package Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Product;

# vim:foldmethod=marker

use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.014;

use parent 'Class::Accessor';

our $VERSION = '5.05';

	qw(name type type_long class number line line_id line_no operator));

# {{{ Constructor

sub new {
	my ( $obj, %opt ) = @_;

	my $product = $opt{product};
	my $common  = $opt{common};
	my $opL     = $common->{opL};

	# DB:
	# catIn / catOutS eq "IXr" => "ICE X Regio"? regional tickets are generally accepted
	#                          <= does not hold

	my $class    = $product->{cls};
	my $name     = $product->{addName} // $product->{name};
	my $line_no  = $product->{prodCtx}{line};
	my $train_no = $product->{prodCtx}{num};
	my $cat      = $product->{prodCtx}{catOut};
	my $catlong  = $product->{prodCtx}{catOutL};

	# ÖBB, you so silly
	if ( $name and $name =~ m{Zug-Nr} and $product->{nameS} ) {
		$name = $product->{nameS};

	if ( $name and $cat and $name eq $cat and $product->{nameS} ) {
		$name .= ' ' . $product->{nameS};

	if ( defined $train_no and not $train_no ) {
		$train_no = undef;

	if (
		    not defined $line_no
		and defined $product->{prodCtx}{matchId}
		( not defined $train_no or $product->{prodCtx}{matchId} ne $train_no )
		$line_no = $product->{prodCtx}{matchId};

	my $line_id;
	if ( $product->{prodCtx}{lineId} ) {
		$line_id = lc( $product->{prodCtx}{lineId} =~ s{_+}{-}gr );

	my $operator;
	if ( defined $product->{oprX} ) {
		if ( my $opref = $opL->[ $product->{oprX} ] ) {
			$operator = $opref->{name};

	my $ref = {
		name      => $name,
		number    => $train_no,
		line      => $name,
		line_id   => $line_id,
		line_no   => $line_no,
		type      => $cat,
		type_long => $catlong,
		class     => $class,
		operator  => $operator,

	bless( $ref, $obj );

	return $ref;

# }}}

sub TO_JSON {
	my ($self) = @_;

	return { %{$self} };



=head1 NAME

Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Product - Information about a HAFAS product
associated with a journey.


=head1 VERSION

version 5.05


Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Product describes a product (e.g. train or bus)
associated with a Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Journey(3pm) or one of its

=head1 METHODS



=item $product->name

Journey or line name, either in a format like "Bus SB16" (Bus line
SB16) or "RE 10111" (RegionalExpress train 10111, no line information).  May
contain extraneous whitespace characters.

=item $product->type

Type of this journey, e.g. "S" for S-Bahn, "RE" for Regional Express
or "STR" for tram / StraE<szlig>enbahn.

=item $product->type_long

Long type of this journey, e.g. "S-Bahn" or "Regional-Express".

=item $product->class

An integer identifying the the mode of transport class.
Semantics depend on backend, e.g. "1" and "2" for long-distance trains and
"4" and "8" for regional trains.

=item $product->line

Journey or line name, either in a format like "Bus SB16" (Bus line
SB16), "RE 42" (RegionalExpress train 42) or "IC 2901" (InterCity train 2901,
no line information).  May contain extraneous whitespace characters.  Note that
this accessor does not return line information for IC/ICE/EC services, even if
it is available. Use B<line_no> for those.

=item $product->line_no

Line identifier, or undef if it is unknown.
The line identifier may be a single number such as "11" (underground train
line U 11), a single word (e.g. "AIR") or a combination (e.g. "SB16").
May also provide line numbers of IC/ICE services.

=item $product->number

Journey number (e.g. train number), or undef if it is unknown.

=item $product->operator

The operator responsible for this journey. Returns undef
if the backend does not provide an operator.







=item Class::Accessor(3pm)



None known.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Copyright (C) 2024 by Birte Kristina Friesel E<lt>derf@finalrewind.orgE<gt>

=head1 LICENSE

This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.