efa 1.0.2 - Sat Sep 12 2009 * Code cleanup * --restrict is now --include efa 1.0.1 - Wed Jul 1 2009 * Fixed unicode handling (apparently efa.vrr.de got changed) * Added support for some rare connections without timestamps * --date: The year is now optional efa 1.0 - Sat May 23 2009 * Various parser improvements, especially for footways. * Added --walk-speed option * Added --bike option (take a bike with you) * Except for "Mobilitätseinstellungen", the efa.vrr.de interface is now completely supported efa 0.9.1 - Wed May 20 2009 * Added options: + --exclude - exclude certain train/transport types + --max-change - limit maximum number of interchanges + --prefer - prefer connections based on speed/interchanges/walking + --proximity - take near stops into account for start/stop efa 0.9 - Sat May 16 2009 * Accept from, to and via city and stops * Custom arrival/departure date/time * Print extra infos (late trains etc.) * Regex to ignore certain infos * Restrict trains to anything/anything without ICE/local