git HEAD

    * Remove --foo-type options, use --to city type:stop etc. instead
    * Introducing Net::Travel::DE::VRR
    * New dependency: Class::Accessor

efa 1.3 - Sun Jun 6 2010

    * Rewrite efa parser using XML::LibXML (major performance improvement)
    * Detect more errors (no routes found, invalid input data, etc.)

efa 1.2 - Sat Jun 5 2010

    * Rewrite efa parser using HTML::TreeBuilder::XPath
    * Fixes information about late trains (was broken by changes)

efa 1.1.2 - Wed May 12 2010

    * Fix -v
    * Fix --date DD.MM. (was incorrectly rejected)
    * Fix support for empty --ignore-info
    * Add some more argument verification

efa 1.1.1 - Mon Apr 26 2010

    * Add short options

efa 1.1 - Sun Jan 17 2010

    * Code cleanup and DRY-ing
    * Add 'addr:foo' and 'poi:foo' as alternative to '--to-type poi' etc.

efa 1.0.3 - Wed Dec 9 2009

    * Further code cleanup
    * Fixes a minor unicode-related glitch in the output formatting

efa 1.0.2 - Sat Sep 12 2009

    * Code cleanup
    * --restrict is now --include

efa 1.0.1 - Wed Jul 1 2009

    * Fixed unicode handling (apparently got changed)
    * Added support for some rare connections without timestamps
    * --date: The year is now optional

efa 1.0 - Sat May 23 2009

    * Various parser improvements, especially for footways.
    * Added --walk-speed option
    * Added --bike option (take a bike with you)
    * Except for "Mobilitätseinstellungen", the interface is now
      completely supported

efa 0.9.1 - Wed May 20 2009

    * Added options:
    + --exclude    - exclude certain train/transport types
    + --max-change - limit maximum number of interchanges
    + --prefer     - prefer connections based on speed/interchanges/walking
    + --proximity  - take near stops into account for start/stop

efa 0.9 - Sat May 16 2009

    * Accept from, to and via city and stops
    * Custom arrival/departure date/time
    * Print extra infos (late trains etc.)
    * Regex to ignore certain infos
    * Restrict trains to anything/anything without ICE/local