#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.014; use utf8; use DateTime; use Test::More tests => 8; use Test::Fatal; use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS; my $status = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS->new( iris_base => 'file:t/in', station => 'EE', datetime => DateTime->new( year => 2014, month => 1, day => 3, hour => 20, minute => 1, time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ) ); my @results = $status->results; my $ice645 = $results[0]; my $s1 = $results[1]; my $s9 = $results[8]; my $hkx = $results[10]; my $abr = $results[13]; is_deeply( [ $ice645->route ], [ $ice645->sched_route ], 'route == sched_route' ); is_deeply( [ $ice645->route_pre ], [ $ice645->sched_route_pre ], 'route_pre == sched_route_pre' ); is_deeply( [ $ice645->route_post ], [ $ice645->sched_route_post ], 'route_post == sched_route_post' ); is_deeply( [ $ice645->route ], [ 'Köln/Bonn Flughafen', 'Köln Messe/Deutz Gl.11-12', 'Düsseldorf Hbf', 'Düsseldorf Flughafen', 'Duisburg Hbf', 'Essen Hbf', 'Bochum Hbf', 'Dortmund Hbf', 'Hamm(Westf)', 'Bielefeld Hbf', 'Hannover Hbf', 'Berlin-Spandau', 'Berlin Hbf', 'Berlin Ostbahnhof' ], 'route' ); is_deeply( [ $ice645->route_pre ], [ 'Köln/Bonn Flughafen', 'Köln Messe/Deutz Gl.11-12', 'Düsseldorf Hbf', 'Düsseldorf Flughafen', 'Duisburg Hbf' ], 'route_pre' ); is_deeply( [ $ice645->route_post ], [ 'Bochum Hbf', 'Dortmund Hbf', 'Hamm(Westf)', 'Bielefeld Hbf', 'Hannover Hbf', 'Berlin-Spandau', 'Berlin Hbf', 'Berlin Ostbahnhof' ], 'route_post' ); is_deeply([$ice645->route_interesting], ['Bochum', 'Dortmund', 'Bielefeld'], 'route_interesting with just major'); is_deeply([$abr->route_interesting], ['Essen-Kray Süd', 'Bochum', 'Witten'], 'route_interesting with minor');