package Travel::Status::DE::ASEAG; use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => "experimental::smartmatch"; our $VERSION = '0.00'; use Carp qw(confess cluck); use DateTime; use Encode qw(encode decode); use List::MoreUtils qw(none); use LWP::UserAgent; use Travel::Status::DE::ASEAG::Result; sub new { my ( $class, %opt ) = @_; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(%opt); my $self = { full_routes => $opt{full_routes} // 0, fuzzy => $opt{fuzzy} // 1, hide_past => $opt{hide_past} // 1, stop => $opt{stop}, via => $opt{via}, post => { ReturnList => 'lineid,linename,directionid,destinationtext,vehicleid,' . 'tripid,estimatedtime,stopid,stoppointname' }, }; bless( $self, $class ); $ua->env_proxy; my $response = $ua->post( '', $self->{post} ); if ( $response->is_error ) { $self->{errstr} = $response->status_line; return $self; } $self->{raw_str} = $response->decoded_content; for my $dep ( split( /\r\n/, $self->{raw_str} ) ) { $dep =~ s{^\[}{}; $dep =~ s{\]$}{}; # first field == 4 => version information, no departure if ( substr( $dep, 0, 1 ) != 4 ) { push( @{ $self->{raw_list} }, [ split( /"?,"?/, $dep ) ] ); } } return $self; } sub new_from_raw { my ( $class, %opt ) = @_; my $self = { raw_str => $opt{raw_str}, }; for my $dep ( split( /\r\n/, $self->{raw} ) ) { $dep =~ s{^\[}{}; $dep =~ s{\]$}{}; # first field == 4 => version information, no departure if ( substr( $dep, 0, 1 ) != 4 ) { push( @{ $self->{raw_list} }, [ split( /"?,"?/, $dep ) ] ); } } return bless( $self, $class ); } sub errstr { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{errstr}; } sub sprintf_date { my ($e) = @_; return sprintf( '%02d.%02d.%d', $e->getAttribute('day'), $e->getAttribute('month'), $e->getAttribute('year'), ); } sub sprintf_time { my ($e) = @_; return sprintf( '%02d:%02d', $e->getAttribute('hour'), $e->getAttribute('minute'), ); } sub is_my_stop { my ( $self, $stop, $my_stop, $fuzzy ) = @_; if ($fuzzy) { return ( $stop =~ m{ $my_stop }ix ? 1 : 0 ); } else { return ( $stop eq $my_stop ); } } sub results { my ( $self, %opt ) = @_; my @results; my $full_routes = $opt{full_routes} // $self->{full_routes} // 0; my $fuzzy = $opt{fuzzy} // $self->{fuzzy} // 1; my $hide_past = $opt{hide_past} // $self->{hide_past} // 1; my $stop = $opt{stop} // $self->{stop}; my $via = $opt{via} // $self->{via}; my $dt_now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my $ts_now = $dt_now->epoch; if ($via) { $full_routes ||= 'after'; } for my $dep ( @{ $self->{raw_list} } ) { my ( $u1, $stopname, $stopid, $lineid, $linename, $u2, $dest, $vehicleid, $tripid, $timestamp ) = @{$dep}; my @route; if ( $stop and not $self->is_my_stop( $stopname, $stop, $fuzzy ) ) { next; } if ( not $timestamp ) { cluck("departure element without timestamp: $dep"); next; } my $dt_dep = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $timestamp / 1000, time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my $ts_dep = $dt_dep->epoch; if ( $hide_past and $dt_dep->subtract_datetime($dt_now)->is_negative ) { next; } if ($full_routes) { @route = map { [ $_->[9] / 1000, $_->[1] ] } grep { $_->[8] == $tripid } @{ $self->{raw_list} }; if ( $full_routes eq 'before' ) { @route = grep { $_->[0] < $ts_dep } @route; } elsif ( $full_routes eq 'after' ) { @route = grep { $_->[0] > $ts_dep } @route; } if ( $via and none { $self->is_my_stop( $_->[1], $via, $fuzzy ) } @route ) { next; } if ($hide_past) { @route = grep { $_->[0] >= $ts_now } @route; } @route = map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } map { [ $_, $_->[0] ] } @route; @route = map { [ DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $_->[0], time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ), decode( 'UTF-8', $_->[1] ) ] } @route; } push( @results, Travel::Status::DE::ASEAG::Result->new( date => $dt_dep->strftime('%d.%m.%Y'), time => $dt_dep->strftime('%H:%M:%S'), datetime => $dt_dep, line => $linename, line_id => $lineid, destination => decode( 'UTF-8', $dest ), countdown => $dt_dep->subtract_datetime($dt_now)->in_units('minutes'), countdown_sec => $dt_dep->subtract_datetime($dt_now)->in_units('seconds'), route_timetable => [@route], stop => $stopname, stop_id => $stopid, ) ); } @results = map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } map { [ $_, $_->countdown ] } @results; $self->{results} = \@results; return @results; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Travel::Status::DE::ASEAG - unofficial ASEAG departure monitor =head1 SYNOPSIS use Travel::Status::DE::ASEAG; my $status = Travel::Status::DE::ASEAG->new( stop => 'Aachen Bushof' ); for my $d ($status->results) { printf( "%s %-5s %25s (in %d min)\n", $d->time, $d->line, $d->destination, $d->countdown ); } =head1 VERSION version 1.04 =head1 DESCRIPTION Travel::Status::DE::ASEAG is an unofficial interface to an ASEAG departure monitor. It reports all upcoming departures at a given place in real-time. Schedule information is not included. =head1 METHODS =over =item my $status = Travel::Status::DE::ASEAG->new(I<%opt>) Requests the departures as specified by I and returns a new Travel::Status::DE::ASEAG object. Accepts the same options is C<< $status->results >>. Options specified here can be overridden later, but may limit the set of available departures. =item $status->errstr In case of an HTTP request error, returns a string describing it. If none occured, returns undef. =item $status->results(I<%opt>) Returns a list of Travel::Status::DE::ASEAG::Result(3pm) objects, each describing one departure. Accepted parameters (all are optional): =over =item B => B|B|I (default 0) When set to a true value: Compute B fields in all Travel::Status::DE::ASEAG::Result(3pm) objects, otherwise they will not be set. B / B limits the timetable to stops before / after the stop I (if set). =item B => I (default 1) A true value allows fuzzy matching for the I set above, a false one requires an exact string match. =item B => I (default 1) Do not include past departures in the result list and the computed timetables. =item B => I Only return departures at stop I. =item B => I Only return departures containing I in their route. If B is set, I must be in the route after the stop I. If, in addition to that, B is set to B, I must be in the route before the stop I. Respects B. Implies C<< full_routes> => 'after' >> unless B is explicitly set to B / B / 1. =back =back =head1 DIAGNOSTICS None. =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item * Class::Accessor(3pm) =item * DateTime(3pm) =item * LWP::UserAgent(3pm) =back =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Many. =head1 SEE ALSO aseag-m(1), Travel::Status::DE::ASEAG::Result(3pm). =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2013 by Daniel Friesel Ederf@finalrewind.orgE =head1 LICENSE This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.