package WWW::Efa::Error::Ambiguous; =head1 NAME WWW::Efa::Error::Ambiguous - WWW::Efa error, ambiguous to/from/via input =head1 SYNOPSIS use WWW::Efa::Error::Ambiguous; my $error = WWW::Efa::Error::Ambiguous->new( 'name_origin', 'Bredeney', 'Bredeney Friedhof' ); die $error->as_string(); # WWW::Efa error: ambiguous input for name_origin: # Bredeney # Bredeney Friedhof =head1 DESCRIPTION Class for all WWW::Efa-internal errors occuring during initialization. Usually caused by missing or invalid setup arguments. =cut use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use base 'Exporter'; our @EXPORT_OK = qw{}; our @ISA = ('WWW::Efa::Error'); sub new { my ($obj, $key, @possible) = @_; my $ref = {}; $ref->{'key'} = $key; $ref->{'possible'} = \@possible; return bless($ref, $obj); } =head1 METHODS =head2 $error->as_string() Return the error as string, can directly be displayed to the user =cut sub as_string { my ($self) = @_; my $ret = sprintf( "WWW::Efa error: ambiguous input for %s:\n", $self->{'key'}, ); foreach my $value (@{$self->{'possible'}}) { $ret .= "\t$value\n"; } return $ret; } 1;