#!perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use utf8; use utf8; use Encode qw(decode); use Travel::Routing::DE::EFA; use Exception::Class; use Getopt::Long qw/:config no_ignore_case/; use List::Util qw(first); our $VERSION = '2.22'; my $ignore_info; my $efa; my $efa_url = 'https://app.vrr.de/vrrstd/XML_TRIP_REQUEST2'; my ( @from, @to, @via, $from_type, $to_type, $via_type ); my $opt = { 'efa-url' => \$efa_url, 'help' => sub { show_help(0) }, 'ignore-info' => \$ignore_info, 'from' => \@from, 'to' => \@to, 'version' => sub { say "efa version $VERSION"; exit 0 }, 'via' => \@via, }; binmode( STDOUT, ':encoding(utf-8)' ); binmode( STDERR, ':encoding(utf-8)' ); sub show_help { my ($exit_status) = @_; say 'Usage: efa [options] '; say 'See also: man efa'; exit $exit_status; } sub new_efa_by_url { my ($url) = @_; my $res = eval { Travel::Routing::DE::EFA->new( efa_url => $url, origin => [ @from, $from_type ], destination => [ @to, $to_type ], via => ( @via ? [ @via, $via_type ] : undef ), arrival_time => $opt->{arrive}, departure_time => $opt->{depart}, date => $opt->{date}, exclude => $opt->{exclude}, train_type => $opt->{include}, with_bike => $opt->{bike}, select_interchange_by => $opt->{prefer}, use_near_stops => $opt->{proximity}, walk_speed => $opt->{'walk-speed'}, max_interchanges => $opt->{'max-change'}, num_results => $opt->{'num-connections'}, without_solid_stairs => $opt->{without_solid_stairs}, without_escalators => $opt->{without_escalators}, without_elevators => $opt->{without_elevators}, with_low_platform => $opt->{with_low_platform}, with_wheelchair => $opt->{with_wheelchair}, developer_mode => $opt->{devmode}, lwp_options => { timeout => $opt->{timeout} }, ); }; return $res; } sub handle_efa_exception { my ($e) = @_; if ( $e->isa('Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Setup') ) { if ( $e->message ) { printf STDERR ( "User error: %s (option '%s'): %s%s\n", $e->description, $e->option, $e->message, $e->have ? q{ "} . $e->have . q{"} : q{}, ); } else { printf STDERR ( "User error: %s (option '%s', got '%s', want '%s')\n", $e->description, $e->option, $e->have, $e->want ); } exit 1; } if ( $e->isa('Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Net') ) { printf STDERR ( "Network error: %s: %s\n", $e->description, $e->http_response->as_string ); exit 2; } if ( $e->isa('Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::NoData') ) { printf STDERR ( "Backend error: %s\n", $e->description ); exit 3; } if ( $e->isa('Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Ambiguous') ) { printf STDERR ( "Backend error: The %s '%s' is ambiguous. Try one of %s\n", $e->post_key, $e->post_value,, $e->possibilities ); exit 4; } if ( $e->isa('Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception::Other') ) { printf STDERR ( "Backend error: %s: %s\n", $e->description, $e->message ); exit 5; } printf STDERR ( "Unknown error: %s\n%s", ref($e), $e->trace ); exit 10; } sub check_for_error { my ($eval_error) = @_; if ( not defined $efa ) { if ( $eval_error and ref($eval_error) and $eval_error->isa('Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::Exception') ) { handle_efa_exception($eval_error); } elsif ($eval_error) { printf STDERR "Unknown Travel::Routing::DE::EFA error:\n${eval_error}"; exit 10; } else { say STDERR 'Travel::Routing::DE::EFA failed to return an object'; exit 10; } } return; } sub format_footpath { my @parts = @_; my $str = q{}; for my $path_elem (@parts) { my ( $type, $level ) = @{$path_elem}; if ( $level eq 'UP' ) { $str .= ' ↗'; } elsif ( $level eq 'DOWN' ) { $str .= ' ↘'; } elsif ( $level eq 'LEVEL' ) { $str .= ' →'; } else { $str .= " [unhandled level, please report a bug : $level]"; } } return $str; } sub display_routes { my (@routes) = @_; for my $i ( 0 .. $#routes ) { my $route = $routes[$i]; if ( $opt->{'extended-info'} ) { print '# ' . $route->duration; if ( $route->ticket_type ) { printf( ", Preisstufe %s (%s€ / %s€)\n\n", $route->ticket_type, $route->fare_adult, $route->fare_child, ); } else { print "\n\n"; } } for my $c ( $route->parts ) { display_connection($c); } # last one needs to be shown separately if ( $opt->{maps} ) { my $c = ( $route->parts )[-1]; for my $m ( $c->arrival_routemaps, $c->arrival_stationmaps ) { say "# $m"; } } if ( $i != $#routes ) { print "---------\n\n"; } } return; } sub display_connection { my ($c) = @_; if ( $c->is_cancelled ) { say '# FAHRT FÄLLT AUS'; } elsif ( $c->delay ) { printf( "# +%d, Plan: %s -> %s\n", $c->delay, $c->departure_stime, $c->arrival_stime ); } for my $note ( $c->regular_notes ) { my $text = $note->summary; if ( not( length $ignore_info and $text =~ /$ignore_info/i ) ) { say "# $text"; } } my $occupancy = q{}; if ( $c->occupancy ) { if ( $c->occupancy == 1 ) { $occupancy = '[ ]'; } elsif ( $c->occupancy == 2 ) { $occupancy = '[* ]'; } elsif ( $c->occupancy == 3 ) { $occupancy = '[!!]'; } } for my $notice ( $c->current_notes ) { if ( $notice->subtitle ne $notice->subject ) { printf( "# %s - %s\n", $notice->subtitle, $notice->subject ); } else { printf( "# %s\n", $notice->subtitle ); } } if ( $opt->{maps} ) { for my $m ( $c->departure_routemaps, $c->departure_stationmaps ) { say "# $m"; } } printf( "%-5s ab %-30s %-20s %s\n", $c->departure_time, $c->departure_stop_and_platform, $c->train_line || $c->train_product, $c->train_destination, ); if ( $opt->{'full-route'} ) { for my $via_stop ( $c->via ) { printf( "%-5s %-30s %s\n", $via_stop->[1], $via_stop->[2], $via_stop->[3] ); } } printf( "%-5s an %-30s %s\n", $c->arrival_time, $c->arrival_stop_and_platform, $occupancy ); print "\n"; if ( $opt->{'extended-info'} and $c->footpath_duration and $c->footpath_type ne 'IDEST' ) { printf( "%5d min umsteigen: %s\n\n", $c->footpath_duration, format_footpath( $c->footpath_parts ) ); } return; } @ARGV = map { decode( 'UTF-8', $_ ) } @ARGV; #<<< GetOptions( $opt, qw{ accessibility|x=s@ arrive|a=s auto-url|discover-and-print|A bike|b bike-info|B date|d=s depart|time|t=s devmode discover|D efa-url|u=s exclude|e=s@ extended-info|E from=s@{2} full-route|f help|h ignore-info|I:s include|i=s list|l maps|M max-change|m=i num-connections|n=i prefer|P=s proximity|p:10 service|s=s timeout=i to=s@{2} version|v via=s@{2} walk-speed|w=s }, ) or show_help(1); #>>> if ( $opt->{accessibility} ) { @{ $opt->{accessibility} } = split( qr{,}, join( q{,}, @{ $opt->{accessibility} } ) ); } else { # GetOptions seems to implicitly initialize $opt->{accessibility} to an # empty arrayref, but it's best not to rely on that. $opt->{accessibility} = []; } if ( $opt->{exclude} ) { @{ $opt->{exclude} } = split( qr{,}, join( q{,}, @{ $opt->{exclude} } ) ); } my %accessibility_map = ( s => 'without_solid_stairs', 'no-stairs' => 'without_solid_stairs', e => 'without_escalators', 'no-escalators' => 'without_escalators', E => 'without_elevators', 'no-elevators' => 'without_elevators', l => 'with_low_platform', nf => 'with_low_platform', 'low-platform' => 'with_low_platform', w => 'with_wheelchair', wheelchair => 'with_wheelchair', ); for my $field ( @{ $opt->{accessibility} } ) { if ( $accessibility_map{$field} ) { $opt->{ $accessibility_map{$field} } = 1; } } if ( $opt->{list} ) { printf( "%-40s %-14s %s\n\n", 'service', 'abbr. (-s)', 'url (-u)' ); for my $service ( Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::get_efa_urls() ) { printf( "%-40s %-14s %s\n", @{$service}{qw(name shortname url)} ); } exit 0; } if ( $opt->{arrive} and $opt->{depart} ) { print STDERR 'Note: The options -a/--arrive and -t/--time/--depart are' . " mutually exclusive\n" . " Discarding the --arrive option\n\n"; delete $opt->{arrive}; } if ( not defined $ignore_info ) { $ignore_info = join( q{|}, grep { defined } ( @{ $opt->{accessibility} } ? undef : 'Einstiegshilfe', ( $opt->{bike} or $opt->{'bike-info'} ) ? undef : 'Fahrradmitnahme', ) ); } elsif ( defined $ignore_info and length($ignore_info) == 0 ) { $ignore_info = undef; } if ( not( @from and @to ) ) { if ( @ARGV == 4 ) { ( @from[ 0, 1 ], @to[ 0, 1 ] ) = @ARGV; } elsif ( @ARGV == 6 ) { ( @from[ 0, 1 ], @via[ 0, 1 ], @to[ 0, 1 ] ) = @ARGV; } else { show_help(1); } } for my $pair ( [ \@from, \$from_type ], [ \@via, \$via_type ], [ \@to, \$to_type ], ) { next if ( not defined $pair->[0]->[1] ); if ( $pair->[0]->[1] =~ s{ ^ (? [^:]+ ) : \s* (? .+ ) $ } {$+{target}}x ) { if ( $+{type} eq 'addr' ) { ${ $pair->[1] } = 'address'; } else { ${ $pair->[1] } = $+{type}; } } } if ( $opt->{service} ) { my $service = first { lc( $_->{shortname} ) eq lc( $opt->{service} ) } Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::get_efa_urls(); if ( not $service ) { printf STDERR ( "Error: Unknown service '%s'. See 'efa -l' for a " . "list of supported service names\n", $opt->{service} ); exit 1; } $efa_url = $service->{url}; } if ( $opt->{discover} or $opt->{'auto-url'} ) { for my $service ( Travel::Routing::DE::EFA::get_efa_urls() ) { $efa = new_efa_by_url( $service->{url} ); if ($efa) { if ( $opt->{'auto-url'} ) { last; } printf( "%s / %s (%s)\n -> efa -s %s %s\n\n", @{$service}{qw(name shortname url shortname)}, join( q{ }, map { "'$_'" } @ARGV ), ); } } if ( $opt->{'discover'} ) { exit 0; } } else { $efa = new_efa_by_url($efa_url); } check_for_error($@); my @routes = $efa->routes; display_routes( $efa->routes ); __END__ =head1 NAME efa - Command line client for EFA-based public transit routing services =head1 SYNOPSIS =over =item B B<--from> I I B<--to> I I [ I ] =item B [ I ] I I [ I I ] I I =back =head1 VERSION version 2.22 =head1 DESCRIPTION B is a command line client for EFA-based public transit routing interfaces, e.g. L. B requests connections between two points and displays the results. By default, the EFA service at L (operated by Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr) is used, which supports most places in Germany. A list of all supported EFA instances can be retrieved with B<-l> and a custom instance can be selected using B<-s> I or B<-u> I. It is also possible to probe all known EFA services for a specific connection using the B<-A> and B<-D> options. If available, B shows the expected occupancy of each route part. It ranges from C<< [ ] >> (low occupancy) to C<< [!!] >> (very high occupancy). Occupation data appears to be limited to certain VRR trains at the moment. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<--from> I I Departure place =item B<--to> I I Arrival place =item B<--via> I I Travel via this place In all cases, if you want I to be an address or "point of interest", you can set it to 'addr:something' or 'poi:something'. =item B<-a>|B<--arrive> I:I Journey end time (overrides --time/--depart) =item B<-A>|B<--auto-url>|B<--discover-and-print> Probe all known EFA entry points for the specified connection. Print the first result which was not an error. Note that this may take a while and will not necessarily return the best result. Also, using this option by default is not recommended, as it puts EFA services under considerable additional load. =item B<-b>|B<--bike> Request connections allowing the passenger to take a bike with them. Note that this may cause B to display no routes at all -- In that case, the backend was unable to find such connections or didn't know about their bike-support. =item B<-B>|B<--bike-info> Show information about bike support, but do not select routes based on it. In essence, this option simply changes the B<--ignore-info> default. It is useful when B<--bike> did not return any routes even though most of the route has bike support. =item B<-d>|B<--date> I
.I.[I] Journey date. Also accepts the shortcut B. =item B<-D>|B<--discover> Probe all known EFA entry points for the specified connection. No routes are returned in this case. Instead, B will print the URLs and names of all entry points which did not return an error. =item B<-u>|B<--efa-url> I URL to the EFA entry point, defaults to L. Depending on your location, some Is may contain more specific data than others. See Travel::Routing::DE::EFA(3pm) and the B<-l> option for alternatives. =item B<-e>|B<--exclude> I Exclude I (comma separated list). Possible transports: zug, s-bahn, u-bahn, stadtbahn, tram, stadtbus, regionalbus, schnellbus, seilbahn, schiff, ast, sonstige =item B<-E>|B<--extended-info> Display more than just the basic route information. At the moment, the following is displayed (if available): =over =item * Route duration =item * Ticket fare =item * transfer duration and elevation changes (via stairs / escalators) at each stop =back =item B<-f>|B<--full-route> Display intermediate stops (with time and platform) of each train. Note that these are not always available. =item B<-I>|B<--ignore-info> [ I ] Ignore additional information matching I (default: /Fahrradmitnahme|Einstiegshilfe/) If I is not supplied, removes the default regex (-E nothing will be ignored) =item B<-i>|B<--include> I Include connections using trains of type I, where I may be: =over =item * local (default) only take local trains ("Verbund-/Nahverkehrslinien"). Slow, but the cheapest method if you're not traveling long distance =item * ic Local trains + IC =item * ice All trains (local + IC + ICE) =back =item B<-l>|B<--list> List supported EFA services with their URLs (see B<-u>) and abbreviations (see B<-s>). =item B<-M>|B<--maps> Output links to maps of transfer paths and transfer stations where available. =item B<-m>|B<--max-change> I Print connections with at most I interchanges =item B<-n>|B<--num-connections> I Return up to I connections. If unset, the default of the respective EFA server is used (usually 4 or 5). =item B<-P>|B<--prefer> I Prefer connections of I: =over =item * speed (default) The faster, the better =item * nowait Prefer connections with less interchanges =item * nowalk Prefer connections with less walking (at interchanges) =back =item B<-p>|B<--proximity> [I] Take stops close to the stop/start into account. By default, up to 10 minutes of walking to/from the route's first/last stop is considered acceptable. You can specify I to use a custom value. =item B<-s>|B<--service> I Shortname of the EFA entry point. See Travel::Routing::DE::EFA(3pm) and the B<-l> option for a list of services. =item B<-t>|B<--time>|B<--depart> I:I Journey start time =item B<--timeout> I Set timeout for HTTP requests. Default: 60 seconds. =item B<-v>|B<--version> Print version information =item B<-w>|B<--walk-speed> I Set your walking speed to I. Accepted values: normal (default), fast, slow =item B<-x>|B<--accessibility> I Request connections satisfying all of the specified accessibility I (comma-separated list, option may be repeated). Please note that this may cause the backend to return no results at all, either because no such connection exists or because the required lines do not have the correct accessibility attributes set. The following I are supported: =over =item e / no-escalators Transfers must be possible without taking an escalator. =item E / no-elevators Transfers must be possible without using an elevator. =item i / info Does not restrict the requested connections. However, this option causes B to display additional accessibility information for each route part (where available). When B<-x w> or B<-x l> do not return any connections, using B<-x i> might be more helpful (though it cannot guarantee that any of the results satisfy the respective type). =item l / nf / low-platform All vehicles must be low-platform ("Niederflur"). =item s / no-stairs Transfers must be possible without stairs (e.g. via escalators/elevators or ramps). =item w / wheelchair All vehicles must be wheelchair accessible. =back =back =head1 EXIT STATUS 0 Everything went well 1 Invalid arguments, see error message 2 Network error, unable to send request 3 EFA did not return any parsable data 4 EFA error: ambiguous input 5 EFA error: no connections found 10 Unknown Travel::Routing::DE::EFA error 255 Other internal error =head1 CONFIGURATION None. =head1 EXAMPLES =over =item efa Do Hbf MH Hbf Look up a connection from Dortmund (Do) Hbf to MElheim (MH) Hbf =item efa --include ice Essen Hbf Hamburg Dammtor Look up a connection with long-distance trains =item efa --arrive 18:00 -e zug,s-bahn -M E Wickenburgstr D Oststr Look up a connection from Essen Wickenburgstr to DEsseldorf Oststr. Do not use any trains, make sure to arrive around 18:00 and print links to maps of all interchange stations. =item efa -s vvs Stuttgart Hbf Stuttgart Marienplatz Use the VVS (Verkehrsverbund Stuttgart) EFA service to look up a connection. =back =head1 DEPENDENCIES This script requires perl 5.10 (or higher) with the following modules: =over =item * Class::Accessor =item * Exception::Class =item * LWP::UserAgent =item * XML::LibXML =back =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS The EFA backend is not able to calculate "two-way" routes, i.e. from -> via -> to routes with from == to. If from and to are the same stop, it doesn't even try to calculate a route ("we recommend walking instead"), if they are close to each other it may or may not work. Workaround: Request from -> via using the normal four-argument efa invocation, read the time, use efa -t time via via to to to request via -> to. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2009-2023 by Birte Kristina Friesel Ederf@finalrewind.orgE =head1 LICENSE This program is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.