} ), ); printf( $format, 'Passive Checks', pretty_yesno( $x->{'passive_checks_enabled'} ), ); printf( $format, 'Obsessing', pretty_yesno( $x->{'service_description'} ? $x->{'obsess_over_service'} : $x->{'obsess_over_host'} ), ); printf( $format, 'Notifications', pretty_yesno( $x->{'notifications_enabled'} ), ); printf( $format, 'Event Handler', pretty_yesno( $x->{'event_handler_enabled'} ), ); printf( $format, 'Flap Detection', pretty_yesno( $x->{'flap_detection_enabled'} ), ); } } sub display_service { my ( $s, $tab ) = @_; my $v = $verbosity; my $flags = q{}; my $format = "%-16s : %s\n"; my $n_width; if ( $v < 3 ) { $n_width = 20 + 8 + 2; if ($tab) { $n_width += 8; } printf( '%-20.20s', $s->{service_description} ); if ( $v >= 2 ) { $n_width += 5; if ( $s->{'problem_has_been_acknowledged'} ) { $flags .= 'A'; } if ( $s->{'is_flapping'} ) { $flags .= 'F'; } if ( $s->{'notifications_enabled'} == 0 ) { $flags .= 'N'; } if ( $s->{'active_checks_enabled'} == 0 and $s->{'passive_checks_enabled'} == 1 ) { $flags .= 'P'; } if ( not( $s->{'active_checks_enabled'} or $s->{'passive_checks_enabled'} ) ) { $flags .= '!'; } $flags = sprintf( ' %-3s', $flags ); print with_colour( $flags, 'bold' ); } printf( ' %s', service_state( $s->{'has_been_checked'}, $s->{'current_state'} ) ); if ( $v >= 2 ) { printf( ' %d/%d', $s->{'current_attempt'}, $s->{'max_attempts'} ); $n_width += 4; } print ' '; print break_str( $s->{plugin_output}, $n_width ); } else { display_x_verbose( $s, $format ); } print "\n"; } sub display_host_services { my ( $host, $all ) = @_; my @services; my $h = $data->{hosts}->{$host}; @services = grep { filter_service($_) } @{ $data->{'services'}->{$host} }; if ( $all and @services and $verbosity < 3 ) { print "\n$host"; if ( $h->{'current_state'} ) { print q{ }; } if ( $h->{'current_state'} == 1 ) { print with_colour( 'DOWN', 'white on_red' ); } elsif ( $h->{'current_state'} == 2 ) { print with_colour( 'UNREACHABLE', 'white on_blue' ); } print "\n"; } foreach my $service (@services) { if ( $all and $verbosity < 3 ) { print "\t"; } elsif ($all) { print "\n"; } display_service( $service, $all ); } } sub display_host_single { my ($host) = @_; my $format = "%-16s : %s\n"; my $h = $data->{hosts}->{$host}; my $v = $verbosity; if ( $v < 3 ) { printf( '%-32.32s %s', $h->{host_name}, host_state( $h->{'has_been_checked'}, $h->{'current_state'} ) ); if ( $v >= 2 ) { printf( ' %d/%d', $h->{'current_attempt'}, $h->{'max_attempts'} ); } printf( ' %s', $h->{'plugin_output'} ); } else { display_x_verbose( $h, $format ); } print "\n"; } sub display_host { my ( $host, $all ) = @_; if ( $list_type eq 'h' ) { display_host_single($host); } else { display_host_services( $host, $all ); } } sub dispatch_command { my $str = join( ';', @_ ); open( my $cmd_fh, '>', $rw_file ); printf $cmd_fh ( '[%d] %s', time(), $str, ); close($cmd_fh); } sub recheck_host_all { my ($host) = @_; dispatch_command( 'SCHEDULE_HOST_SVC_CHECKS', $host, time() ); say "Scheduled check of * on '$host'"; } sub recheck_service { my ( $host, $service ) = @_; dispatch_command( 'SCHEDULE_SVC_CHECK', $host, $service, time() ); say "Scheduled check of '$service' on '$host'"; } sub force_recheck_service { my ( $host, $service ) = @_; dispatch_command( 'SCHEDULE_FORCED_SVC_CHECK', $host, $service, time() ); say "Scheduled forced check of '$service' on '$host'"; } sub acknowledge_service { my ( $host, $service ) = @_; dispatch_command( 'ACKNOWLEDGE_SVC_PROBLEM', $host, $service, 2, 1, 1, 'cli', $acknowledge ); say "Acknowledged $host/$service: $acknowledge"; } sub action_on_host { my ($h) = @_; if ($recheck) { recheck_host_all($h); } } sub action_on_service { my ( $h, $s ) = @_; if ( not have_service( $h, $s ) ) { return; } if ($recheck) { recheck_service( $h, $s ); } if ($force_recheck) { force_recheck_service( $h, $s ); } if ($acknowledge) { acknowledge_service( $h, $s ); } } GetOptions( 'a|acknowledge=s' => sub { $acknowledge = $_[1]; $list_type = q{} }, 'c|config=s' => \$config_file, 'C|no-colours' => sub { $colours = 0 }, 'f|status-file=s' => \$status_file, 'F|rw-file=s' => \$rw_file, 'g|hostgroup=s' => sub { push( @for_groups, split( /,/, $_[1] ) ) }, 'h|host=s' => sub { push( @for_hosts, split( /,/, $_[1] ) ) }, 'l|list=s' => sub { $list_type = substr( $_[1], 0, 1 ) }, 'm|match=s' => sub { $match_output = qr{$_[1]}i }, 'r|recheck' => sub { $recheck = 1; $list_type = q{} }, 's|service=s' => sub { push( @for_services, split( /,/, $_[1] ) ) }, 'u|force-recheck' => sub { $force_recheck = 1; $list_type = q{} }, 'U|as-contact=s' => \$as_contact, 'v|verbose+' => \$verbosity, 'V|version' => sub { say "icli version $VERSION"; exit 0 }, 'x|cut-mode=s' => sub { $cut_mode = substr( $_[1], 0, 1 ) }, 'z|filter=s' => sub { push( @filters, split( /,/, $_[1] ) ) }, ) or die("Please see perldoc -F $0 for help\n"); read_objects( $status_file, \$data ); read_objects( $config_file, \$config ); enhance_status(); for my $arg (@ARGV) { my ( $host, $service ) = split( qr{/}, $arg ); if ( not any { $host } @for_hosts ) { push( @for_hosts, $host ); } if ($service) { push( @for_services, $service ); } } foreach my $host (@for_hosts) { if ( not exists $data->{services}->{$host} ) { die("Unknown host: ${host}\n"); } } @list_hosts = @for_hosts; @list_services = @for_services; foreach my $group (@for_groups) { if ( not exists $config->{'hostgroups'}->{$group} ) { die("Unknown hostgroup: ${group}\n"); } foreach my $host ( split /,/, $config->{'hostgroups'}->{$group}->{'members'} ) { if ( not any { $_ eq $host } @list_hosts ) { push( @list_hosts, $host ); } } } if ( @list_hosts == 0 ) { @list_hosts = sort keys %{ $data->{services} }; } if (@list_services) { @list_hosts = grep { have_service_multi( $_, @list_services ) } @list_hosts; } if ( $list_type eq 'h' ) { @list_hosts = grep { filter_host( $data->{'hosts'}->{$_} ) } @list_hosts; } if ( $list_type ~~ [qw[s h]] ) { foreach my $host (@list_hosts) { display_host( $host, ( @list_hosts > 1 ) ); } } elsif ( $list_type eq 'q' ) { display_queue(); } elsif ( $list_type eq 'd' ) { foreach my $downtime ( @{ $data->{hostdowntimes} } ) { display_downtime($downtime); } } elsif ( $recheck or $acknowledge ) { foreach my $host (@list_hosts) { if ( not @list_services and not @filters ) { action_on_host($host); } elsif ( not @list_services and @filters ) { foreach my $service ( grep { filter_service($_) } @{ $data->{'services'}->{$host} } ) { action_on_service( $host, $service->{'service_description'} ); } } else { foreach my $service (@list_services) { action_on_service( $host, $service ); } } } } else { die("See perldoc -F $0\n"); } __END__ =head1 NAME B<icli> - Icinga Command Line Interface =head1 SYNOPSIS B<icli> [B<-v>|B<-vv>] [B<-z> I<filter>] [B<-h> I<hosts>] [B<-g> I<hostgroups>] [B<-s> I<services>] [B<-c> I<config>] [B<-C>] [B<-f> I<status-file>] [B<-F> I<rw-file>] [B<-r>|B<-u>|B<-lh>|B<-ls>|B<-lq>|B<-ld>] [I<host>/I<service> I<...>] =head1 VERSION version 0.43 =head1 DESCRIPTION B<icli> is a command line interface to B<Icinga>. By default it lists all services and their states. Note that when supplying custom config and status file paths, B<icli> also works with B<Nagios>. 100% compatibility is not guaranteed, however. B<icli> only works when executed on the host running the B<Icinga> daemon. To use it on another host, shell aliases (like C<< alias icli='ssh $icingahost icli' >>) or similar are recommended. You can narrow down the list of services you want displayed either using B<filters> (like C<< icli -z!o >>), the B<-h>/B<-s> arguments (C<< icli -h aneurysm -s Libraries,Websites >>) or commandline args (C<< icli aneurysm/{Libraries,Websites} >> with shell expansion). =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<-a>|B<--acknowledge> I<comment> Acknowledge all matching services with string I<comment>. This creates a sticky acknwoledgment with notification and no expire time. The comment will not be persistent. Note: Acknowledgement of host problems is not yet supported. =item B<-c>|B<--config> I<config> Read config from I<file> instead of the default F</var/cache/icinga/objects.cache> =item B<-C>|B<--no-colours> Disable colours in output =item B<-f>|B<--status-file> I<file> Read the status from I<file> instead of the default F</var/lib/icinga/status.dat> =item B<-F>|B<--rw-file> I<file> Use I<file> as external commands file. Default: F</var/lib/icinga/rw/icinga.cmd> =item B<-g>|B<--hostgroup> I<hostgroup> Limit selection to hosts in I<hostgroup> (comma separated list) =item B<-h>|B<--host> I<hosts> Limit selection to I<hosts> (comma separated list) =item B<-l>|B<--list> B<downtimes>|B<hosts>|B<services>|B<queue> List either services (the default) or hosts. Note that only the first character of the argument is checked, so C<< icli -lh >>, C<< icli -ls >> etc. are also fine. =item B<-m>|B<--match> I<regex> Limit selection to hosts/services whose plugin output matches I<regex> (perl regular expression, case insensitive. see L<perlre>). =item B<-r>|B<--recheck> Schedule an immediate recheck of all selected services =item B<-u>|B<--force-recheck> Schedule a forced, immediate recheck of all selected services =item B<-U>|B<--as-contact> I<name> Only operate on service visible to I<name>. Doesn't work for B<-lh> yet, most useful for B<-ls>. NOTE: This is meant to help find out which services a user has access to. It is NOT intended as a way to restrict access and should never be used that way. =item B<-s>|B<--service> I<services> Limit selection to I<services> (comma separated lists). Can be combined with B<-h>/B<-g> to further narrow down the selection, but may also be used stand-alone. =item B<-v>|B<--verbose> Increase output verbosity. Can be combined up to B<-vvv> =item B<-V>|B<--version> Show version information =item B<-x>|B<--cut-mode> I<mode> What to do with lines which are too long for the terminal: B<n>othing, B<c>ut off, line B<b>reak (with proper indentation). The default is line B<b>reaks =item B<-z>|B<--filter> I<expression> Limit selection to hosts/services passing the filter. I<expression> is a comma separated list of filters, only hosts/services to which all filters apply are selected. See also L</"FILTER EXPRESSIONS"> =back =head1 OUTPUT =head2 SERVICE LISTING This is the standard output method. It contains the following: =over =item * Service description =item * -v: Service Flags (B<A>cknowledged, B<F>lapping, B<P>assive, B<!>no checks) =item * Service state (ok / warning / critical / unknown) =item * -v: Current attempt / Max attempts =item * Plugin output =back =head2 HOST LISTING Enabled with -ld =over =item * Host name =item * Host state (ok / down / unreachable) =item * -v: Current attempt / Max attempts =item * Plugin output =back =head2 QUEUE LISTING Enabled with -lq =over =item * Host name =item * Service name =item * Last check =item * Next check =back =head1 FILTER EXPRESSIONS Each expression can be negated with an exclamation mark, e.g. "!A" for all non-acknowledged services. =over =item B<A> Check state has been acknowledged =item B<D> The host this service belongs to is Down or Unreachable =item B<F> Service is flapping between states =item B<N> Notifications for this service are disabled =item B<P> Only passive checks are enabled. Note that B<!P> simply means that active checks are enabled, no matter the status of passive checks =item B<S> Check state is soft. For instance, it used to be OK and is now critical, but has not reached its maximum number and caused a notification yet. Good to find (or ignore) service problems which might just be temporary, non-critical glitches. =item B<o> Host/Service state is OK =item B<w> Service state is Warning =item B<c> Service state is Critical =item B<u> Service state is Unknown =item B<d> Host state is Down =item B<x> Host state is Unreachable =back =head1 EXIT STATUS Zero, unless errors occured. =head1 CONFIGURATION None. =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item * autodie (included with perl >= 5.10.1) =item * Date::Format =item * Term::Size =back =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS This software is in early development stages. So there will probably be quite a lot. =head2 REPORTING BUGS Either via mail to E<lt>derf@finalrewind.orgE<gt> or on E<lt>http://github.com/derf/icinga-cli/issuesE<gt>. =head1 EXAMPLES =over =item C<< icli -r -s 'APT Updates' >> Schedule a check of the "APT Updates" service on all hosts having it =item C<< icli -lq -h aneurysm -g chaosdorf-hosts >> List check queue for all hosts in the hostgroup "chaosdorf-hosts", plus the host aneurysm =item C<< icli -z!o,!A,!S,!D >> Show all service problems which are already hard states and have not yet been acknowledged. Also weed out problem services on hosts which are down anyways =back =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2010 by Daniel Friesel E<lt>derf@finalrewind.orgE<gt> =head1 LICENSE 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO.