package Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS; # vim:foldmethod=marker use strict; use warnings; use 5.020; use utf8; use Carp qw(confess); use DateTime; use DateTime::Format::Strptime; use Encode qw(decode encode); use JSON; use LWP::UserAgent; use Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS::Formation; use Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS::JourneyAtStop; use Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS::Journey; use Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS::Location; our $VERSION = '0.05'; # {{{ Constructors sub new { my ( $obj, %conf ) = @_; my $service = $conf{service}; my $ua = $conf{user_agent}; if ( not $ua ) { my %lwp_options = %{ $conf{lwp_options} // { timeout => 10 } }; $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(%lwp_options); $ua->env_proxy; } my $self = { cache => $conf{cache}, developer_mode => $conf{developer_mode}, messages => [], results => [], station => $conf{station}, ua => $ua, }; bless( $self, $obj ); my $req; if ( my $station = $conf{station} ) { my $dt = $conf{datetime} // DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my @mots = ( qw(ICE EC_IC IR REGIONAL SBAHN BUS SCHIFF UBAHN TRAM ANRUFPFLICHTIG) ); if ( $conf{modes_of_transit} ) { @mots = @{ $conf{modes_of_transit} // [] }; } $req = '' . '?datum=' . $dt->strftime('%Y-%m-%d') . '&zeit=' . $dt->strftime('%H:%M:00') . '&ortExtId=' . $station->{eva} . '&ortId=' . $station->{id} . '&mitVias=true&maxVias=8'; for my $mot (@mots) { $req .= '&verkehrsmittel[]=' . $mot; } } elsif ( my $gs = $conf{geoSearch} ) { my $lat = $gs->{latitude}; my $lon = $gs->{longitude}; $req = "${lat}&long=${lon}&radius=9999&maxNo=100"; } elsif ( my $query = $conf{locationSearch} ) { $req = "${query}&typ=ALL&limit=10"; } elsif ( my $journey_id = $conf{journey} ) { my $poly = $conf{with_polyline} ? 'true' : 'false'; $journey_id =~ s{[#]}{%23}g; $req = "${journey_id}&poly=${poly}"; } elsif ( my $cf = $conf{formation} ) { my $datetime = $cf->{departure}->clone->set_time_zone('UTC'); my $date = $datetime->strftime('%Y-%m-%d'); my $time = $datetime->rfc3339 =~ s{(?=Z)}{.000}r; my %param = ( administrationId => 80, category => $cf->{train_type}, date => $date, evaNumber => $cf->{eva}, number => $cf->{train_number}, time => $time ); $req = '' . join( '&', map { $_ . '=' . $param{$_} } sort keys %param ); } else { confess( 'station / formation / geoSearch / locationSearch / journey must be specified' ); } $self->{strptime_obj} //= DateTime::Format::Strptime->new( pattern => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin', ); $self->{strpdate_obj} //= DateTime::Format::Strptime->new( pattern => '%Y-%m-%d', time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin', ); my $json = $self->{json} = JSON->new->utf8; if ( $conf{async} ) { $self->{req} = $req; return $self; } if ( $conf{json} ) { $self->{raw_json} = $conf{json}; } else { if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) { say "requesting $req"; } my ( $content, $error ) = $self->get_with_cache($req); if ($error) { $self->{errstr} = $error; return $self; } if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) { say decode( 'utf-8', $content ); } $self->{raw_json} = $json->decode($content); } if ( $conf{station} ) { $self->parse_stationboard; } elsif ( $conf{journey} ) { $self->parse_journey; } elsif ( $conf{geoSearch} or $conf{locationSearch} ) { $self->parse_search; } elsif ( $conf{formation} ) { $self->parse_formation( $conf{formation} ); } return $self; } sub new_p { my ( $obj, %conf ) = @_; my $promise = $conf{promise}->new; if ( not( $conf{station} or $conf{formation} or $conf{geoSearch} or $conf{locationSearch} or $conf{journey} ) ) { return $promise->reject( 'station / geoSearch / locationSearch / journey flag must be passed' ); } my $self = $obj->new( %conf, async => 1 ); $self->{promise} = $conf{promise}; $self->get_with_cache_p( $self->{url} )->then( sub { my ($content) = @_; $self->{raw_json} = $self->{json}->decode($content); if ( $conf{station} ) { $self->parse_stationboard; } elsif ( $conf{journey} ) { $self->parse_journey; } elsif ( $conf{geoSearch} or $conf{locationSearch} ) { $self->parse_search; } elsif ( $conf{formation} ) { $self->parse_formation( $conf{formation} ); } else { $promise->reject( 'dead code path reached in new_p', $self ); } return; } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $promise->reject($err); return; } )->wait; return $promise; } # }}} # {{{ Internal Helpers sub get_with_cache { my ( $self, $url ) = @_; my $cache = $self->{cache}; if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) { say "GET $url"; } if ($cache) { my $content = $cache->thaw($url); if ($content) { if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) { say ' cache hit'; } return ( ${$content}, undef ); } } if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) { say ' cache miss'; } my $reply = $self->{ua}->get($url); if ( $reply->is_error ) { return ( undef, $reply->status_line ); } my $content = $reply->content; if ($cache) { $cache->freeze( $url, \$content ); } return ( $content, undef ); } sub get_with_cache_p { my ( $self, $url ) = @_; my $cache = $self->{cache}; if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) { say "GET $url"; } my $promise = $self->{promise}->new; if ($cache) { my $content = $cache->thaw($url); if ($content) { if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) { say ' cache hit'; } return $promise->resolve( ${$content} ); } } if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) { say ' cache miss'; } $self->{ua}->get_p($url)->then( sub { my ($tx) = @_; if ( my $err = $tx->error ) { $promise->reject( "GET $url returned HTTP $err->{code} $err->{message}"); return; } my $content = $tx->res->body; if ($cache) { $cache->freeze( $url, \$content ); } $promise->resolve($content); return; } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $promise->reject($err); return; } )->wait; return $promise; } sub parse_journey { my ($self) = @_; $self->{result} = Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS::Journey->new( json => $self->{raw_json}, strpdate_obj => $self->{strpdate_obj}, strptime_obj => $self->{strptime_obj}, ); } sub parse_search { my ($self) = @_; @{ $self->{results} } = map { Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS::Location->new( json => $_ ) } @{ $self->{raw_json} // [] }; return $self; } sub parse_stationboard { my ($self) = @_; # @{$self->{messages}} = map { Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS::Message->new(...) } @{$self->{raw_json}{globalMessages}/[]}; @{ $self->{results} } = map { Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS::JourneyAtStop->new( json => $_, strptime_obj => $self->{strptime_obj} ) } @{ $self->{raw_json}{entries} // [] }; return $self; } sub parse_formation { my ( $self, $conf ) = @_; $self->{result} = Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS::Formation->new( json => $self->{raw_json}, train_type => $conf->{train_type} ); } # }}} # {{{ Public Functions sub errstr { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{errstr}; } sub results { my ($self) = @_; return @{ $self->{results} }; } sub result { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{result}; } # }}} 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS - Interface to / departure monitors =head1 SYNOPSIS Blocking variant: use Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS; my $status = Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS->new(station => 8000098); for my $r ($status->results) { printf( "%s +%-3d %10s -> %s\n", $r->dep->strftime('%H:%M'), $r->delay, $r->line, $r->dest_name ); } Non-blocking variant; use Mojo::Promise; use Mojo::UserAgent; use Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS; Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS->new_p( station => 8000098, promise => 'Mojo::Promise', user_agent => Mojo::UserAgent->new )->then(sub { my ($status) = @_; for my $r ($status->results) { printf( "%s +%-3d %10s -> %s\n", $r->dep->strftime('%H:%M'), $r->delay, $r->line, $r->dest_name ); } })->wait; =head1 VERSION version 0.05 =head1 DESCRIPTION Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS is an unofficial interface to and APIs. =head1 METHODS =over =item my $status = Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS->new(I<%opt>) Requests item(s) as specified by I and returns a new Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS element with the results. Dies if the wrong I were passed. I must contain either a B, B, or B flag: =over =item B => I Request station board (departures) for I, e.g. 8000080 for Dortmund Hbf. Results are available via C<< $status->results >>. =item B => B<{> B => I, B => I B<}> Search for stations near I, I. Results are available via C<< $status->results >>. =item B => I Search for stations whose name is equal or similar to I. Results are available via C<< $status->results >> and include the station ID needed for station board requests. =back The following optional flags may be set. Values in brackets indicate flags that are only relevant in certain request modes, e.g. geoSearch or station. =over =item B => I<$obj> A Cache::File(3pm) object used to cache realtime data requests. It should be configured for an expiry of one to two minutes. =item B => I<\%hashref> Passed on to C<< LWP::UserAgent->new >>. Defaults to C<< { timeout => 10 } >>, you can use an empty hashref to unset the default. =back =item my $promise = Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS->new_p(I<%opt>) Return a promise yielding a Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS instance (C<< $status >>) on success, or an error message (same as C<< $status->errstr >>) on failure. In addition to the arguments of B, the following mandatory arguments must be set: =over =item B => I Promises implementation to use for internal promises as well as B return value. Recommended: Mojo::Promise(3pm). =item B => I User agent instance to use for asynchronous requests. The object must support promises (i.e., it must implement a C<< get_p >> function). Recommended: Mojo::UserAgent(3pm). =back =item $status->errstr In case of a fatal HTTP request or backend error, returns a string describing it. Returns undef otherwise. =item $status->results Returns a list of Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS::Location(3pm) or Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS::JourneyAtStop(3pm) objects, depending on the arguments passed to B. =back =head1 DIAGNOSTICS None. =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item * DateTime(3pm) =item * List::Util(3pm) =item * LWP::UserAgent(3pm) =back =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS This module is very much work-in-progress. =head1 REPOSITORY L =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2024-2025 Birte Kristina Friesel Ederf@finalrewind.orgE =head1 LICENSE This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.