package Travel::Status::DE::IRIS; use strict; use warnings; use 5.014; no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch'; our $VERSION = '1.74'; use Carp qw(confess cluck); use DateTime; use DateTime::Format::Strptime; use List::Util qw(first); use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq); use List::UtilsBy qw(uniq_by); use LWP::UserAgent; use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Result; use XML::LibXML; sub try_load_xml { my ($xml) = @_; my $tree; eval { $tree = XML::LibXML->load_xml( string => $xml ) }; if ($@) { return ( undef, $@ ); } return ( $tree, undef ); } # "station" parameter must be an EVA or DS100 ID. sub new_p { my ( $class, %opt ) = @_; my $promise = $opt{promise}->new; if ( not $opt{station} ) { return $promise->reject('station flag must be passed'); } my $self = $class->new( %opt, async => 1 ); $self->{promise} = $opt{promise}; my $lookahead_steps = int( $self->{lookahead} / 60 ); if ( ( 60 - $self->{datetime}->minute ) < ( $self->{lookahead} % 60 ) ) { $lookahead_steps++; } my $lookbehind_steps = int( $self->{lookbehind} / 60 ); if ( $self->{datetime}->minute < ( $self->{lookbehind} % 60 ) ) { $lookbehind_steps++; } my @candidates = $opt{get_station}( $opt{station} ); if ( @candidates == 0 ) { return $promise->reject('station not found'); } if ( @candidates >= 2 ) { return $promise->reject('station identifier is ambiguous'); } $self->{station} = { ds100 => $candidates[0][0], name => $candidates[0][1], uic => $candidates[0][2], }; $self->{related_stations} = []; my @queue = ( $self->{station}{uic} ); my @related_reqs; my @related_stations; my %seen = ( $self->{station}{uic} => 1 ); my $iter_depth = 0; while ( @queue and $iter_depth < 12 and $opt{with_related} ) { my $eva = shift(@queue); $iter_depth++; for my $ref ( @{ $opt{meta}{$eva} // [] } ) { if ( not $seen{$ref} ) { push( @related_stations, $ref ); $seen{$ref} = 1; push( @queue, $ref ); } } } for my $eva (@related_stations) { @candidates = $opt{get_station}($eva); if ( @candidates == 1 ) { push( @{ $self->{related_stations} }, { ds100 => $candidates[0][0], name => $candidates[0][1], uic => $candidates[0][2], } ); } } my $dt_req = $self->{datetime}->clone; my @timetable_reqs = ( $self->get_timetable_p( $self->{station}{uic}, $dt_req ) ); for my $eva (@related_stations) { push( @timetable_reqs, $self->get_timetable_p( $eva, $dt_req ) ); } for ( 1 .. $lookahead_steps ) { $dt_req->add( hours => 1 ); push( @timetable_reqs, $self->get_timetable_p( $self->{station}{uic}, $dt_req ) ); for my $eva (@related_stations) { push( @timetable_reqs, $self->get_timetable_p( $eva, $dt_req ) ); } } $dt_req = $self->{datetime}->clone; for ( 1 .. $lookbehind_steps ) { $dt_req->subtract( hours => 1 ); push( @timetable_reqs, $self->get_timetable_p( $self->{station}{uic}, $dt_req ) ); for my $eva (@related_stations) { push( @timetable_reqs, $self->get_timetable_p( $eva, $dt_req ) ); } } $self->{promise}->all(@timetable_reqs)->then( sub { my @realtime_reqs = ( $self->get_realtime_p( $self->{station}{uic} ) ); for my $eva (@related_stations) { push( @realtime_reqs, $self->get_realtime_p( $eva, $dt_req ) ); } return $self->{promise}->all_settled(@realtime_reqs); } )->then( sub { my @realtime_results = @_; for my $realtime_result (@realtime_results) { if ( $realtime_result->{status} eq 'rejected' ) { $self->{warnstr} //= q{}; $self->{warnstr} .= "Realtime data request failed: $realtime_result->{reason}. "; } } $self->postprocess_results; $promise->resolve($self); return; } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $promise->reject($err); return; } )->wait; return $promise; } sub new { my ( $class, %opt ) = @_; if ( not $opt{station} ) { confess('station flag must be passed'); } my $self = { datetime => $opt{datetime} // DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ), developer_mode => $opt{developer_mode}, iris_base => $opt{iris_base} // '', keep_transfers => $opt{keep_transfers}, lookahead => $opt{lookahead} // ( 2 * 60 ), lookbehind => $opt{lookbehind} // ( 0 * 60 ), main_cache => $opt{main_cache}, rt_cache => $opt{realtime_cache}, serializable => $opt{serializable}, user_agent => $opt{user_agent}, with_related => $opt{with_related}, departure_by_id => {}, strptime_obj => $opt{strptime_obj} // DateTime::Format::Strptime->new( pattern => '%y%m%d%H%M', time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin', ), xp_ar => XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./ar'), xp_dp => XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./dp'), xp_tl => XML::LibXML::XPathExpression->new('./tl'), }; bless( $self, $class ); my $lookahead_steps = int( $self->{lookahead} / 60 ); if ( ( 60 - $self->{datetime}->minute ) < ( $self->{lookahead} % 60 ) ) { $lookahead_steps++; } my $lookbehind_steps = int( $self->{lookbehind} / 60 ); if ( $self->{datetime}->minute < ( $self->{lookbehind} % 60 ) ) { $lookbehind_steps++; } if ( $opt{async} ) { return $self; } if ( not $self->{user_agent} ) { my %lwp_options = %{ $opt{lwp_options} // { timeout => 10 } }; $self->{user_agent} = LWP::UserAgent->new(%lwp_options); $self->{user_agent}->env_proxy; } my ( $station, @related_stations ) = $self->get_station( name => $opt{station}, root => 1, recursive => $opt{with_related}, ); $self->{station} = $station; $self->{related_stations} = \@related_stations; for my $ref (@related_stations) { # We (the parent) perform transfer processing, so child requests must not # do it themselves. Otherwise, trains from child requests will be # processed twice and may be lost. # Similarly, child requests must not perform requests to related # stations -- we're already doing that right now. my $ref_status = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS->new( datetime => $self->{datetime}, developer_mode => $self->{developer_mode}, iris_base => $self->{iris_base}, lookahead => $self->{lookahead}, lookbehind => $self->{lookbehind}, station => $ref->{uic}, main_cache => $self->{main_cache}, realtime_cache => $self->{rt_cache}, strptime_obj => $self->{strptime_obj}, user_agent => $self->{user_agent}, keep_transfers => 1, with_related => 0, ); if ( not $ref_status->errstr ) { push( @{ $self->{results} }, $ref_status->results ); } } if ( $self->{errstr} ) { return $self; } my $dt_req = $self->{datetime}->clone; $self->get_timetable( $self->{station}{uic}, $dt_req ); for ( 1 .. $lookahead_steps ) { $dt_req->add( hours => 1 ); $self->get_timetable( $self->{station}{uic}, $dt_req ); } $dt_req = $self->{datetime}->clone; for ( 1 .. $lookbehind_steps ) { $dt_req->subtract( hours => 1 ); $self->get_timetable( $self->{station}{uic}, $dt_req ); } $self->get_realtime; $self->postprocess_results; return $self; } sub postprocess_results { my ($self) = @_; if ( not $self->{keep_transfers} ) { # tra (transfer?) indicates a train changing its ID, so there are two # results for the same train. Remove the departure-only trains from the # result set and merge them with their arrival-only counterpart. # This way, in case the arrival is available but the departure isn't, # nothing gets lost. my @merge_candidates = grep { $_->transfer and $_->departure } @{ $self->{results} }; @{ $self->{results} } = grep { not( $_->transfer and $_->departure ) } @{ $self->{results} }; for my $transfer (@merge_candidates) { my $result = first { $_->transfer and $_->transfer eq $transfer->train_id } @{ $self->{results} }; if ($result) { $result->merge_with_departure($transfer); } } } @{ $self->{results} } = grep { my $d = $_->departure // $_->arrival; my $s = $_->sched_arrival // $_->sched_departure // $_->arrival // $d; $d = $d->subtract_datetime( $self->{datetime} ); $s = $s->subtract_datetime( $self->{datetime} ); not $d->is_negative and $s->in_units('minutes') < $self->{lookahead} } @{ $self->{results} }; @{ $self->{results} } = sort { $a->{epoch} <=> $b->{epoch} } @{ $self->{results} }; # wings (different departures which are coupled as one train) contain # references to each other. therefore, they must be processed last. $self->create_wing_refs; # same goes for replacement refs (the <ref> tag in the fchg document) $self->create_replacement_refs; } sub get_with_cache_p { my ( $self, $cache, $url ) = @_; if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) { say "GET $url"; } my $promise = $self->{promise}->new; if ($cache) { my $content = $cache->thaw($url); if ($content) { if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) { say ' cache hit'; } return $promise->resolve($content); } } if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) { say ' cache miss'; } my $res = $self->{user_agent}->get_p($url)->then( sub { my ($tx) = @_; if ( my $err = $tx->error ) { $promise->reject( "GET $url returned HTTP $err->{code} $err->{message}"); return; } my $content = $tx->res->body; if ($cache) { $cache->freeze( $url, \$content ); } $promise->resolve($content); return; } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $promise->reject($err); return; } )->wait; return $promise; } sub get_with_cache { my ( $self, $cache, $url ) = @_; if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) { say "GET $url"; } if ($cache) { my $content = $cache->thaw($url); if ($content) { if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) { say ' cache hit'; } return ( ${$content}, undef ); } } if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) { say ' cache miss'; } my $ua = $self->{user_agent}; my $res = $ua->get($url); if ( $res->is_error ) { return ( undef, $res->status_line ); } my $content = $res->decoded_content; if ($cache) { $cache->freeze( $url, \$content ); } return ( $content, undef ); } sub get_station_p { my ( $self, %opt ) = @_; my $promise = $self->{promise}->new; my $station = $opt{name}; $self->get_with_cache_p( $self->{main_cache}, $self->{iris_base} . '/station/' . $station )->then( sub { my ($raw) = @_; my ( $xml_st, $xml_err ) = try_load_xml($raw); if ($xml_err) { $promise->reject('Failed to parse station data: Invalid XML'); return; } my $station_node = ( $xml_st->findnodes('//station') )[0]; if ( not $station_node ) { $promise->reject( "Station '$station' has no associated timetable"); return; } $promise->resolve( { uic => $station_node->getAttribute('eva'), name => $station_node->getAttribute('name'), ds100 => $station_node->getAttribute('ds100'), } ); return; } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $promise->reject($err); return; } )->wait; return $promise; } sub get_station { my ( $self, %opt ) = @_; my $iter_depth = 0; my @ret; my @queue = ( $opt{name} ); # @seen holds station IDs which were already seen during recursive # 'meta' descent. This avoids infinite loops of 'meta' references. # Additionally, we use it to skip stations shat should not be referenced. # This includes Norddeich / Norddeich Mole (different stations commonly used # by identical trains with different departure times), and Essen-Dellwig / # Essen-Dellwig Ost (different stations used by different trains, but with # identical platform numbers). my @seen = ( 8007768, 8004449, 8001903, 8001904 ); while ( @queue and $iter_depth < 12 ) { my $station = shift(@queue); push( @seen, $station ); $iter_depth++; my ( $raw, $err ) = $self->get_with_cache( $self->{main_cache}, $self->{iris_base} . '/station/' . $station ); if ($err) { if ( $opt{root} ) { $self->{errstr} = "Failed to fetch station data: $err"; return; } else { $self->{warnstr} = "Failed to fetch station data for '$station': $err\n"; next; } } my ( $xml_st, $xml_err ) = try_load_xml($raw); if ($xml_err) { $self->{errstr} = 'Failed to parse station data: Invalid XML'; return; } my $station_node = ( $xml_st->findnodes('//station') )[0]; if ( not $station_node ) { if ( $opt{root} ) { $self->{errstr} = "Station '$station' has no associated timetable"; return; } else { $self->{warnstr} = "Station '$station' has no associated timetable"; next; } next; } push( @seen, $station_node->getAttribute('eva') ); if ( $station_node->getAttribute('name') =~ m{ ZOB} ) { # There are no departures from a ZOB ("Zentraler Omnibus-Bahnhof" / # Central Omnibus Station). Ignore it entirely. next; } if ( $station_node->getAttribute('ds100') =~ m{ ^ D \d+ $ }x ) { # This is an invalid DS100 code, at least from DB perspective. # So far it seems to refer to subway stations which do not have # IRIS departures. next; } push( @ret, { uic => $station_node->getAttribute('eva'), name => $station_node->getAttribute('name'), ds100 => $station_node->getAttribute('ds100'), } ); if ( $self->{developer_mode} ) { printf( " -> %s (%s / %s)\n", @{ $ret[-1] }{qw{name uic ds100}} ); } if ( $opt{recursive} and defined $station_node->getAttribute('meta') ) { my @refs = uniq( split( m{ \| }x, $station_node->getAttribute('meta') ) ); @refs = grep { not( $_ ~~ \@seen or $_ ~~ \@queue ) } @refs; push( @queue, @refs ); $opt{root} = 0; } } if (@queue) { cluck( "Reached $iter_depth iterations when tracking station IDs. " . "This is probably a bug" ); } @ret = uniq_by { $_->{uic} } @ret; return @ret; } sub add_result { my ( $self, $station_name, $station_uic, $s ) = @_; my $id = $s->getAttribute('id'); my $e_tl = ( $s->findnodes( $self->{xp_tl} ) )[0]; my $e_ar = ( $s->findnodes( $self->{xp_ar} ) )[0]; my $e_dp = ( $s->findnodes( $self->{xp_dp} ) )[0]; if ( not $e_tl ) { return; } my %data = ( raw_id => $id, classes => $e_tl->getAttribute('f'), # D N S F operator => $e_tl->getAttribute('o'), # coded operator: 03/80/R2/... train_no => $e_tl->getAttribute('n'), # dep number type => $e_tl->getAttribute('c'), # S/ICE/ERB/... station => $station_name, station_uic => $station_uic + 0, # UIC IDs are numbers strptime_obj => $self->{strptime_obj}, #unknown_t => $e_tl->getAttribute('t'), # p ); if ($e_ar) { $data{arrival_ts} = $e_ar->getAttribute('pt'); $data{line_no} = $e_ar->getAttribute('l'); $data{platform} = $e_ar->getAttribute('pp'); # string, not number! $data{route_pre} = $e_ar->getAttribute('ppth'); $data{route_start} = $e_ar->getAttribute('pde'); $data{transfer} = $e_ar->getAttribute('tra'); $data{arrival_hidden} = $e_ar->getAttribute('hi'); $data{arrival_wing_ids} = $e_ar->getAttribute('wings'); } if ($e_dp) { $data{departure_ts} = $e_dp->getAttribute('pt'); $data{line_no} = $e_dp->getAttribute('l'); $data{platform} = $e_dp->getAttribute('pp'); # string, not number! $data{route_post} = $e_dp->getAttribute('ppth'); $data{route_end} = $e_dp->getAttribute('pde'); $data{transfer} = $e_dp->getAttribute('tra'); $data{departure_hidden} = $e_dp->getAttribute('hi'); $data{departure_wing_ids} = $e_dp->getAttribute('wings'); } if ( $data{arrival_wing_ids} ) { $data{arrival_wing_ids} = [ split( /\|/, $data{arrival_wing_ids} ) ]; } if ( $data{departure_wing_ids} ) { $data{departure_wing_ids} = [ split( /\|/, $data{departure_wing_ids} ) ]; } my $result = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Result->new(%data); # if scheduled departure and current departure are not within the # same hour, trains are reported twice. Don't add duplicates in # that case. if ( not $self->{departure_by_id}{$id} ) { push( @{ $self->{results} }, $result, ); $self->{departure_by_id}{$id} = $result; } return $result; } sub get_timetable_p { my ( $self, $eva, $dt ) = @_; my $promise = $self->{promise}->new; $self->get_with_cache_p( $self->{main_cache}, $dt->strftime( $self->{iris_base} . "/plan/${eva}/%y%m%d/%H" ) )->then( sub { my ($raw) = @_; my ( $xml, $xml_err ) = try_load_xml($raw); if ($xml_err) { $promise->reject( 'Failed to parse a schedule part: Invalid XML'); return; } my $station = ( $xml->findnodes('/timetable') )[0]->getAttribute('station'); for my $s ( $xml->findnodes('/timetable/s') ) { $self->add_result( $station, $eva, $s ); } $promise->resolve; return; } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $promise->reject($err); return; } )->wait; return $promise; } sub get_timetable { my ( $self, $eva, $dt ) = @_; my ( $raw, $err ) = $self->get_with_cache( $self->{main_cache}, $dt->strftime( $self->{iris_base} . "/plan/${eva}/%y%m%d/%H" ) ); if ($err) { $self->{warnstr} = "Failed to fetch a schedule part: $err"; return $self; } my ( $xml, $xml_err ) = try_load_xml($raw); if ($xml_err) { $self->{warnstr} = 'Failed to parse a schedule part: Invalid XML'; return $self; } my $station = ( $xml->findnodes('/timetable') )[0]->getAttribute('station'); for my $s ( $xml->findnodes('/timetable/s') ) { $self->add_result( $station, $eva, $s ); } return $self; } sub get_realtime_p { my ( $self, $eva ) = @_; my $promise = $self->{promise}->new; $self->get_with_cache_p( $self->{rt_cache}, $self->{iris_base} . "/fchg/${eva}" )->then( sub { my ($raw) = @_; my ( $xml, $xml_err ) = try_load_xml($raw); if ($xml_err) { $promise->reject( 'Failed to parse a schedule part: Invalid XML'); return; } $self->parse_realtime( $eva, $xml ); $promise->resolve; return; } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $promise->reject("Failed to fetch realtime data: $err"); return; } )->wait; return $promise; } sub get_realtime { my ($self) = @_; my $eva = $self->{station}{uic}; my ( $raw, $err ) = $self->get_with_cache( $self->{rt_cache}, $self->{iris_base} . "/fchg/${eva}" ); if ($err) { $self->{warnstr} = "Failed to fetch realtime data: $err"; return $self; } my ( $xml, $xml_err ) = try_load_xml($raw); if ($xml_err) { $self->{warnstr} = 'Failed to parse realtime data: Invalid XML'; return $self; } $self->parse_realtime( $eva, $xml ); } sub parse_realtime { my ( $self, $eva, $xml ) = @_; my $station = ( $xml->findnodes('/timetable') )[0]->getAttribute('station'); for my $s ( $xml->findnodes('/timetable/s') ) { my $id = $s->getAttribute('id'); my $e_ar = ( $s->findnodes( $self->{xp_ar} ) )[0]; my $e_dp = ( $s->findnodes( $self->{xp_dp} ) )[0]; my @e_refs = $s->findnodes('./ref/tl'); my @e_ms = $s->findnodes('.//m'); my %messages; my $result = $self->{departure_by_id}{$id}; # add_result will return nothing if no ./tl node is present. The ./tl # check here is for optimization purposes. if ( not $result and ( $s->findnodes( $self->{xp_tl} ) )[0] ) { $result = $self->add_result( $station, $eva, $s ); if ($result) { $result->set_unscheduled(1); } } if ( not $result ) { next; } if ( not $self->{serializable} ) { $result->set_realtime($s); } for my $e_m (@e_ms) { my $type = $e_m->getAttribute('t'); my $value = $e_m->getAttribute('c'); my $msgid = $e_m->getAttribute('id'); my $ts = $e_m->getAttribute('ts'); # 0 and 1 (with key "f") are related to canceled trains and # do not appear to hold information (or at least none we can access). # All observed cases of message ID 900 were related to bus # connections ("Anschlussbus wartet"). We can't access which bus # it refers to, so we don't show that either. # ID 1000 is a generic free text message, which (as we lack access # to the text itself) is not helpful either. if ( defined $value and $value > 1 and $value < 100 ) { $messages{$msgid} = [ $ts, $type, $value ]; } } $result->set_messages(%messages); # note: A departure may also have a ./tl attribute. However, we do # not need to process it because it only matters for departures which # are not planned (or not in the plans we requested). However, in # those cases we already called add_result earlier, which reads ./tl # by itself. for my $e_ref (@e_refs) { $result->add_raw_ref( class => $e_ref->getAttribute('f'), # D N S F train_no => $e_ref->getAttribute('n'), # dep number type => $e_ref->getAttribute('c'), # S/ICE/ERB/... line_no => $e_ref->getAttribute('l'), # 1 -> S1, ... #unknown_t => $e_ref->getAttribute('t'), # p #unknown_o => $e_ref->getAttribute('o'), # owner: 03/80/R2/... # TODO ps='a' -> rerouted and normally unscheduled train? ); } if ($e_ar) { $result->set_ar( arrival_ts => $e_ar->getAttribute('ct'), plan_arrival_ts => $e_ar->getAttribute('pt'), platform => $e_ar->getAttribute('cp'), route_pre => $e_ar->getAttribute('cpth'), sched_route_pre => $e_ar->getAttribute('ppth'), status => $e_ar->getAttribute('cs'), status_since => $e_ar->getAttribute('clt'), arrival_hidden => $e_ar->getAttribute('hi'), # TODO ps='a' -> rerouted and normally unscheduled train? ); } if ($e_dp) { $result->set_dp( departure_ts => $e_dp->getAttribute('ct'), plan_departure_ts => $e_dp->getAttribute('pt'), platform => $e_dp->getAttribute('cp'), route_post => $e_dp->getAttribute('cpth'), sched_route_post => $e_dp->getAttribute('ppth'), status => $e_dp->getAttribute('cs'), departure_hidden => $e_dp->getAttribute('hi'), ); } } return $self; } sub get_result_by_id { my ( $self, $id ) = @_; my $res = first { $_->wing_id eq $id } @{ $self->{results} }; return $res; } sub get_result_by_train { my ( $self, $type, $train_no ) = @_; my $res = first { $_->type eq $type and $_->train_no eq $train_no } @{ $self->{results} }; return $res; } sub create_wing_refs { my ($self) = @_; for my $r ( $self->results ) { if ( $r->{departure_wing_ids} ) { for my $wing_id ( @{ $r->{departure_wing_ids} } ) { my $wingref = $self->get_result_by_id($wing_id); if ($wingref) { $r->add_departure_wingref($wingref); } } } if ( $r->{arrival_wing_ids} ) { for my $wing_id ( @{ $r->{arrival_wing_ids} } ) { my $wingref = $self->get_result_by_id($wing_id); if ($wingref) { $r->add_arrival_wingref($wingref); } } } } } sub create_replacement_refs { my ($self) = @_; for my $r ( $self->results ) { for my $ref_hash ( @{ $r->{refs} // [] } ) { my $ref = $self->get_result_by_train( $ref_hash->{type}, $ref_hash->{train_no} ); if ($ref) { $r->add_reference($ref); } } } } sub station { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{station}; } sub related_stations { my ($self) = @_; return @{ $self->{related_stations} }; } sub errstr { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{errstr}; } sub results { my ($self) = @_; return @{ $self->{results} // [] }; } sub warnstr { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{warnstr}; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Travel::Status::DE::IRIS - Interface to IRIS based web departure monitors. =head1 SYNOPSIS Blocking variant: use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS; my $status = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS->new(station => "Essen Hbf"); for my $r ($status->results) { printf( "%s %s +%-3d %10s -> %s\n", $r->date, $r->time, $r->delay || 0, $r->line, $r->destination ); } Non-blocking variant (EXPERIMENTAL): use Mojo::Promise; use Mojo::UserAgent; use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS; use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations; Travel::Status::DE::IRIS->new_p(station => "Essen Hbf", promise => 'Mojo::Promise', user_agent => Mojo::UserAgent->new, get_station => \&Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station, meta => Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_meta())->then(sub { my ($status) = @_; for my $r ($status->results) { printf( "%s %s +%-3d %10s -> %s\n", $r->date, $r->time, $r->delay || 0, $r->line, $r->destination ); } })->wait; =head1 VERSION version 1.74 =head1 DESCRIPTION Travel::Status::DE::IRIS is an unofficial interface to IRIS based web departure monitors such as L<>. =head1 METHODS =over =item my $status = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS->new(I<%opt>) Requests schedule and realtime data for a specific station at a specific point in time. Returns a new Travel::Status::DE::IRIS object. Arguments: =over =item B<datetime> => I<datetime-obj> A DateTime(3pm) object specifying the point in time. Optional, defaults to the current date and time. =item B<iris_base> => I<url> IRIS base url, defaults to C<< >>. =item B<keep_transfers> => I<bool> A train may change its ID and number at a station, indicating that although the previous logical train ends here, the physical train will continue its journey under a new number to a new destination. A notable example is the Berlin Ringbahn, which travels round and round from Berlin SE<uuml>dkreuz to Berlin SE<uuml>dkreuz. Each train number corresponds to a single revolution, but the actual trains just keep going. The IRIS backend returns two results for each transfer train: An arrival-only result using the old ID (linked to the new one) and a departure-only result using the new ID (linked to the old one). By default, this library merges these into a single result with both arrival and departure time. Train number, ID, and route are taken from the departure only. The original train ID and number are available using the B<old_train_id> and B<old_train_no> accessors. In case this is not desirable (e.g. because you intend to track a single train to its destination station and do not want to implement special cases for transfer trains), set B<keep_transfers> to a true value. In this case, backend data will be reported as-is and transfer trains will not be merged. =item B<lookahead> => I<int> Compute only results which are scheduled less than I<int> minutes in the future. Default: 120 (2 hours). Note that the DeutscheBahn IRIS backend only provides schedules up to four to five hours into the future. So in most cases, setting this to a value above 240 minutes will have little effect. However, as the IRIS occasionally contains unscheduled departures or qos messages known far in advance (e.g. 12 hours from now), any non-negative integer is accepted. =item B<lookbehind> => I<int> Also check trains whose scheduled departure lies up to I<int> minutes in the past. Default: 0. This is useful when requesting departures shortly after a full hour. If, for example, a train was scheduled to depart on 11:59 and has 5 minutes delay, it will not be shown when requesting departures on or after 12:00 unless B<lookbehind> is set to a value greater than zero. Note that trains with significant delay (e.g. +30) may still be shown in this case regardless of the setting of B<lookbehind>, since these receive special treatment by the IRIS backend. =item B<lwp_options> => I<\%hashref> Passed on to C<< LWP::UserAgent->new >>. Defaults to C<< { timeout => 10 } >>, you can use an empty hashref to unset the default. =item B<main_cache> => I<$ojj> A Cache::File(3pm) object used to cache station and timetable requests. Optional. =item B<realtime_cache> => I<$ojj> A Cache::File(3pm) object used to cache realtime data requests. Optional. =item B<station> => I<stationcode> Mandatory: Which station to return departures for. Note that this is not a station name, but a station code, such as "EE" (for Essen Hbf) or "KA" (for Aachen Hbf). See Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations(3pm) for a name to code mapping. =item B<with_related> => I<bool> Sometimes, Deutsche Bahn splits up major stations in the IRIS interface. For instance, "KE<ouml>ln Messe/Deutz" actually consists of "KE<ouml>ln Messe/Deutz" (KKDZ), "KE<ouml>ln Messe/Deutz Gl. 9-10" (KKDZB) and "KE<ouml>ln Messe/Deutz (tief)" (KKDT). By default, Travel::Status::DE::IRIS only returns departures for the specified station. When this option is set to a true value, it will also return departures for all related stations. =back =item my $promise = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS->new_p(I<%opt>) (B<EXPERIMENTAL>) Return a promise yielding a Travel::Status::DE::IRIS instance (C<< $status >>) on success, or an error message (same as C<< $status->errstr >>) on failure. This function is experimental and may be changed or remove without warning. In addition to the arguments of B<new>, the following mandatory arguments must be set: =over =item B<promise> => I<promises module> Promises implementation to use for internal promises as well as B<new_p> return value. Recommended: Mojo::Promise(3pm). =item B<get_station> => I<get_station ref> Reference to Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station(). =item B<meta> => I<meta dict> The dictionary returned by Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_meta(). =item B<user_agent> => I<user agent> User agent instance to use for asynchronous requests. The object must support promises (i.e., it must implement a C<< get_p >> function). Recommended: Mojo::UserAgent(3pm). =back =item $status->errstr In case of a fatal HTTP request or IRIS error, returns a string describing it. Returns undef otherwise. =item $status->related_stations Returns a list of hashes describing related stations whose arrivals/departures are included in B<results>. Only useful when setting B<with_related> to a true value, see its documentation above for details. Each hash contains the keys B<uic> (EVA number; often same as UIC station ID), B<name> (station name), and B<ds100> (station code). Note that stations returned by B<related_stations> are not necessarily known to Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations(3pm). =item $status->results Returns a list of Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Result(3pm) objects, each one describing one arrival and/or departure. =item $status->warnstr In case of a (probably) non-fatal HTTP request or IRIS error, returns a string describing it. Returns undef otherwise. =back =head1 DIAGNOSTICS None. =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item * DateTime(3pm) =item * List::Util(3pm) =item * LWP::UserAgent(3pm) =item * XML::LibXML(3pm) =back =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Some backend features are not yet exposed. =head1 SEE ALSO db-iris(1), Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Result(3pm), Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations(3pm) =head1 REPOSITORY L<> =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2013-2020 by Daniel Friesel E<lt>derf@finalrewind.orgE<gt> =head1 LICENSE This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.