Travel::Status::DE::DBWagenreihung - Interface to Deutsche Bahn Wagon Order API ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This project is **deprecated**. Please use [Travel::Status::DE::DBRIS]( instead. This software is not stable yet; API, script and module names/usage may change without notice. There is no backwards compatibility. Dependencies ------------ * perl 5.20 or newer * JSON * LWP::UserAgent * Travel::Status::DE::IRIS Installation ------------ From a release tarball: * perl Build.PL * ./Build * sudo ./Build install From git: * perl Build.PL * ./Build * ./Build manifest * sudo ./Build install See also the Module::Build documentation. You can then run 'man Travel::Status::DE::DBWagenreihung'. This distribution also ships the script 'db-wagenreihung', see 'man db-wagenreihung'.