#!/usr/bin/env perl ## Copyright © 2009 by Daniel Friesel ## License: WTFPL use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use encoding 'utf8'; use Getopt::Long; use WWW::Mechanize; my $firsturl = 'http://efa.vrr.de/vrr/XSLT_TRIP_REQUEST2?language=de&itdLPxx_transpCompany=vrr'; my $posturl = 'http://efa.vrr.de/vrr/XSLT_TRIP_REQUEST2'; my $content; my %post; my $www = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1, ); my $offer = 0; my $i = 0; my $raw; my $cons; my $groupsize = 8; my $offset; my (@from, @to, @via); my ($time, $time_depart, $time_arrive); my $date; my $restrict; my $debug = 0; $post{type_origin} = 'stop'; $post{type_destination} = 'stop'; GetOptions( 'arrive=s' => \$time_arrive, 'date=s' => \$date, 'debug' => \$debug, 'depart=s' => \$time_depart, 'from=s{2}' => \@from, 'post=s' => \%post, 'restrict=s' => \$restrict, 'time=s' => \$time, 'to=s{2}' => \@to, 'via=s{2}' => \@via, ); unless (@to == 2 and @from == 2) { print STDERR "Usage: efa --from --to [other options]\n"; exit(1); } @post{'place_origin','name_origin'} = @from; @post{'place_destination','name_destination'} = @to; if (@via == 2) { @post{'place_via','name_via'} = @via; } if ($time_arrive) { $time = $time_arrive; $post{itdTripDateTimeDepArr} = 'arr'; } elsif ($time_depart) { $time = $time_depart; $post{itdTripDateTimeDepArr} = 'dep'; } if ($time) { @post{'itdTimeHour','itdTimeMinute'} = split(/:/, $time); } if ($date) { @post{'itdDateDay','itdDateMonth','itdDateYear'} = split(/\./, $date); } if ($restrict) { given ($restrict) { when('local') { $post{lineRestriction} = 403 } when('ic') { $post{lineRestriction} = 401 } when('ice') { $post{lineRestriction} = 400 } when(/\d+/) { $post{lineRestriction} = $restrict } default { print STDERR "--restrict usage: local / ic / ice\n"; } } } $www->get($firsturl); $www->submit_form( form_name => 'jp', fields => \%post, ); $content = $www->content; foreach(split(/ \d+\. Fahrt<\/span>/, $content)) { unless ($offer) { $offer++; next; } foreach(split(/\n/)) { if (/(?[^<]+)<\/span>/) { push(@{$raw->[$offer-1]}, $+{content}); } } $offer++; } if ($debug) { print STDERR "custom post values used in query:\n"; foreach(keys(%post)) { print STDERR " $_ => $post{$_}\n"; } print STDERR "\nraw response:\n"; foreach(@$raw) { print STDERR "---\n"; foreach(@$_) { print STDERR "$_\n"; } } } for ($offer = 0; exists($raw->[$offer]); $offer++) { for ($i = 0; @{$raw->[$offer]} >= (($i+1) * $groupsize); $i++) { $offset = $i * $groupsize; # If the first field is not a time we've got some additional information. # Sadly, this script does not parse it yet, so it's ignored until ($raw->[$offer]->[$offset] =~ /^\d+:\d+$/) { last unless exists($raw->[$offer]->[++$offset]); } $cons->[$offer]->[$i] = { deptime => $raw->[$offer]->[$offset], dep => $raw->[$offer]->[$offset+1], depstop => $raw->[$offer]->[$offset+2], deptrain => $raw->[$offer]->[$offset+3], depdest => $raw->[$offer]->[$offset+7], arrtime => $raw->[$offer]->[$offset+4], arr => $raw->[$offer]->[$offset+5], arrstop => $raw->[$offer]->[$offset+6], }; } } foreach (@$cons) { foreach (@$_) { printf( "%-5s %-2s %-30s %-20s %s\n%-5s %-2s %-30s\n\n", $_->{deptime}, $_->{dep}, $_->{depstop}, $_->{deptrain}, $_->{depdest}, $_->{arrtime}, $_->{arr}, $_->{arrstop} ); } print "------\n\n"; } __END__ =head1 NAME efa - unofficial efa.vrr.de command line client =head1 SYNOPSIS B B<--from> I I B<--to> I I [ I ] =head1 DESCRIPTION B is a command line client for the L web interface. It sends the specified information to the online form and displays the results =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<--from> I I (mandatory) Departure place =item B<--to> I I (mandatory) Arrival place =item B<--via> I I Travel via this place =item B<--time>|B<--depart> I:I Journey start time =item B<--arrive> I:I Journey end time (overrides --time/--depart) =item B<--date> I
.I.I Journey date =item B<--restrict> I Only accept connections using trains of type I, where I may be: =over =item * local only take local trains ("Verbund-/Nahverkehrslinien"). Slow, but the cheapest method if you're not travelling long distance =item * ic All trains exctep ICE =item * ice All trains =back =item B<--debug> Display debug information (additional post requests sent to the site, raw items received from the site) =item B<--post> I=I Add I with I to the HTTP POST request sent to the EFA server. This can be used to use setting B does not yet cover, like C<--post lineRestriction=400> to also show IC and ICE trains. Note that B<--post> will be overridden by the standard efa options, such as B<--time>. =back