package App::Raps2; use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use App::Raps2::Password; use App::Raps2::UI; use Carp qw(cluck confess); use Config::Tiny; use File::BaseDir qw(config_home data_home); use File::Path qw(make_path); use File::Slurp qw(slurp write_file); our $VERSION = '0.54'; sub new { my ( $class, %opt ) = @_; my $self = {}; $self->{xdg_conf} = config_home('raps2'); $self->{xdg_data} = data_home('raps2'); if ( not $opt{no_cli} ) { $self->{ui} = App::Raps2::UI->new(); } $self->{default} = \%opt; bless( $self, $class ); if ( not $opt{dont_touch_fs} ) { $self->sanity_check(); $self->load_config(); $self->load_defaults(); } if ( $opt{master_password} ) { $self->get_master_password( $opt{master_password} ); } return $self; } sub file_to_hash { my ( $self, $file ) = @_; my $ret; for my $line ( slurp($file) ) { my ( $key, $value ) = ( $line =~ m{ ^ ([^ ]+) \s+ (.+) $ }x ); if ( not( $key and $value ) ) { next; } $ret->{$key} = $value; } return $ret; } sub sanity_check { my ($self) = @_; make_path( $self->{xdg_conf}, $self->{xdg_data} ); if ( not -e $self->{xdg_conf} . '/password' ) { $self->create_config(); } if ( not -e $self->{xdg_conf} . '/defaults' ) { $self->create_defaults(); } return; } sub get_master_password { my ( $self, $pass ) = @_; if ( not defined $pass ) { $pass = $self->ui->read_pw( 'Master Password', 0 ); } $self->{pass} = App::Raps2::Password->new( cost => $self->{master_cost}, salt => $self->{master_salt}, passphrase => $pass, ); $self->pw->verify( $self->{master_hash} ); return; } sub create_config { my ($self) = @_; my $cost = $self->{master_cost} = $self->{default}{cost} // 12; my $pass = $self->{default}{master_password} // $self->ui->read_pw( 'Running for the first time. Please choose a master password', 1 ); $self->{pass} = App::Raps2::Password->new( cost => $self->{master_cost}, passphrase => $pass, ); my $hash = $self->{master_hash} = $self->pw->bcrypt; my $salt = $self->{master_salt} = $self->pw->salt; write_file( $self->{xdg_conf} . '/password', "cost ${cost}\n", "salt ${salt}\n", "hash ${hash}\n", ); return; } sub load_config { my ($self) = @_; my $cfg = $self->file_to_hash( $self->{xdg_conf} . '/password' ); $self->{master_hash} = $cfg->{hash}; $self->{master_salt} = $cfg->{salt}; $self->{master_cost} = $cfg->{cost}; return; } sub create_defaults { my ($self) = @_; my $cost = $self->{default}{cost} // 12; my $pwgen_cmd = $self->{default}{pwgen_cmd} // 'pwgen -s 23 1'; my $xclip_cmd = $self->{default}{xclip_cmd} // 'xclip -l 1'; write_file( $self->{xdg_conf} . '/defaults', "cost = ${cost}\n", "pwgen_cmd = ${pwgen_cmd}\n", "xclip_cmd = ${xclip_cmd}\n", ); return; } sub load_defaults { my ($self) = @_; my $cfg = Config::Tiny->read( $self->{xdg_conf} . '/defaults' ); $self->{default}{cost} //= $cfg->{_}->{cost}; $self->{default}{pwgen_cmd} //= $cfg->{_}->{pwgen_cmd}; $self->{default}{xclip_cmd} //= $cfg->{_}->{xclip_cmd}; return; } sub conf { my ( $self, $key ) = @_; return $self->{default}{$key}; } sub pw { my ($self) = @_; if ( defined $self->{pass} ) { return $self->{pass}; } else { confess( 'No App::Raps2::Password object, did you call get_master_password?' ); } return; } sub ui { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{ui}; } sub generate_password { my ($self) = @_; open( my $pwgen, q{-|}, $self->conf('pwgen_cmd') ) or return; my $password = ( split( / /, <$pwgen> ) )[0]; close($pwgen) or cluck("Cannot close pwgen pipe: $!"); chomp $password; return $password; } sub pw_save { my ( $self, %data ) = @_; $data{file} //= $self->{xdg_data} . "/$data{name}"; $data{login} //= q{}; $data{salt} //= $self->pw->create_salt(); $data{url} //= q{}; $data{cost} //= $self->{default}{cost}; my $pass_hash = $self->pw->encrypt( data => $data{password}, salt => $data{salt}, cost => $data{cost}, ); my $extra_hash = ( $data{extra} ? $self->pw->encrypt( data => $data{extra}, salt => $data{salt}, cost => $data{cost}, ) : q{} ); write_file( $data{file}, "url $data{url}\n", "login $data{login}\n", "cost $data{cost}\n", "salt $data{salt}\n", "hash ${pass_hash}\n", "extra ${extra_hash}\n", ); return; } sub pw_load { my ( $self, %data ) = @_; $data{file} //= $self->{xdg_data} . "/$data{name}"; my $key = $self->file_to_hash( $data{file} ); # $self->{default}{cost} is the normal way, but older password files # (created before the custom cost support) do not have a cost field and # use the one of the master password return { url => $key->{url}, login => $key->{login}, cost => $key->{cost} // $self->{master_cost}, password => $self->pw->decrypt( data => $key->{hash}, salt => $key->{salt}, cost => $key->{cost} // $self->{master_cost}, ), salt => $key->{salt}, extra => ( $key->{extra} ? $self->pw->decrypt( data => $key->{extra}, salt => $key->{salt}, cost => $key->{cost} // $self->{master_cost}, ) : undef ), }; } sub pw_load_info { my ( $self, %data ) = @_; $data{file} //= $self->{xdg_data} . "/$data{name}"; my $key = $self->file_to_hash( $data{file} ); return { url => $key->{url}, login => $key->{login}, salt => $key->{salt}, cost => $key->{cost}, }; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME App::Raps2 - A Password safe =head1 SYNOPSIS use App::Raps2; my $raps2 = App::Raps2->new(); =head1 DESCRIPTION B is the backend for B, a simple commandline password safe. =head1 VERSION This manual documents App::Raps2 version 0.54 =head1 METHODS =over =item $raps2 = App::Raps2->new( I<%conf> ) Returns a new B object. Accepted configuration parameters are: =over =item B => I B of key setup, passed on to App::Raps2::Password(3pm). Default: 12 =item B => I If set to true, App::Raps2 assumes it will not be used as a CLI. It won't initialize its Term::ReadLine object and won't try to read anything from the terminal. =item B => I Command to use in B. Default: pwgen -s 23 1 =back Note that the B and B options specified here take precedence over those loaded from the config file. =item $raps2->get_master_password( [I<$password>] ) Sets the master password used to encrypt all accounts. Uses I if specified, otherwise it asks the user via App::Raps2::UI(3pm). =item $raps2->pw_load( B => I | B => I ) Load a password from I (or account I), requires B to have been called before. Returns a hashref containing its url, login, salt, cost and decrypted password and extra. =item $raps2->pw_load_info( B => I | B => I ) Load all unencrypted data from I (or account I). Unlike B, this method does not require a prior call to B. Returns a hashref with url, login, salt and cost. =item $raps2->pw_save( I<%data> ) Write an account as specified by I to the store. Requires B to have been called before. The following I keys are supported: =over =item B => I (mandatory) =item B => I =item B => I (optional, inferred from B / the config otherwise) =item B => I | B => I (one must be set) =item B => I (optional) =item B => I (optional) =item B => I (optiona) =back =item $raps2->ui() Returns the App::Raps2::UI(3pm) object. =item $raps2->conf(I) Returns the current config value of I, either set by B or loaded from the defaults config file. =item $raps2->generate_password() Runs B (as specified in B or the config file) and returns its first word of output, without trailing newlines / whitespaces. =back =head2 INTERNAL You usually don't need to call these methods by yourself. =over =item $raps2->create_config() Creates a password file and asks the user to set a master password. =item $raps2->load_config() Load config. Automatically called by B. =item $raps2->create_defaults() Creates a defaults config file containing the default key setup cost and pwgen command. =item $raps2->load_defaults() Loads the defaults file. Automatically called by B. =item $raps2->pw() Returns the App::Raps2::Password(3pm) object. =item $raps2->file_to_hash( I<$file> ) Reads $file (lines with key/value separated by whitespace) and returns a hashref with its key/value pairs. =item $raps2->sanity_check() Create working directories (~/.config/raps2 and ~/.local/share/raps2, or the respective XDG environment variable contents), if they don't exist yet. Automatically called by B. Calls B and B if no configs were found. =back =head1 DIAGNOSTICS If anything goes wrong, B will die with a backtrace (using B from Carp(3pm)). =head1 DEPENDENCIES App::Raps2::Password(3pm), App::Raps2::UI(3pm), File::BaseDir(3pm), File::Slurp(3pm). =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Be aware that the password handling API is not yet stable. Also, so far the development concentrated on B, so this module / its documentation may not be completely up-to-date. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2011-2015 by Daniel Friesel Ederf@finalrewind.orgE =head1 LICENSE 0. You just DO WHAT THE FUCK YOU WANT TO.