git HEAD * Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Result: Fix ->classes accessor (returned a string instead of a list) * Fix DS100 codes for "Stuttgart Hbf (tief)" and "Stuttgart-Feuerbach" Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 1.08 - Thu Jun 09 2016 * New dependency: Geo::Distance * Update DS100 code list. Station names are now unabbreviated, e.g. "Dortmund Univeristät" instead of "Do Universität". Also, stations without train service are no longer included. Note that this list might contain errors. If you get "Request error: Station ... has no associated timetable" for a station which worked with previous versions, please submit a bug report. * Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations now also returns international station number, longitude and latitutde for most stations * New method Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station_by_location allows station lookup by geolocation Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 1.07 - Sun May 01 2016 * Fix inefficient requests for stations with with heavily cross-referenced related-station tags (most notable example: München Hbf) Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 1.06 - Mon Feb 29 2016 * Partially fix slow response time and excessive network requests for stations with heavily cross-referenced related-station tags (most notable example: München Hbf). The implementation is still slightly inefficient in these cases, but far better than before -- A complete fix will follow in the next release. Note that db-iris calls using -x/--exact/--no-related are not affected by this issue. Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 1.05 - Sun Dec 20 2015 * Update station list. It now uses data supplied by the Deutsche Bahn Open Data portal. * db-iris: New option -x / --exact / --no-related * IRIS->new: New options main_cache, realtime_cache and with_related * IRIS: Add ->station and ->related_stations accessors * db-iris: Include related stations in query output (for instance, "Köln Messe Deutz" will include "Köln Messe Deutz (tief)" and "Köln Messe Deutz Gl. 9-10"). Use --exact / --no-related to disable this. * IRIS: Same. Also, IRIS->new can now be passed Cache objects to cache HTTP requests for a user-defined time. This is most useful when building infoscreens and similar, since the scheduled and station data never changes and can therefore be cached to decrease network load and increase response time. Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 1.04 - Thu Nov 12 2015 * Result: Add qos code 79 ("Ohne Mehrzweckabteil") * db-iris: Accept UIC station codes * Fix warnings with recent DateTime::Format::Strptime releases * Improve parser speed Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 1.03 - Tue Sep 15 2015 * Result: Add info key 900 * Station: Improve get_station matching quality by using the Levenshtein edit distance in addition to simple substring matching * new dependency: Text::LevenshteinXS (see README for notes about drop-in replacements) * new dependency: List::UtilsBy Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 1.02 - Tue May 26 2015 * Added github repo to dist metadata and the doc * Result: distinguish between overcrowded trains (q97) and very overcrowded trains (q96) * Result: Verify delay key 60 ("delays because of storm") * Result: Add qos key 70 ("no wifi" -- not entirely sure yet) Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 1.01 - Fri May 15 2015 * IRIS->new: Fix default lwp_options value (was documented, but not used) * Result->route_interesting: Also consider airports * Stations: Update DS100 code list. Fixes 9 stations in Köln, Düsseldorf and Wuppertal which had a wrong code/name combination assigned due to a parser error Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 1.00 - Fri May 01 2015 * IRIS->new: Use lwp_options to explicitly pass arguments to the LWP::UserAgent constructor. Unknown arguments are now longer implicitly passed on * db-iris: Improve output format for wing trains Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 0.10 - Tue Apr 30 2015 * Result: Fix deep recursion error in TO_JSON Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 0.09 - Tue Apr 28 2015 * Result: Add arrival_wings, departure_wings and is_wing accessors (a wing train is coupled to the respective departure, but has its own ID) * db-iris: Indicate wings in output * Result: Remove train_no_transfer accessor (was based on erroneous assumptions) * Result: Add is_unscheduled, replaced_by and replacement_for accessors * db-iris: Add -oR to show replacement information Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 0.08 - Thu Mar 12 2015 * Clarify Result->train_id documentation * Add IRIS delay/qos keys 13, 60, 75, 76 Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 0.07 - Fri Jan 09 2015 * Fix a crash related to unscheduled additional stops in a train's route * Improve Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations matching * Add IRIS delay/qos keys 56, 59, 61, 65, 73, 74, 77 Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 0.06 - Mon Nov 03 2014 * New non-core module dependency: List::Compare * Add support for canceled and additional stops * db-iris: Add options -oa and -oc * Result: Add accessors additional_stops and canceled_stops * Improve support for delayed trains * Support additional IRIS delay messages Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 0.05 - Thu Oct 16 2014 * Support additional IRIS delay messages Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 0.04 - Sat Jun 28 2014 * Fix --track-via <stop> not matching trains changing their ID at <stop> * Add new (not entirely verified) IRIS delay and qos messages * IRIS: add serializable option. Use this if you intend to serialize the list returned by ->results * Do not errour out if only partial data is available, show partial data and a warning instead (closes #4) * Add several qos and delay messages Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 0.03 - Fri Feb 14 2014 * IRIS / db-iris: Add lookahead option * db-iris: Fix --via not matching destination of trains with incomplete route data * Detect and merge duplicate results caused by train ID changes * Result: Provide realtime data in ->platform, add ->sched_platform accessor * db-iris: indicate platform changes with an exclamation mark Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 0.02 - Mon Feb 03 2014 * Fix warnings when encountering unplanned (fchg-only) trains without arrival or departure platform * db-iris: add -V / --track-via option to display departure at start and expected arrival at a destination station * db-iris: Add -r / --realtime option to compute times using delay data * Result: Remove duplicates in qos_messages and delay_messages, return all messages in reverse order (newest first) Travel::Status::DE::IRIS 0.01 - Fri Jan 24 2014 * Initial release. Experimental, API may change without notice