package Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS::Location; use strict; use warnings; use 5.020; use parent 'Class::Accessor'; our $VERSION = '0.05'; Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS::Location->mk_ro_accessors( qw(eva id lat lon name products type is_cancelled is_additional is_separation display_priority dep arr sched_dep sched_arr rt_dep rt_arr arr_delay dep_delay delay platform sched_platform rt_platform occupancy_first occupancy_second occupancy ) ); sub new { my ( $obj, %opt ) = @_; my $json = $opt{json}; my $ref = { eva => $json->{extId} // $json->{evaNumber}, id => $json->{id}, lat => $json->{lat}, lon => $json->{lon}, name => $json->{name}, products => $json->{products}, type => $json->{type}, is_cancelled => $json->{canceled}, is_additional => $json->{additional}, sched_platform => $json->{gleis}, rt_platform => $json->{ezGleis}, }; if ( $json->{abfahrtsZeitpunkt} ) { $ref->{sched_dep} = $opt{strptime_obj}->parse_datetime( $json->{abfahrtsZeitpunkt} ); } if ( $json->{ezAbfahrtsZeitpunkt} ) { $ref->{rt_dep} = $opt{strptime_obj}->parse_datetime( $json->{ezAbfahrtsZeitpunkt} ); } if ( $json->{ankunftsZeitpunkt} ) { $ref->{sched_arr} = $opt{strptime_obj}->parse_datetime( $json->{ankunftsZeitpunkt} ); } if ( $json->{ezAnkunftsZeitpunkt} ) { $ref->{rt_arr} = $opt{strptime_obj}->parse_datetime( $json->{ezAnkunftsZeitpunkt} ); } if ( $ref->{sched_dep} and $ref->{rt_dep} ) { $ref->{dep_delay} = $ref->{rt_dep}->subtract_datetime( $ref->{sched_dep} ) ->in_units('minutes'); } if ( $ref->{sched_arr} and $ref->{rt_arr} ) { $ref->{arr_delay} = $ref->{rt_arr}->subtract_datetime( $ref->{sched_arr} ) ->in_units('minutes'); } $ref->{delay} = $ref->{arr_delay} // $ref->{dep_delay}; for my $occupancy ( @{ $json->{auslastungsmeldungen} // [] } ) { if ( $occupancy->{klasse} eq 'KLASSE_1' ) { $ref->{occupancy_first} = $occupancy->{stufe}; } if ( $occupancy->{klasse} eq 'KLASSE_2' ) { $ref->{occupancy_second} = $occupancy->{stufe}; } } if ( $ref->{occupancy_first} and $ref->{occupancy_second} ) { $ref->{occupancy} = ( $ref->{occupancy_first} + $ref->{occupancy_second} ) / 2; } elsif ( $ref->{occupancy_first} ) { $ref->{occupancy} = $ref->{occupancy_first}; } elsif ( $ref->{occupancy_second} ) { $ref->{occupancy} = $ref->{occupancy_second}; } for my $message ( @{ $json->{priorisierteMeldungen} // [] } ) { if ( $message->{type} and $message->{type} eq 'HALT_AUSFALL' ) { $ref->{is_cancelled} = 1; } push( @{ $ref->{messages} }, $message ); } for my $message ( @{ $json->{risMeldungen} // [] } ) { if ( $message->{key} and $message->{key} eq 'text.realtime.stop.cancelled' ) { $ref->{is_cancelled} = 1; } $ref->{ris_messages}{ $message->{key} } = $message->{value}; } $ref->{arr} = $ref->{rt_arr} // $ref->{sched_arr}; $ref->{dep} = $ref->{rt_dep} // $ref->{sched_dep}; $ref->{platform} = $ref->{rt_platform} // $ref->{sched_platform}; bless( $ref, $obj ); return $ref; } sub TO_JSON { my ($self) = @_; my $ret = { %{$self} }; for my $k (qw(sched_dep rt_dep dep sched_arr rt_arr arr)) { if ( $ret->{$k} ) { $ret->{$k} = $ret->{$k}->epoch; } } return $ret; } 1;