#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;

use Test::Command tests => 85;

my $efa     = 'bin/efa';
my $testarg = "E HBf MH HBf";
my $test_parse = "--test-parse $testarg";

my $EMPTY = '';

my $re_version = qr{\S*efa version \S+};

sub mk_err {
	my ($arg, $value, $message) = @_;
	return sprintf(
		"WWW::Efa setup error: Wrong arg for option %s: %s\n%s\n",
		$arg, $value, $message

# Usage on invalid invocation
my $cmd = Test::Command->new(cmd => "$efa");

	mk_err('place', 'origin', 'Need at least two elements')

$cmd = Test::Command->new(cmd => "$efa E HBf MH");

	mk_err('place', 'origin', 'Need at least two elements')

$cmd = Test::Command->new(cmd => "$efa E HBf Du HBf MH");

	mk_err('place', 'origin', 'Need at least two elements')

for my $opt (qw/-e --exclude/) {
	$cmd = Test::Command->new(cmd => "$efa $opt invalid $testarg");

		mk_err('exclude', 'invalid', 'Must consist of zug s-bahn u-bahn stadtbahn tram stadtbus regionalbus schnellbus seilbahn schiff ast sonstige')

for my $opt (qw/-m --max-change/) {
	$cmd = Test::Command->new(cmd => "$efa $opt nan $testarg");

	# no stderr test - depends on Getopt::Long

for my $opt (qw/-P --prefer/) {
	$cmd = Test::Command->new(cmd => "$efa $opt invalid $testarg");

		mk_err('prefer', 'invalid', 'Must be either speed, nowait or nowalk')

for my $opt (qw/-i --include/) {
	$cmd = Test::Command->new(cmd => "$efa $opt invalid $testarg");

		mk_err('include', 'invalid', 'Must be one of local/ic/ice')

for my $opt (qw/-w --walk-speed/) {
	$cmd = Test::Command->new(cmd => "$efa $opt invalid $testarg");

		mk_err('walk_speed', 'invalid', 'Must be normal, fast or slow')

for my $opt (qw/-t --time --depart -a --arrive/) {
	$cmd = Test::Command->new(cmd => "$efa $opt 35:12 $testarg");

		mk_err('time', '35:12', 'Must match HH:MM')

for my $opt (qw/-d --date/) {
	$cmd = Test::Command->new(cmd => "$efa $opt 11.23.2010 $testarg");

		mk_err('date', '11.23.2010', 'Must match DD.MM.[YYYY]')

for my $opt (qw/-v --version/) {
	$cmd = Test::Command->new(cmd => "$efa $opt");


for my $file (qw{
	$cmd = Test::Command->new(cmd => "$efa $test_parse < t/in/$file");


$cmd = Test::Command->new(
	cmd => "$efa $test_parse --ignore-info '.*' < t/in/e_hbf_b_hbf.ice"


$cmd = Test::Command->new(
	cmd => "$efa $test_parse --ignore-info '' < t/in/e_hbf_mh_hbf"



$cmd = Test::Command->new(
	cmd => "$efa $test_parse < t/in/ambiguous"


$cmd = Test::Command->new(
	cmd => "$efa $test_parse < t/in/no_connections"


$cmd = Test::Command->new(
	cmd => "$efa $test_parse < t/in/invalid_input"
