package Travel::Status::DE::IRIS; use strict; use warnings; use 5.014; no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => "experimental::smartmatch"; our $VERSION = '0.00'; use Carp qw(confess cluck); use DateTime; use Encode qw(encode decode); use List::Util qw(first); use LWP::UserAgent; use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Result; use XML::LibXML; sub new { my ( $class, %opt ) = @_; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(%opt); if ( not $opt{station} ) { confess('station flag must be passed'); } my $self = { datetime => $opt{datetime} // DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ), iris_base => $opt{iris_base} // '', station => $opt{station}, user_agent => $ua, }; bless( $self, $class ); $ua->env_proxy; my $res_st = $ua->get( $self->{iris_base} . '/station/' . $opt{station} ); if ( $res_st->is_error ) { $self->{errstr} = $res_st->status_line; return $self; } my $xml_st = XML::LibXML->load_xml( string => $res_st->decoded_content ); $self->{nodes}{station} = ( $xml_st->findnodes('//station') )[0]; if ( not $self->{nodes}{station} ) { $self->{errstr} = "The station '$opt{station}' has no associated timetable"; return $self; } my $dt_req = $self->{datetime}->clone; for ( 1 .. 3 ) { $self->get_timetable( $self->{nodes}{station}->getAttribute('eva'), $dt_req ); $dt_req->add( hours => 1 ); } $self->get_realtime; @{ $self->{results} } = grep { ( $_->departure // $_->arrival ) >= $self->{datetime} } @{ $self->{results} }; @{ $self->{results} } = sort { $a->{datetime} <=> $b->{datetime} } @{ $self->{results} }; return $self; } sub add_result { my ( $self, $station, $s ) = @_; my $id = $s->getAttribute('id'); my $e_tl = ( $s->findnodes('./tl') )[0]; my $e_ar = ( $s->findnodes('./ar') )[0]; my $e_dp = ( $s->findnodes('./dp') )[0]; if ( not $e_tl ) { return; } my %data = ( raw_id => $id, classes => $e_tl->getAttribute('f'), # D N S F unknown_t => $e_tl->getAttribute('t'), # p train_no => $e_tl->getAttribute('n'), # dep number type => $e_tl->getAttribute('c'), # S/ICE/ERB/... line_no => $e_tl->getAttribute('l'), # 1 -> S1, ... station => $station, unknown_o => $e_tl->getAttribute('o'), # owner: 03/80/R2/... ); if ($e_ar) { $data{arrival_ts} = $e_ar->getAttribute('pt'); $data{platform} = $e_ar->getAttribute('pp'); # string, not number! $data{route_pre} = $e_ar->getAttribute('ppth'); $data{route_start} = $e_ar->getAttribute('pde'); $data{arrival_wings} = $e_ar->getAttribute('wings'); } if ($e_dp) { $data{departure_ts} = $e_dp->getAttribute('pt'); $data{platform} = $e_dp->getAttribute('pp'); # string, not number! $data{route_post} = $e_dp->getAttribute('ppth'); $data{route_end} = $e_dp->getAttribute('pde'); $data{departure_wings} = $e_dp->getAttribute('wings'); } my $result = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Result->new(%data); # if scheduled departure and current departure are not within the # same hour, trains are reported twice. Don't add duplicates in # that case. if ( not first { $_->raw_id eq $id } @{ $self->{results} } ) { push( @{ $self->{results} }, $result, ); } return $result; } sub get_timetable { my ( $self, $eva, $dt ) = @_; my $ua = $self->{user_agent}; my $res = $ua->get( $dt->strftime( $self->{iris_base} . "/plan/${eva}/%y%m%d/%H" ) ); if ( $res->is_error ) { $self->{errstr} = $res->status_line; return $self; } my $xml = XML::LibXML->load_xml( string => $res->decoded_content ); #say $xml->toString(1); my $station = ( $xml->findnodes('/timetable') )[0]->getAttribute('station'); for my $s ( $xml->findnodes('/timetable/s') ) { $self->add_result( $station, $s ); } return $self; } sub get_realtime { my ($self) = @_; my $eva = $self->{nodes}{station}->getAttribute('eva'); my $res = $self->{user_agent}->get( $self->{iris_base} . "/fchg/${eva}" ); if ( $res->is_error ) { $self->{errstr} = $res->status_line; return $self; } my $xml = XML::LibXML->load_xml( string => $res->decoded_content ); my $station = ( $xml->findnodes('/timetable') )[0]->getAttribute('station'); for my $s ( $xml->findnodes('/timetable/s') ) { my $id = $s->getAttribute('id'); my $e_tl = ( $s->findnodes('./tl') )[0]; my $e_ar = ( $s->findnodes('./ar') )[0]; my $e_dp = ( $s->findnodes('./dp') )[0]; my @e_ms = $s->findnodes('.//m'); my %messages; my $result = first { $_->raw_id eq $id } $self->results; if ( not $result ) { $result = $self->add_result( $station, $s ); } if ( not $result ) { next; } $result->add_realtime($s); for my $e_m (@e_ms) { my $type = $e_m->getAttribute('t'); my $value = $e_m->getAttribute('c'); my $id = $e_m->getAttribute('id'); my $ts = $e_m->getAttribute('ts'); if ($value) { $messages{$id} = [ $ts, $type, $value ]; } } $result->add_messages(%messages); if ($e_tl) { $result->add_tl( class => $e_tl->getAttribute('f'), # D N S F unknown_t => $e_tl->getAttribute('t'), # p train_no => $e_tl->getAttribute('n'), # dep number type => $e_tl->getAttribute('c'), # S/ICE/ERB/... line_no => $e_tl->getAttribute('l'), # 1 -> S1, ... unknown_o => $e_tl->getAttribute('o'), # owner: 03/80/R2/... ); } if ($e_ar) { $result->add_ar( arrival_ts => $e_ar->getAttribute('ct'), platform => $e_ar->getAttribute('cp'), route_pre => $e_ar->getAttribute('cpth'), status => $e_ar->getAttribute('cs'), ); } if ($e_dp) { $result->add_dp( departure_ts => $e_dp->getAttribute('ct'), platform => $e_dp->getAttribute('cp'), route_post => $e_dp->getAttribute('cpth'), status => $e_dp->getAttribute('cs'), ); } } return $self; } sub errstr { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{errstr}; } sub results { my ($self) = @_; return @{ $self->{results} // [] }; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Travel::Status::DE::IRIS - Interface to IRIS based web departure monitors. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS; use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations; # Get station code for "Essen Hbf" (-> "EE") my $station = (Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station_by_name( 'Essen Hbf'))[0][0]; my $status = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS->new(station => $station); for my $r ($status->results) { printf( "%s %s +%-3d %10s -> %s\n", $r->date, $r->time, $r->delay || 0, $r->line, $r->destination ); } =head1 VERSION version 0.00 =head1 DESCRIPTION Travel::Status::DE::IRIS is an unofficial interface to IRIS based web departure monitors such as L. =head1 METHODS =over =item my $states = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS->new(I<%opt>) Requests schedule and realtime data for a specific station at a specific point in time. Returns a new Travel::Status::DE::IRIS object. Arguments: =over =item B => I A DateTime(3pm) object specifying the point in time. Optional, defaults to the current date and time. =item B => I IRIS base url, defaults to C<< >>. =item B => I Mandatory: Which station to return departures for. Note that this is not a station name, but a station code, such as "EE" (for Essen Hbf) or "KA" (for Aachen Hbf). See Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations(3pm) for a name to code mapping. =back All other options are passed to the LWP::UserAgent(3pm) constructor. =item $status->errstr In case of an HTTP request or IRIS error, returns a string describing it. Returns undef otherwise. =item $status->results Returns a list of Travel::Status::DE::IRIS(3pm) objects, each one describing one arrival and/or departure. =back =head1 DIAGNOSTICS None. =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item * DateTime(3pm) =item * List::Util(3pm) =item * LWP::UserAgent(3pm) =item * XML::LibXML(3pm) =back =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Many backend features are not yet exposed. =head1 SEE ALSO db-iris(1), Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Result(3pm), Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations(3pm) =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2013-2014 by Daniel Friesel Ederf@finalrewind.orgE =head1 LICENSE This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.