#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use File::Slurp qw(read_file write_file); use JSON; use List::Util qw(any); use XML::LibXML; my $json_str = read_file('stations.json'); my $stations = JSON->new->utf8->decode($json_str); @{$stations} = sort { $a->{name} cmp $b->{name} } @{$stations}; my $xml_str = read_file('stations.xml'); my $tree = XML::LibXML->load_xml( string => $xml_str ); my @missing; if ( -e "missing.txt" ) { for my $line ( read_file("missing.txt") ) { chomp $line; push( @missing, $line ); } } for my $station ( $tree->findnodes('//station') ) { my $name = $station->getAttribute('name'); my $eva = $station->getAttribute('eva'); my $ds100 = $station->getAttribute('ds100'); my $is_db = $station->getAttribute('db') eq 'true'; my $found = 0; for my $j_station ( @{$stations} ) { my $j_name = $j_station->{name}; my $j_ds100 = $j_station->{ds100}; my $j_eva = $j_station->{eva}; if ( $name eq $j_name or $eva == $j_eva ) { $found = 1; } if ( $j_ds100 eq $ds100 and $j_name ne $name ) { printf( "%8s has been renamed: %30s -> %30s\n", $ds100, $j_name, $name ); #$j_station->{name} = $name; last; } elsif ( $j_eva == $eva and $j_name ne $name ) { printf( "%d mismatch: (%s -> %s), (%s -> %s)\n", $eva, $j_name, $name, $j_ds100, $ds100 ); last; } elsif ( $j_name eq $name and $j_ds100 ne $ds100 and $is_db and $ds100 !~ m{ ^ PQ }x ) { printf( "%30s has been recoded: %8s -> %8s\n", $name, $j_ds100, $ds100 ); last; } elsif ( $j_name eq $name and $j_eva != $eva and $is_db and $ds100 !~ m{ ^ PQ }x ) { printf( "%30s has been recoded: %d -> %d\n", $name, $j_eva, $eva ); last; } } if ( not $found and any { $_ eq $name } @missing ) { say "missing $eva $ds100 \"$name\""; push( @{$stations}, { name => $name, ds100 => $ds100, eva => $eva, } ); } } my @to_delete; for my $i ( 0 .. $#{$stations} ) { my $j_station = $stations->[$i]; my $j_name = $j_station->{name}; my $j_ds100 = $j_station->{ds100}; my $j_eva = $j_station->{eva}; my $found = 0; for my $station ( $tree->findnodes('//station') ) { my $name = $station->getAttribute('name'); my $eva = $station->getAttribute('eva'); my $ds100 = $station->getAttribute('ds100'); my $is_db = $station->getAttribute('db') eq 'true'; if ( $name eq $j_name or $eva == $j_eva ) { $found = 1; } } if ( not $found ) { say "station no longer exists: $j_eva $j_ds100 \"$j_name\""; unshift( @to_delete, $i ); } } for my $i (@to_delete) { splice( @{$stations}, $i, 1 ); } my $json_out = JSON->new->utf8->canonical->pretty->encode($stations); write_file( 'stations.json', $json_out );