package Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Stop; # vim:foldmethod=marker use strict; use warnings; use 5.014; use parent 'Class::Accessor'; our $VERSION = '5.01'; Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Stop->mk_ro_accessors( qw(loc rt_arr sched_arr arr arr_delay arr_cancelled rt_dep sched_dep dep dep_delay dep_cancelled delay direction rt_platform sched_platform platform is_changed_platform load ) ); # {{{ Constructor sub new { my ( $obj, %opt ) = @_; my $stop = $opt{stop}; my $common = $opt{common}; my $date = $opt{date}; my $datetime_ref = $opt{datetime_ref}; my $hafas = $opt{hafas}; my $strp_obj = $opt{hafas}{strptime_obj}; my $sched_arr = $stop->{aTimeS}; my $rt_arr = $stop->{aTimeR}; my $sched_dep = $stop->{dTimeS}; my $rt_dep = $stop->{dTimeR}; # dIn. / aOut. -> may passengers enter / exit the train? my $sched_platform = $stop->{aPlatfS} // $stop->{dPlatfS}; my $rt_platform = $stop->{aPlatfR} // $stop->{dPlatfR}; my $changed_platform = $stop->{aPlatfCh} // $stop->{dPlatfCh}; for my $timestr ( $sched_arr, $rt_arr, $sched_dep, $rt_dep ) { if ( not defined $timestr ) { next; } $timestr = handle_day_change( input => $timestr, date => $date, strp_obj => $strp_obj, ref => $datetime_ref ); } my $arr_delay = ( $sched_arr and $rt_arr ) ? ( $rt_arr->epoch - $sched_arr->epoch ) / 60 : undef; my $dep_delay = ( $sched_dep and $rt_dep ) ? ( $rt_dep->epoch - $sched_dep->epoch ) / 60 : undef; my $arr_cancelled = $stop->{aCncl}; my $dep_cancelled = $stop->{dCncl}; my @messages; for my $msg ( @{ $stop->{msgL} // [] } ) { if ( $msg->{type} eq 'REM' and defined $msg->{remX} ) { push( @messages, $hafas->add_message( $opt{common}{remL}[ $msg->{remX} ] ) ); } elsif ( $msg->{type} eq 'HIM' and defined $msg->{himX} ) { push( @messages, $hafas->add_message( $opt{common}{himL}[ $msg->{himX} ], 1 ) ); } else { say "Unknown message type $msg->{type}"; } } my $tco = {}; for my $tco_id ( @{ $stop->{dTrnCmpSX}{tcocX} // [] } ) { my $tco_kv = $common->{tcocL}[$tco_id]; $tco->{ $tco_kv->{c} } = $tco_kv->{r}; } my $ref = { loc => $opt{loc}, sched_arr => $sched_arr, rt_arr => $rt_arr, arr => $rt_arr // $sched_arr, arr_delay => $arr_delay, arr_cancelled => $arr_cancelled, sched_dep => $sched_dep, rt_dep => $rt_dep, dep => $rt_dep // $sched_dep, dep_delay => $dep_delay, dep_cancelled => $dep_cancelled, delay => $dep_delay // $arr_delay, direction => $stop->{dDirTxt}, sched_platform => $sched_platform, rt_platform => $rt_platform, is_changed_platform => $changed_platform, platform => $rt_platform // $sched_platform, load => $tco, messages => \@messages, }; bless( $ref, $obj ); return $ref; } # }}} sub handle_day_change { my (%opt) = @_; my $date = $opt{date}; my $timestr = $opt{input}; if ( length($timestr) == 8 ) { # arrival time includes a day offset my $offset_date = $opt{ref}->clone; $offset_date->add( days => substr( $timestr, 0, 2, q{} ) ); $offset_date = $offset_date->strftime('%Y%m%d'); $timestr = $opt{strp_obj}->parse_datetime("${offset_date}T${timestr}"); } else { $timestr = $opt{strp_obj}->parse_datetime("${date}T${timestr}"); } return $timestr; } sub messages { my ($self) = @_; if ( $self->{messages} ) { return @{ $self->{messages} }; } return; } sub TO_JSON { my ($self) = @_; my $ret = { %{$self} }; for my $k ( keys %{$ret} ) { if ( ref( $ret->{$k} ) eq 'DateTime' ) { $ret->{$k} = $ret->{$k}->epoch; } } return $ret; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Stop - Information about a HAFAS stop. =head1 SYNOPSIS # in journey mode for my $stop ($journey->route) { printf( %5s -> %5s %s\n", $stop->arr ? $stop->arr->strftime('%H:%M') : '--:--', $stop->dep ? $stop->dep->strftime('%H:%M') : '--:--', $stop->loc->name ); } =head1 VERSION version 5.01 =head1 DESCRIPTION Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Stop describes a Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Journey(3pm)'s stop at a given Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Location(3pm) with arrival/departure time, platform, etc. =head1 METHODS =head2 ACCESSORS =over =item $stop->loc Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Location(3pm) instance describing stop name, EVA ID, et cetera. =item $stop->rt_arr DateTime object for actual arrival. =item $stop->sched_arr DateTime object for scheduled arrival. =item $stop->arr DateTime object for actual or scheduled arrival. =item $stop->arr_delay Arrival delay in minutes. =item $stop->arr_cancelled Arrival is cancelled. =item $stop->rt_dep DateTime object for actual departure. =item $stop->sched_dep DateTime object for scheduled departure. =item $stop->dep DateTIme object for actual or scheduled departure. =item $stop->dep_delay Departure delay in minutes. =item $stop->dep_cancelled Departure is cancelled. =item $stop->delay Departure or arrival delay in minutes. =item $stop->direction Direction signage from this stop on, undef if unchanged. =item $journey->messages List of Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::Message(3pm) instances related to this stop. These typically refer to delay reasons, platform changes, or changes in the line number / direction heading. =item $stop->rt_platform Actual platform. =item $stop->sched_platform Scheduled platform. =item $stop->platform Actual or scheduled platform. =item $stop->is_changed_platform True if real-time and scheduled platform disagree. =item $stop->load Expected utilization / passenger load from this stop on. =back =head1 DIAGNOSTICS None. =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item Class::Accessor(3pm) =back =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS None known. =head1 SEE ALSO Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS(3pm). =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2023 by Birte Kristina Friesel E<lt>derf@finalrewind.orgE<gt> =head1 LICENSE This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.