#!perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.020; our $VERSION = '0.03'; use utf8; use DateTime; use Encode qw(decode); use JSON; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case); use List::Util qw(max); use Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS; use Travel::Routing::DE::DBRIS; my ( $date, $time, $from, $to, $language ); my $mots; my ( $first_class, $passengers ); my $developer_mode; my $show_jid; my ( $json_output, $raw_json_output ); my $verbose; my $use_cache = 1; my $show_full_route; my $cache; my %known_mot = map { $_ => 1 } (qw(ICE EC_IC IR REGIONAL SBAHN BUS SCHIFF UBAHN TRAM ANRUFPFLICHTIG)); binmode( STDOUT, ':encoding(utf-8)' ); for my $arg (@ARGV) { $arg = decode( 'UTF-8', $arg ); } my $output_bold = -t STDOUT ? "\033[1m" : q{}; my $output_reset = -t STDOUT ? "\033[0m" : q{}; my $output_fyi = -t STDOUT ? "\033[40;36m" : q{}; my $output_unknown = -t STDOUT ? "\033[40;35m" : q{}; my $output_good = -t STDOUT ? "\033[40;32m" : q{}; my $output_warning = -t STDOUT ? "\033[40;33m" : q{}; my $output_critical = -t STDOUT ? "\033[40;31m" : q{}; my $output_bold_fyi = -t STDOUT ? "\033[1;40;36m" : q{}; my $output_bold_unknown = -t STDOUT ? "\033[1;40;35m" : q{}; my $output_bold_good = -t STDOUT ? "\033[1;40;32m" : q{}; my $output_bold_warning = -t STDOUT ? "\033[1;40;33m" : q{}; my $output_bold_critical = -t STDOUT ? "\033[1;40;31m" : q{}; GetOptions( 'd|date=s' => \$date, 'h|help' => sub { show_help(0) }, 'f|full-route' => \$show_full_route, 'first-class!' => \$first_class, 'j|with-jid' => \$show_jid, 'm|modes-of-transit=s' => \$mots, 'l|language=s' => \$language, 'p|passengers=s' => \$passengers, 't|time=s' => \$time, 'v|verbose' => \$verbose, 'V|version' => \&show_version, 'cache!' => \$use_cache, 'devmode' => \$developer_mode, 'json' => \$json_output, 'raw-json' => \$raw_json_output, ) or show_help(1); if ($use_cache) { my $cache_path = ( $ENV{XDG_CACHE_HOME} // "$ENV{HOME}/.cache" ) . '/Travel-Routing-DE-DBRIS'; eval { require Cache::File; $cache = Cache::File->new( cache_root => $cache_path, default_expires => '90 seconds', lock_level => Cache::File::LOCK_LOCAL(), ); }; if ($@) { $cache = undef; } } my ( $from_raw, @via_raw, $to_raw ); if ( @ARGV < 2 ) { show_help(1); } elsif ( @ARGV == 2 ) { ( $from_raw, $to_raw ) = @ARGV; } elsif ( @ARGV <= 4 ) { ( $from_raw, @via_raw ) = @ARGV; $to_raw = pop(@via_raw); } sub get_stop { my ( $stop, $is_via ) = @_; my $stopover_duration; if ( $is_via and $stop =~ s{ : (? \d+ ) $ }{}x ) { $stopover_duration = $+{duration}; } my $ris = Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS->new( cache => $cache, locationSearch => $stop, developer_mode => $developer_mode, ); if ( my $err = $ris->errstr ) { say STDERR "Request error while looking up '${stop}': ${err}"; exit 2; } my $found; for my $result ( $ris->results ) { if ( defined $result->eva ) { if ($is_via) { return { stop => $result, duration => $stopover_duration, }; } return $result; } } say "Could not find stop '${stop}'"; exit 1; } my %opt = ( from => get_stop( $from_raw, 0 ), to => get_stop( $to_raw, 0 ), via => [ map { get_stop( $_, 1 ) } @via_raw ], language => $language, first_class => $first_class, cache => $cache, developer_mode => $developer_mode, ); if ( $date or $time ) { my $dt = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); if ($date) { if ( $date =~ m{ ^ (? \d{1,2} ) [.] (? \d{1,2} ) [.] (? \d{4})? $ }x ) { $dt->set( day => $+{day}, month => $+{month} ); if ( $+{year} ) { $dt->set( year => $+{year} ); } } else { say '--date must be specified as DD.MM.[YYYY]'; exit 1; } } if ($time) { if ( $time =~ m{ ^ (? \d{1,2} ) : (? \d{1,2} ) $ }x ) { $dt->set( hour => $+{hour}, minute => $+{minute}, second => 0, ); } else { say '--time must be specified as HH:MM'; exit 1; } } $opt{datetime} = $dt; } if ( $mots and $mots eq 'help' ) { say "Supported modes of transmit (-m / --modes-of-transit):"; for my $mot ( sort keys %known_mot ) { say $mot; } exit 0; } if ($mots) { # Passing unknown MOTs to the backend results in HTTP 422 Unprocessable Entity my @mots = split( qr{, *}, $mots ); my $found_unknown; for my $mot (@mots) { if ( not $known_mot{$mot} ) { $found_unknown = 1; say STDERR "-m / --modes-of-transit: skipping unknown mode of transit '$mot'"; } } if ($found_unknown) { say STDERR 'supported modes of transit are: ' . join( q{, }, sort keys %known_mot ); } $opt{modes_of_transit} = [ grep { $known_mot{$_} } @mots ]; } if ($passengers) { for my $passenger ( split( qr{; *}, $passengers ) ) { my ( $type, $discounts ) = split( qr{ *: *}, $passenger ); $discounts = $discounts ? [ split( qr{, *}, $discounts ) ] : []; push( @{ $opt{passengers} }, { type => $type, discounts => $discounts, } ); } } sub show_help { my ($code) = @_; print "Usage: dbris [-d dd.mm.yyyy] [-t hh:mm] \n" . "See also: man dbris-m\n"; exit $code; } sub show_version { say "dbris version ${VERSION}"; exit 0; } sub display_occupancy { my ($occupancy) = @_; if ( not $occupancy ) { return q{ }; } if ( $occupancy == 1 ) { return q{.}; } if ( $occupancy == 2 ) { return q{o}; } if ( $occupancy == 3 ) { return q{*}; } if ( $occupancy == 4 or $occupancy == 99 ) { return q{!}; } return q{?}; } sub format_occupancy { my ($stop) = @_; return display_occupancy( $stop->occupancy_first ) . display_occupancy( $stop->occupancy_second ); } sub format_delay { my ( $delay, $len ) = @_; $len += 1; if ( $delay and $len ) { return sprintf( "(%+${len}d)", $delay ); } elsif ($len) { return q{ } x ( $len + 2 ); } return q{}; } my $ris = Travel::Routing::DE::DBRIS->new(%opt); if ( my $err = $ris->errstr ) { say STDERR "Request error: ${err}"; exit 2; } if ($raw_json_output) { say JSON->new->convert_blessed->encode( $ris->{raw_json} ); exit 0; } if ($json_output) { say JSON->new->convert_blessed->encode( [ $ris->connections ] ); exit 0; } for my $connection ( $ris->connections ) { my $header = q{}; my $format = $output_bold; if ( $connection->is_unlikely ) { if ( $connection->feasibility >= 4 ) { $header .= " ${output_critical}XX${output_reset}"; $format = $output_bold_critical; } else { $header .= " ${output_warning}X?${output_reset}"; $format = $output_bold_warning; } } if ( $connection->is_cancelled ) { $format = $output_bold_critical; } if ( defined $passengers and defined $connection->price ) { $header .= sprintf( ' %.2f %s', $connection->price, $connection->price_unit ); } for my $segment ( $connection->segments ) { if ( defined $segment->transfer_duration ) { if ( $segment->transfer_duration->in_units('minutes') >= 0 ) { $header .= sprintf( ' (%01d:%02d)', $segment->transfer_duration->in_units( 'hours', 'minutes' ) ); } else { $header .= sprintf( " ${output_critical}(%02d)${output_reset}", $segment->transfer_duration->in_units('minutes') ); } } if ( $segment->train_short ) { $header .= sprintf( ' %s', $segment->train_short ); } elsif ( $segment->is_transfer ) { $header .= sprintf( ' %.1fkm', $segment->distance_m / 1e3 ); } elsif ( $segment->is_walk ) { # not shown in header } else { $header .= q{ ??}; } } my $max_delay_digits = max map { length( $_->dep_delay || q{} ), length( $_->arr_delay || q{} ) } $connection->segments; if ($show_full_route) { my $max_route_delay_digits = max map { map { length( $_->arr_delay || q{} ) } $_->route } $connection->segments; if ( $max_route_delay_digits > $max_delay_digits ) { $max_delay_digits = $max_route_delay_digits; } } say q{}; printf( "%s %s%s%s (%02d:%02d) %s%s%s %s%s\n", $connection->dep ? $connection->dep->strftime('%d.%m.') : q{??.??.}, $format, $connection->dep ? $connection->dep->strftime('%H:%M') : q{??:??}, $output_reset, $connection->duration->in_units( 'hours', 'minutes' ), $format, $connection->arr ? $connection->arr->strftime('%H:%M') : q{??:??}, $output_reset, $connection->is_cancelled ? "${output_critical}XX${output_reset}" : format_occupancy($connection), $header, ); if ($verbose) { for my $note ( $connection->notes ) { printf( "| %s (%s)\n", $note->{value}, $note->{key} ); } for my $msg ( $connection->messages ) { printf( "| %s\n", $msg->{text} ); } } say q{}; for my $segment ( $connection->segments ) { if ( $segment->is_transfer ) { for my $note ( $segment->transfer_notes ) { say $note; } } elsif ( $segment->is_walk ) { if ( $segment->distance_m ) { printf( "${output_bold}%s${output_reset} %dm (≈ %d min.)\n", $segment->walk_name, $segment->distance_m, $segment->duration->in_units('minutes') ); } elsif ( $segment->duration->in_units('minutes') ) { printf( "${output_bold}%s${output_reset} ≈ %d min.\n", $segment->walk_name, $segment->duration->in_units('minutes') ); } else { printf( "${output_bold}%s${output_reset}\n", $segment->walk_name ); } next; } elsif ( $segment->direction ) { printf( "${output_bold}%s${output_reset} → %s %s\n", $segment->train_mid, $segment->direction, format_occupancy($segment) ); } else { printf( "${output_bold}%s${output_reset}\n", $segment->train_long ); } printf( "%s%s ab %s%s\n", $segment->dep->strftime('%H:%M'), $max_delay_digits ? q{ } . format_delay( $segment->dep_delay, $max_delay_digits ) : q{}, $segment->dep_name, $segment->dep_platform ? q{ } . $segment->dep_platform : q{}, ); if ($show_full_route) { for my $stop ( $segment->route ) { printf( "%s%s %s %s%s\n", $stop->arr ? $stop->arr->strftime('%H:%M') : q{ }, $max_delay_digits ? q{ } . format_delay( $stop->arr_delay, $max_delay_digits ) : q{}, format_occupancy($stop), $stop->name, $stop->platform ? q{ } . $stop->platform : q{}, ); } } printf( "%s%s%s%s an %s%s\n", $segment->is_unlikely ? $output_critical : q{}, $segment->arr->strftime('%H:%M'), $segment->is_unlikely ? $output_reset : q{}, $max_delay_digits ? q{ } . format_delay( $segment->arr_delay, $max_delay_digits ) : q{}, $segment->arr_name, $segment->arr_platform ? q{ } . $segment->arr_platform : q{}, ); if ($show_jid) { say $segment->journey_id =~ s{ }{}gr; } if ($verbose) { for my $msg ( $segment->messages_ris ) { printf( "| %s (%s)\n", $msg->{value}, $msg->{key} ); } for my $msg ( $segment->messages_him ) { printf( "| %s\n", $msg->{text} ); } for my $msg ( $segment->messages_prio ) { printf( "| %s\n", $msg->{text} ); } } say q{}; } say q{---------------------------------------}; } __END__ =head1 NAME dbris - Interface to bahn.de public transit routing service =head1 SYNOPSIS B [B<-d> I] [B<-t> I] [...] I [I[:I] [I[:I]]] I =head1 VERSION version 0.03 =head1 DESCRIPTION B is an interface to the public transport routing service available on bahn.de. It requests connections between I and I and prints the result. If one or two Is are specified, it only returns matching connections, with an optional minimum stopover I given in minutes. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<-d>, B<--date> I[I] Request connections for a specific day. Default: today. =item B<-f>, B<--full-route> Show intermediate stops rather than just start/end of connection legs. =item B<--first-class> Request first class offers. Only useful when combined with B<--passengers>. =item B<-j>, B<--with-jid> Show JourneyID for each connection segment. The JourneyID can be passed to dbris-m(1) to obtain details about the segment. =item B<--json> Print result(s) as JSON and exit. This is a dump of internal data structures and not guaranteed to remain stable between minor versions. Please use the Travel::Routing::DE::DBRIS(3pm) module if you need a proper API. =item B<-l>, B<--language> I Tell bahn.de to provide messages in I (ISO 639-1 language code). Known supported languages are: cs da de en es fr it nl pl. Default: de. =item B<-m>, B<--modes-of-transit> I[,I,...] Only show connections with the specified modes of transit. Supported modes of transit are: ICE, EC_IC, IR, REGIONAL, SBAHN, BUS, SCHIFF, UBAHN, TRAM, ANRUFPFLICHTIG. Default: all modes. =item B<--no-cache> By default, if the Cache::File module is available, server replies are cached for 90 seconds in F<~/.cache/Travel-Routing-DE-DBRIS> (or a path relative to C<$XDG_CACHE_HOME>, if set). Use this option to disable caching. You can use B<--cache> to re-enable it. =item B<-p>, B<--passengers> I[:I,...][B<;>I[:I,...]B<;>...] Use the specified passenger information to request ticket offers and show the corresponding price for each connection. I must be adult, junior, or senior. I can be one or more of bc25, bc50, bc100, bc25-first, bc50-first, bc100-first. See also B<--first-class>. Note that B only has access to a single offer per connection. It is typically the cheapest, but there is no information about what kind of ticket it is. Lack of a listed price either means that ticket offers are not available or (for bc100) that the connection does not require a ticket. There is no way to distinguish between these two cases. B does not guarantee accuracy of the provided information and must not be relied upon to determine whether a given connection is free or not. =item B<--raw-json> Print unprocessed API response as JSON and exit. Useful for debugging and development purposes. =item B<-t>, B<--time> I Request connections on or after I. Default: now. =item B<-v>, B<--verbose> Include free-text messages related to delays, platform changes, and other quality of service issues or announcements. =item B<-V>, B<--version> Show version information and exit. =back =head1 EXIT STATUS 0 upon success, 1 upon internal error, 2 upon backend error. =head1 CONFIGURATION None. =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item * Class::Accessor(3pm) =item * DateTime(3pm) =item * LWP::UserAgent(3pm) =item * Travel::Routing::DE::DBRIS(3pm) =item * Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS(3pm) =back =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS =over =item * This module is very much work-in-progress =back =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2025 Birte Kristina Friesel Ederf@finalrewind.orgE =head1 LICENSE This program is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.