package Travel::Status::DE::URA; use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch'; our $VERSION = '0.02'; use Carp qw(confess cluck); use DateTime; use Encode qw(encode decode); use List::MoreUtils qw(firstval none uniq); use LWP::UserAgent; use Travel::Status::DE::URA::Result; sub new { my ( $class, %opt ) = @_; my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(%opt); if ( not( $opt{ura_base} and $opt{ura_version} ) ) { confess('ura_base and ura_version are mandatory'); } my $self = { ura_base => $opt{ura_base}, ura_version => $opt{ura_version}, full_routes => $opt{full_routes} // 0, hide_past => $opt{hide_past} // 1, stop => $opt{stop}, via => $opt{via}, post => { ReturnList => 'lineid,linename,directionid,destinationtext,vehicleid,' . 'tripid,estimatedtime,stopid,stoppointname' }, }; $self->{ura_instant_url} = $self->{ura_base} . '/instant_V' . $self->{ura_version}; bless( $self, $class ); $ua->env_proxy; my $response = $ua->post( $self->{ura_instant_url}, $self->{post} ); if ( $response->is_error ) { $self->{errstr} = $response->status_line; return $self; } $self->{raw_str} = $response->decoded_content; $self->parse_raw_data; return $self; } sub new_from_raw { my ( $class, %opt ) = @_; my $self = { ura_base => $opt{ura_base}, ura_version => $opt{ura_version}, full_routes => $opt{full_routes} // 0, hide_past => $opt{hide_past} // 1, stop => $opt{stop}, via => $opt{via}, raw_str => $opt{raw_str} }; bless( $self, $class ); $self->parse_raw_data; return $self; } sub parse_raw_data { my ($self) = @_; for my $dep ( split( /\r\n/, $self->{raw_str} ) ) { $dep =~ s{^\[}{}; $dep =~ s{\]$}{}; # first field == 4 => version information, no departure if ( substr( $dep, 0, 1 ) != 4 ) { my @fields = split( /"?,"?/, $dep ); push( @{ $self->{raw_list} }, \@fields ); push( @{ $self->{stop_names} }, $fields[1] ); } } @{ $self->{stop_names} } = uniq @{ $self->{stop_names} }; return $self; } sub get_stop_by_name { my ( $self, $name ) = @_; my $nname = lc($name); my $actual_match = firstval { $nname eq lc($_) } @{ $self->{stop_names} }; if ($actual_match) { return $actual_match; } return ( grep { $_ =~ m{$name}i } @{ $self->{stop_names} } ); } sub errstr { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{errstr}; } sub results { my ( $self, %opt ) = @_; my @results; my $full_routes = $opt{full_routes} // $self->{full_routes} // 0; my $hide_past = $opt{hide_past} // $self->{hide_past} // 1; my $stop = $opt{stop} // $self->{stop}; my $via = $opt{via} // $self->{via}; my $dt_now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my $ts_now = $dt_now->epoch; if ($via) { $full_routes ||= 'after'; } for my $dep ( @{ $self->{raw_list} } ) { my ( $u1, $stopname, $stopid, $lineid, $linename, $u2, $dest, $vehicleid, $tripid, $timestamp ) = @{$dep}; my @route; if ( $stop and not( $stopname eq $stop ) ) { next; } if ( not $timestamp ) { cluck("departure element without timestamp: $dep"); next; } $timestamp /= 1000; if ( $hide_past and $ts_now > $timestamp ) { next; } my $dt_dep = DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $timestamp, time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my $ts_dep = $dt_dep->epoch; if ($full_routes) { @route = map { [ $_->[9] / 1000, $_->[1] ] } grep { $_->[8] == $tripid } @{ $self->{raw_list} }; if ( $full_routes eq 'before' ) { @route = grep { $_->[0] < $ts_dep } @route; } elsif ( $full_routes eq 'after' ) { @route = grep { $_->[0] > $ts_dep } @route; } if ( $via and none { $_->[1] eq $via } @route ) { next; } if ($hide_past) { @route = grep { $_->[0] >= $ts_now } @route; } @route = map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } map { [ $_, $_->[0] ] } @route; @route = map { [ DateTime->from_epoch( epoch => $_->[0], time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ), decode( 'UTF-8', $_->[1] ) ] } @route; } push( @results, Travel::Status::DE::URA::Result->new( datetime => $dt_dep, dt_now => $dt_now, line => $linename, line_id => $lineid, destination => decode( 'UTF-8', $dest ), route_timetable => [@route], stop => $stopname, stop_id => $stopid, ) ); } @results = map { $_->[0] } sort { $a->[1] <=> $b->[1] } map { [ $_, $_->datetime->epoch ] } @results; $self->{results} = \@results; return @results; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Travel::Status::DE::URA - unofficial departure monitor for URA-based realtime data providers (e.g. ASEAG) =head1 SYNOPSIS use Travel::Status::DE::URA; my $status = Travel::Status::DE::URA->new( ura_base => '', ura_version => '1', stop => 'Aachen Bushof' ); for my $d ($status->results) { printf( "%s %-5s %25s (in %d min)\n", $d->time, $d->line, $d->destination, $d->countdown ); } =head1 VERSION version 0.02 =head1 DESCRIPTION Travel::Status::DE::URA is an unofficial interface URA-based realtime departure monitors (as used e.g. by the ASEAG). It reports all upcoming departures at a given place in real-time. Schedule information is not included. =head1 METHODS =over =item my $status = Travel::Status::DE::URA->new(I<%opt>) Requests the departures as specified by I and returns a new Travel::Status::DE::URA object. The following two parameters are mandatory: =over =item B => I The URA base url. =item B => I The version, may be any string. =back The request URL is I/instant_VI, so for C<< >>, C<< 1 >> this module will point requests to C<< >>. Additionally, all options supported by C<< $status->results >> may be specified here, causing them to be used as defaults. Note that while they may be overridden later, they may limit the set of available departures requested from the server. =item $status->errstr In case of an HTTP request error, returns a string describing it. If none occured, returns undef. =item $status->get_stop_by_name(I<$stopname>) Returns a list of stops matching I<$stopname>. For instance, if the stops "Aachen Bushof", "Eupen Bushof", "Brand" and "Brandweiher" exist, the parameter "bushof" will return "Aachen Bushof" and "Eupen Bushof", while "brand" will only return "Brand". =item $status->results(I<%opt>) Returns a list of Travel::Status::DE::URA::Result(3pm) objects, each describing one departure. Accepted parameters (all are optional): =over =item B => B|B|I (default 0) When set to a true value: Compute B fields in all Travel::Status::DE::URA::Result(3pm) objects, otherwise they will not be set. B / B limits the timetable to stops before / after the stop I (if set). =item B => I (default 1) Do not include past departures in the result list and the computed timetables. =item B => I Only return departures at stop I. =item B => I Only return departures containing I in their route. If B is set, I must be in the route after the stop I. If, in addition to that, B is set to B, I must be in the route before the stop I. Implies C<< full_routes> => 'after' >> unless B is explicitly set to B / B / 1. =back =back =head1 DIAGNOSTICS None. =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item * Class::Accessor(3pm) =item * DateTime(3pm) =item * List::MoreUtils(3pm) =item * LWP::UserAgent(3pm) =back =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Many. =head1 SEE ALSO Travel::Status::DE::URA::Result(3pm). =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2013 by Daniel Friesel Ederf@finalrewind.orgE =head1 LICENSE This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.