#!/usr/bin/env perl ## Copyright © 2011 by Daniel Friesel ## License: WTFPL: ## 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO. use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use App::Raps2; use File::BaseDir qw(data_files data_home); use File::Slurp qw(read_dir); use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case); my ( $default_cost, $no_echo, $paste, $pwgen_cmd, $xclip_cmd ); our $VERSION = '0.52'; GetOptions( 'c|cost=i' => \$default_cost, 'E|no-echo' => \$no_echo, 'h|help' => sub { cmd_help(0) }, 'p|pwgen-cmd=s' => \$pwgen_cmd, 'P|paste' => \$paste, 'V|version' => sub { say "raps2 version ${VERSION}"; exit 0 }, 'x|xclip-cmd=s' => \$xclip_cmd, ) or cmd_help(1); my ( $action, @args ) = @ARGV; my $raps2 = App::Raps2->new( cost => $default_cost, pwgen_cmd => $pwgen_cmd, xclip_cmd => $xclip_cmd, ); sub file_must_exist { my ( $file, $name ) = @_; if ( not defined $file ) { say STDERR "No such account: ${name}"; exit 2; } return; } sub file_must_not_exist { my ( $file, $name ) = @_; if ( -e $file ) { say STDERR "Account already exists: ${name}"; exit 2; } return; } sub cmd_add { my ($name) = @_; if ( not $name ) { cmd_help( 1, 'add ' ); } my $pwfile = data_home('raps2') . "/${name}"; file_must_not_exist( $pwfile, $name ); $raps2->get_master_password(); my $url = $raps2->ui->read_line('URL'); my $login = $raps2->ui->read_line('Login'); my $pass = $raps2->ui->read_pw( 'Password', 1 ); my $extra = $raps2->ui->read_multiline('Additional content'); if ( length($pass) == 0 ) { $pass = $raps2->generate_password(); if ( not $pass ) { say STDERR "Password generation failed: ${!}: " . $raps2->conf('pwgen_cmd'); exit 3; } if ($paste) { $raps2->ui->to_clipboard( $pass, $raps2->conf('xclip_cmd') ); } elsif ( not $no_echo ) { $raps2->ui->output( [ 'Generated password', $pass ] ); } } $raps2->pw_save( file => $pwfile, url => $url, login => $login, password => $pass, extra => $extra, ); return; } sub cmd_dump { my ($name) = @_; if ( not $name ) { cmd_help( 1, 'dump ' ); } my $pwfile = data_files("raps2/${name}"); file_must_exist( $pwfile, $name ); $raps2->get_master_password(); my $key = $raps2->pw_load( file => $pwfile ); $raps2->ui->output( [ 'URL', $key->{url} ], [ 'Login', $key->{login} ], [ 'Password', $key->{password} ], ); if ( $key->{extra} ) { print $key->{extra}; } return; } sub cmd_edit { my ($name) = @_; if ( not $name ) { cmd_help( 1, 'edit ' ); } my $pwfile = data_files("raps2/${name}"); file_must_exist( $pwfile, $name ); $raps2->get_master_password(); my $key = $raps2->pw_load( file => $pwfile ); my $salt = $key->{salt}; my $cost = $key->{cost}; my $url = $raps2->ui->read_line( 'URL', $key->{url} ); my $login = $raps2->ui->read_line( 'Login', $key->{login} ); my $pass = $key->{password}; my $new_pass = $raps2->ui->read_pw( 'New password (empty to keep old)', 1 ); my $extra = $key->{extra} // q{}; if ( length($new_pass) ) { $pass = $new_pass; } $raps2->pw_save( file => $pwfile, salt => $salt, cost => $cost, url => $url, login => $login, password => $pass, extra => $extra, ); return; } sub cmd_get { my ($name) = @_; if ( not $name ) { cmd_help( 1, 'get ' ); } my $pwfile = data_files("raps2/${name}"); file_must_exist( $pwfile, $name ); $raps2->get_master_password(); my $key = $raps2->pw_load( file => $pwfile ); $raps2->ui->to_clipboard( $key->{password}, $raps2->conf('xclip_cmd') ) or die("Could not place password in clipboard: ${!}\n"); if ( $key->{extra} ) { print $key->{extra}; } return; } sub cmd_help { my ( $exit_status, $subcmd ) = @_; $subcmd //= 'add|get|dump|... [account]'; say "Usage: raps2 ${subcmd}"; say 'See also: "man raps2"'; exit $exit_status; } sub cmd_info { my ($name) = @_; if ( not $name ) { cmd_help( 1, 'info ' ); } my $pwfile = data_files("raps2/${name}"); file_must_exist( $pwfile, $name ); my $key = $raps2->pw_load_info( file => $pwfile ); $raps2->ui->output( [ 'URL', $key->{url} ], [ 'Login', $key->{login} ], ); return; } sub cmd_list { my @files = read_dir( data_home('raps2') ); for my $file ( sort @files ) { my $key = $raps2->pw_load_info( name => $file ); $raps2->ui->list( [ 'Account', $file ], [ 'Login', $key->{login} ], [ 'URL', $key->{url} ], ); } return; } sub cmd_remove { my ($name) = @_; if ( not $name ) { cmd_help( 1, 'del ' ); } my $pwfile = data_files("raps2/${name}"); file_must_exist( $pwfile, $name ); unlink($pwfile) or die("Could not unlink ${pwfile}: ${!}\n"); return; } given ($action) { when ('add') { cmd_add(@args) } when ('del') { cmd_remove(@args) } when ('dump') { cmd_dump(@args) } when ('edit') { cmd_edit(@args) } when ('get') { cmd_get(@args) } when ('info') { cmd_info(@args) } when ('list') { cmd_list(@args) } default { cmd_help(1) } } __END__ =head1 NAME raps2 - "Right, Another Password Store" take two =head1 SYNOPSIS B [I] I [I] =head1 VERSION This manual documents B version 0.52 =head1 DESCRIPTION raps2 is a simple password safe. You give it a name, a password and optional metadata, and it will encrypt and store them for you. You probably want to start with C<< raps2 add accountname >>, and then later use C<< raps2 get accountname >> and paste the corresponding password into whatever application requires it. B will automatically initialize its store when used for the first time. Supported metadata are "URL", "Login" and the multiline "Extra" field. URL and Login will be saved as plaintext, Extra is encrypted like the password. =head1 ACTIONS =over =item B I Adds I to the store. It will ask you for the store's master password, some metadata and the new password and then store them. If you do not provide a password (that is, leave both "Password" and "Verify" lines blank), B will use the B command to create one for you and print the generated password on stdout. See also the B<-c>, B<-E>, B<-p> and B<-P> options. =item B I Remove I from the store. =item B I Dump everything saved for I, including the clear-text password, to stdout. =item B I Edit saved data for I. Note that editing the multiline "extra" field is not yet possible. =item B I Decrypt I's password and store it in the primary X Clipboard. Note that it can only be pasted once. Prints the content of the multiline B field (if present) to stdout. See also the B<-x> option. =item B I Show information about I, does not require the master password. =item B List all saved accounts with their respective Logins and URLs =item B Show version information =back =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<-c>, B<--cost> I Key setup cost to use for new passwords, overrides the configuration file. Only makes sense with B. Please be aware that the key setup time is an exponential function. That is, when you increment the cost by 1, the key setup time will double. See Crypt::Eksblowfish(3pm). Default: 12 =item B<-E>, B<--no-echo> When using the pwgen functionality of B, do not print the generated password on stdout. =item B<-P>, B<--paste> When using the pwgen functionality of B, do not print the generated password on stdout. Place it in the X Clipboard instead. Note that it can only be pasted once. =item B<-p>, B<--pwgen-cmd> I When the user does not enter a password in B, it will execute I to create one. The first line of output is taken as password. If the output contains spaces, anything after the first space (plus the space itself) is discarded. Default: pwgen -s 23 1 =item B<-V>, B<--version> Show version information. =item B<-x>, B<--xclip-cmd> I Command to run for B. Set this to C<< xclip -l 2 >> if you are using chrome. The password will be available on I's stdin. Default: xclip -l 1 =back =head1 EXIT STATUS zero on success, non-zero otherwise. =head1 CONFIGURATION raps2 saves the master password hash in F<~/.config/raps2/password>. The configuration (key setup cost and pwgen command) is stored in F<~/.config/raps2/defaults> in an INI-like format. Additional encrypted passwords are stored in F<~/.local/share/raps2/>. These directories can be changed by setting the B and B environment variables. The following settings are available in F<~/.config/raps2/defaults>: =over =item B = 12 Default key setup cost. See the B<-c> option. =item B = pwgen -s 23 1 Command used to generate passwords. See the B<-p> option. =item B = xclip -l 1 Command used to place passwords in the clipboard. See the B<-x> option. =back Note that commandline arguments always override options set in the configuration file. =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item * Config::Tiny =item * Crypt::CBC =item * Crypt::Eksblowfish =item * File::BaseDir =item * File::Path (usually included with perl core) =item * File::Slurp =item * pwgen (if you want C<< raps2 add >> to generate passwords) =item * xclip (for C<< raps2 get >>) =back =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS This is alpha software, the store format may change without further notice. Backwards-compatibility is not guaranteed. When running for the first time, raps2 will ask for the master passphrase three times. Two would be better. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2011 by Daniel Friesel Ederf@finalrewind.orgE =head1 LICENSE 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO.