package WWW::Efa; use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Carp qw/croak confess/; use XML::LibXML; use WWW::Mechanize; my $VERSION = '1.3+git'; sub new { my ($obj, $post) = @_; my $ref = {}; my $firsturl = ''; my $posturl = ''; $ref->{'mech'} = WWW::Mechanize->new( autocheck => 1, ); $ref->{'mech'}->get($firsturl); $ref->{'mech'}->submit_form( form_name => 'jp', fields => $post, ); # XXX (workaround) # The content actually is iso-8859-1. But HTML::Message doesn't actually # decode character strings when they have that encoding. However, it # doesn't check for latin-1, which is an alias for iso-8859-1. $ref->{'html_reply'} = $ref->{'mech'}->response()->decoded_content( charset => 'latin-1' ); return bless($ref, $obj); } sub new_from_html { my ($obj, $html) = @_; my $ref = {}; $ref->{'html_reply'} = $html; return bless($ref, $obj); } sub parse_initial { my ($tree) = @_; my $con_part = 0; my $con_no; my $cons; my $xp_td = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('//table//table/tr/td'); my $xp_img = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./img'); foreach my $td (@{$tree->findnodes($xp_td)}) { my $colspan = $td->getAttribute('colspan') // 0; my $class = $td->getAttribute('class') // q{}; if ( $colspan != 8 and $class !~ /^bgColor2?$/ ) { next; } if ($colspan == 8) { if ($td->textContent() =~ / (? \d+ ) \. .+ Fahrt /x) { $con_no = $+{'no'} - 1; $con_part = 0; next; } } if ($class =~ /^bgColor2?$/) { if ($class eq 'bgColor' and ($con_part % 2) == 1) { $con_part++; } elsif ($class eq 'bgColor2' and ($con_part % 2) == 0) { $con_part++; } } if ( defined $con_no and not $td->exists($xp_img) and $td->textContent() !~ /^\s*$/ ) { push(@{$cons->[$con_no]->[$con_part]}, $td->textContent()); } } if (defined $con_no) { return $cons; } else { confess(' returned no connections, check your input data'); } } sub parse_pretty { my ($con_parts) = @_; my $elements; my @next_extra; for my $con (@{$con_parts}) { my $hash; # Note: Changes @{$con} elements foreach my $str (@{$con}) { $str =~ s/[\s\n\t]+/ /gs; $str =~ s/^ //; $str =~ s/ $//; } if (@{$con} < 5) { @next_extra = @{$con}; next; } # @extra may contain undef values foreach my $extra (@next_extra) { if ($extra) { push(@{$hash->{'extra'}}, $extra); } } @next_extra = undef; if ($con->[0] !~ / \d{2} : \d{2} /ox) { splice(@{$con}, 0, 0, q{}); splice(@{$con}, 4, 0, q{}); $con->[7] = q{}; } elsif ($con->[4] =~ / Plan: \s ab /ox) { push(@{$hash->{'extra'}}, splice(@{$con}, 4, 1)); } foreach my $extra (splice(@{$con}, 8, -1)) { push (@{$hash->{'extra'}}, $extra); } $hash->{'dep_time'} = $con->[0]; # always "ab" $con->[1]; $hash->{'dep_stop'} = $con->[2]; $hash->{'train_line'} = $con->[3]; $hash->{'arr_time'} = $con->[4]; # always "an" $con->[5]; $hash->{'arr_stop'} = $con->[6]; $hash->{'train_dest'} = $con->[7]; push(@{$elements}, $hash); } return($elements); } sub parse { my ($self) = @_; my $tree = XML::LibXML->load_html( string => $self->{'html_reply'}, ); my $raw_cons = parse_initial($tree); for my $raw_con (@{$raw_cons}) { push(@{$self->{'connections'}}, parse_pretty($raw_con)); } $self->{'tree'} = $tree; } sub check_ambiguous { my ($self) = @_; my $ambiguous = 0; my $tree = $self->{'tree'}; my $xp_select = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('//select'); my $xp_option = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./option'); foreach my $select (@{$tree->findnodes($xp_select)}) { $ambiguous = 1; printf {*STDERR} ( "Ambiguous input for %s\n", $select->getAttribute('name'), ); foreach my $val ($select->findnodes($xp_option)) { print {*STDERR} "\t"; say {*STDERR} $val->textContent(); } } if ($ambiguous) { exit 1; } } sub check_no_connections { my ($self) = @_; my $tree = $self->{'tree'}; my $xp_err_img = XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new( '//td/img[@src="images/ausrufezeichen.jpg"]'); my $err_node = $tree->findnodes($xp_err_img)->[0]; if ($err_node) { say {*STDERR} 'Looks like showed an error.'; say {*STDERR} 'I will now try to dump the error message:'; say {*STDERR} $err_node->parentNode()->parentNode()->textContent(); exit 2; } } sub connections { my ($self) = @_; return(@{$self->{'connections'}}); } 1;