#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; our $VERSION = '1.05'; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case); use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq); use List::Util qw(first max); use Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS; my ( $date, $time ); my $arrivals = 0; my $ignore_late = 0; my $types = q{}; my $language; my $developer_mode; my ( $list_services, $service, $hafas_url ); my ( @excluded_mots, @exclusive_mots ); my @output; binmode( STDOUT, ':encoding(utf-8)' ); GetOptions( 'a|arrivals' => \$arrivals, 'd|date=s' => \$date, 'h|help' => sub { show_help(0) }, 'l|lang=s' => \$language, 'L|ignore-late' => \$ignore_late, 'm|mot=s' => \$types, 's|service=s' => \$service, 't|time=s' => \$time, 'u|url=s' => \$hafas_url, 'V|version' => \&show_version, 'devmode' => \$developer_mode, 'list' => \$list_services, ) or show_help(1); if ($list_services) { printf( "%-40s %-14s %s\n\n", 'operator', 'abbr. (-s)', 'url (-u)' ); for my $service ( Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::get_services() ) { printf( "%-40s %-14s %s\n", @{$service}{qw(name shortname url)} ); } exit 0; } parse_mot_options(); my $status = Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS->new( date => $date, language => $language, excluded_mots => \@excluded_mots, exclusive_mots => \@exclusive_mots, station => shift || show_help(1), time => $time, mode => $arrivals ? 'arr' : 'dep', developer_mode => $developer_mode, service => $service, url => $hafas_url, ); sub show_help { my ($code) = @_; print 'Usage: hafas-m [-d <dd.mm.yyyy>] [-m <motlist>] [-t <time>] ' . "<station>\n" . "See also: man hafas-m\n"; exit $code; } sub show_version { say "hafas-m version ${VERSION}"; exit 0; } sub parse_mot_options { my $default_yes = 1; my $help; for my $type ( split( qr{,}, $types ) ) { if ( $type eq 'help' or $type eq 'list' or $type eq '?' ) { my @mots = @{ Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::get_service($service) ->{productbits} }; @mots = grep { $_ ne 'x' } @mots; @mots = uniq @mots; @mots = sort @mots; say join( "\n", @mots ); exit 0; } elsif ( substr( $type, 0, 1 ) eq q{!} ) { push( @excluded_mots, substr( $type, 1 ) ); } else { push( @exclusive_mots, $type ); } } } sub display_result { my (@lines) = @_; my @line_length; if ( not @lines ) { die("Nothing to show\n"); } for my $i ( 0 .. 4 ) { $line_length[$i] = max map { length( $_->[$i] ) } @lines; } for my $line (@lines) { my $d = $line->[6]; if ( $d->messages ) { print "\n"; for my $msg ( $d->messages ) { printf( "# %s\n", $msg ); } } printf( join( q{ }, ( map { "%-${_}s" } @line_length ) ), @{$line}[ 0 .. 4 ] ); if ( $line->[5] ) { print $line->[5]; } print "\n"; } return; } if ( my $err = $status->errstr ) { say STDERR "Request error: ${err}"; exit 2; } for my $d ( $status->results() ) { if ( $ignore_late and $d->delay ) { next; } push( @output, [ $d->time, $d->is_cancelled ? 'CANCELED' : ( $d->delay ? sprintf( '%+d', $d->delay ) : q{} ), $d->train, $d->route_end, ( $d->platform // q{} ) . ( $d->is_changed_platform ? ' !' : q{} ), $d->info, $d ] ); } display_result(@output); __END__ =head1 NAME hafas-m - Interface to the DeutscheBahn/HAFAS online departure monitor =head1 SYNOPSIS B<hafas-m> [B<-a>] [B<-d> I<date>] [B<-L>] [B<-m> I<motlist>] [B<-t> I<time>] I<station> =head1 VERSION version 1.05 =head1 DESCRIPTION hafas-m is an interface to HAFAS-based departure monitors, for instance the one available at L<http://reiseauskunft.bahn.de/bin/bhftafel.exe/dn>. It requests all departures at I<station> (optionally filtered by date, time, route and means of transport) and lists them on stdout, similar to the big departure screens installed at most main stations. =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<-a>, B<--arrivals> Show arrivals instead of departures, including trains ending at the specified station. Note that this causes the output to display the start instead of the end station and B<-f> to list all stops between start end I<station>, not I<station> and end. =item B<-d>, B<--date> I<dd>.I<mm>.I<yyyy> Date to list departures for. Default: today. =item B<-l>, B<--lang> B<d>|B<e>|B<i>|B<n> Set language used for additional information. Supports B<d>eutsch (default), B<e>nglish, B<i>talian and dutch (B<n>). =item B<-L>, B<--ignore-late> Do not display delayed trains. =item B<-m>, B<--mot> I<motlist> Comma-separated list of modes of transport to show/hide. Accepts the following arguments: ice InterCity Express trains ic_ec InterCity / EuroCity trains d InterRegio and similar nv "Nahverkehr", RegionalExpress and such s S-Bahn bus ferry u U-Bahn tram You can prefix an argument with "!" to hide it. The default is C<< ice,ic_ec,d,nv,s >>. Note that B<-m> does not replace the default, so if you only want to see S-Bahn and U-Bahn departures, you'd have to use C<< -m !ice,!ic_ec,!d,!nv,u >>. =item B<-t>, B<--time> I<hh>:I<mm> Time to list departures for. Default: now. =item B<-V>, B<--version> Show version information. =back =head1 EXIT STATUS Zero unless things went wrong. =head1 CONFIGURATION None. =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item * Class::Accessor(3pm) =item * LWP::UserAgent(3pm) =item * XML::LibXML(3pm) =back =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Unknown. =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2015 by Daniel Friesel E<lt>derf@finalrewind.orgE<gt> =head1 LICENSE This program is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.