#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use utf8;

no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';

our $VERSION = '1.20';

binmode( STDOUT, ':encoding(utf-8)' );

use Encode qw(decode);
use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case bundling);
use List::Util qw(first max);
use Travel::Status::DE::EFA;

my $efa_url = 'https://efa.vrr.de/vrr/XSLT_DM_REQUEST';
my $efa_encoding;
my ( $date, $time, $input_type, $list_lines, $offset, $relative_times );
my ($full_routes);
my ( $filter_via,    $track_via );
my ( $timeout,       $developer_mode );
my ( @grep_lines,    @grep_platforms, @grep_mots );
my ( %edata,         @edata_pre );
my ( $list_services, $service, $discover_and_print, $discover );
my $efa;

@ARGV = map { decode( 'UTF-8', $_ ) } @ARGV;

	'A|auto-url|discover-and-print' => \$discover_and_print,
	'd|date=s'                      => \$date,
	'D|discover'                    => \$discover,
	'h|help'                        => sub { show_help(0) },
	'l|line=s@'                     => \@grep_lines,
	'L|linelist'                    => \$list_lines,
	'list'                          => \$list_services,
	'm|mot=s@'                      => \@grep_mots,
	'o|offset=i'                    => \$offset,
	'O|output=s@'                   => \@edata_pre,
	'p|platform=s@'                 => \@grep_platforms,
	'r|relative'                    => \$relative_times,
	's|service=s'                   => \$service,
	't|time=s'                      => \$time,
	'timeout=i'                     => \$timeout,
	'u|efa-url=s'                   => \$efa_url,
	'v|via=s'                       => \$filter_via,
	'V|track-via=s'                 => sub { $filter_via = $track_via = $_[1] },
	'version'                       => \&show_version,
	'devmode'                       => \$developer_mode,

) or show_help(1);

if ($list_services) {

if ( @ARGV < 1 or @ARGV > 2 ) {

# --line=foo,bar support
@edata_pre      = split( qr{,}, join( q{,}, @edata_pre ) );
@grep_lines     = split( qr{,}, join( q{,}, @grep_lines ) );
@grep_mots      = split( qr{,}, join( q{,}, @grep_mots ) );
@grep_platforms = split( qr{,}, join( q{,}, @grep_platforms ) );

my ( $place, $input );

if ( @ARGV == 1 ) {
	$input = $ARGV[0];
else {
	( $place, $input ) = @ARGV;

if ( $input =~ s{ ^ (?<type> address|poi|stop|stopID) : }{}x ) {
	$input_type = $+{type};

for my $efield (@edata_pre) {
	given ($efield) {
		when ('a') { $edata{route_after}  = 1; $full_routes = 1 }
		when ('b') { $edata{route_before} = 1; $full_routes = 1 }
		when ('f') { $edata{fullroute}    = 1; $full_routes = 1 }
		when ('r') { $edata{route}        = 1; $full_routes = 1 }
		default    { $edata{$efield}      = 1 }
if ($filter_via) {
	$full_routes = 1;

if ($service) {
	my $service_ref = first { lc( $_->{shortname} ) eq lc($service) }
	if ( not $service_ref ) {
		printf STDERR (
			"Error: Unknown service '%s'. See 'efa-m --list' for a "
			  . "list of supported service names\n",
		exit 1;
	$efa_url      = $service_ref->{url};
	$efa_encoding = $service_ref->{encoding};

sub new_efa_by_url {
	my ($url) = @_;
	my $res = Travel::Status::DE::EFA->new(
		date           => $date,
		developer_mode => $developer_mode,
		efa_url        => $url,
		efa_encoding   => $efa_encoding,
		full_routes    => $full_routes,
		place          => $place,
		name           => $input,
		time           => $time,
		type           => $input_type,
		timeout        => $timeout,

	return $res;

sub show_help {
	my ($code) = @_;

	print "Usage: efa-m [-d <dd.mm.yyyy>] [-t <hh:mm>] [place] <station>\n"
	  . "See also: man efa-m\n";

	exit $code;

sub show_services {
	printf( "%-45s %-14s %s\n\n", 'service', 'abbr. (-s)', 'url (-u)' );
	for my $service ( Travel::Status::DE::EFA::get_efa_urls() ) {
		printf( "%-45s %-14s %s\n", @{$service}{qw(name shortname url)} );

	exit 0;

sub show_version {
	say "efa-m version ${VERSION}";

	exit 0;

sub format_route {
	my (@route) = @_;

	my $output = q{};

	for my $stop (@route) {
		if ( not $stop ) {
			say 'BUG';
		if ( not defined $stop->arr_time ) {
			$output .= sprintf( "        %5s  %40s %s\n",
				$stop->dep_time, $stop->name, $stop->platform, );
		elsif ( not defined $stop->dep_time ) {
			$output .= sprintf( "%5s          %40s %s\n",
				$stop->arr_time, $stop->name, $stop->platform, );
		elsif ( $stop->arr_time eq $stop->dep_time ) {
			$output .= sprintf( "    %5s      %40s %s\n",
				$stop->dep_time, $stop->name, $stop->platform, );
		else {
			$output .= sprintf(
				"%5s → %5s  %40s %s\n",
				$stop->arr_time, $stop->dep_time,
				$stop->name,     $stop->platform,
	return $output;

sub display_result {
	my (@lines) = @_;

	my @line_length;

	if ( not @lines ) {
		die("Nothing to show\n");

	for my $i ( 0 .. 4 ) {
		$line_length[$i] = max map { length( $_->[$i] ) } @lines;

	for my $line (@lines) {

		if ( length( $line->[5] ) ) {
			$line->[5] =~ tr{\n\x0d}{ }s;
			chomp $line->[5];
			print "\n";
			for my $info_line ( split( qr{\n}, $line->[5] ) ) {
				say "# ${info_line}";

			join( q{  }, ( map { "%-${_}s" } @line_length ) ) . "\n",
			@{$line}[ 0 .. 4 ]

		if ( $line->[6] ) {
			say $line->[6];


sub show_lines {
	my @output;

	for my $l ( $efa->lines ) {

		if (   ( @grep_lines and not( $l->name ~~ \@grep_lines ) )
			or ( @grep_mots and not( $l->mot_name ~~ \@grep_mots ) ) )

		if ( @grep_mots and not( $l->mot_name ~~ \@grep_mots ) ) {

		push( @output,
			[ $l->type, $l->name, $l->direction // q{}, q{}, $l->route // q{} ]



sub show_results {
	my @output;

	for my $d ( $efa->results ) {

		my @output_line;
		my $platform = $d->platform;
		my $dtime    = (
			? sprintf( '%2d min', $d->countdown )
			: $d->sched_time

		if ( $d->platform_db ) {
			$platform .= ' (DB)';

		if (
			   ( @grep_lines and not( $d->line ~~ \@grep_lines ) )
			or ( @grep_mots and not( $d->mot_name ~~ \@grep_mots ) )
			or ( @grep_platforms
				and not( $platform ~~ \@grep_platforms ) )
			or ( $offset and $d->countdown < $offset )
			or ( $filter_via
				not( first { $_->name =~ m{$filter_via}io } $d->route_post ) )

		if ( $d->is_cancelled ) {
			if ($relative_times) {
			else {
				$dtime .= ' CANCELED';
		elsif ($track_via) {
			my $via = first { $_->name =~ m{$filter_via}io } $d->route_post;
			$dtime .= ' → ' . $via->arr_time;
		if ( $d->delay ) {
			if ($relative_times) {
				$dtime .= ' (+' . $d->delay . ')';
			else {
				$dtime .= ' +' . $d->delay;

		  = ( $dtime, $platform, $d->line, q{}, $d->destination, $d->info );

		if ( $edata{route} ) {
			  = join( q{  }, map { $_->name_suf } $d->route_interesting );
		elsif ( $d->occupancy ) {
			if ( $d->occupancy eq 'MANY_SEATS' ) {
				$output_line[3] = '_';
			elsif ( $d->occupancy eq 'FEW_SEATS' ) {
				$output_line[3] = '*';
			elsif ( $d->occupancy eq 'STANDING_ONLY' ) {
				$output_line[3] = '!';
			else {
				$output_line[3] = '?';

		if ( $edata{fullroute} ) {
			  = format_route( $d->route_pre )
			  . ' -' x 30 . "\n"
			  . format_route( $d->route_post );
		elsif ( $edata{route_after} ) {
			$output_line[6] = format_route( $d->route_post );
		elsif ( $edata{route_before} ) {
			$output_line[6] = format_route( reverse $d->route_pre );

		push( @output, \@output_line );



if ( $discover or $discover_and_print ) {
	for my $service_ref ( Travel::Status::DE::EFA::get_efa_urls() ) {
		$efa = new_efa_by_url( $service_ref->{url} );
		if ( $efa and not $efa->errstr ) {
			if ($discover_and_print) {
				"%s / %s (%s)\n   ->  efa-m -s %s %s\n\n",
				@{$service_ref}{qw(name shortname url shortname)},
				join( q{ }, map { "'$_'" } @ARGV ),
	if ($discover) {
		exit 0;

$efa = new_efa_by_url($efa_url);

if ( my $err = $efa->errstr ) {
	say STDERR "Request error: ${err}";

	if ( $efa->place_candidates ) {
		say 'You might want to try one of the following places:';
		say join( "\n", $efa->place_candidates );
	elsif ( $efa->name_candidates ) {
		say 'You might want to try one of the following names:';
		say join( "\n", $efa->name_candidates );

	exit 2;

if ($list_lines) {
else {


=head1 NAME

efa-m - Unofficial interface to the efa.vrr.de departure monitor


B<efa-m> [B<-Lr>] [B<-d> I<dd.mm.yyyy>] [B<-t> I<hh:mm>]
[B<-l> I<lines>] [B<-p> I<platforms>] [B<-u> I<url>]
[I<city>] [I<type>B<:>]I<name>

=head1 VERSION

version 1.20


B<efa-m> lists scheduled tram, bus and train departures at the location I<name>.

For each departure, it shows


=item * scheduled departure time,

=item * delay in minutes,

=item * platform,

=item * line,

=item * expected occupation (from _ to !, if available), and

=item * destination.


If I<city> is specified, I<name> refers to a location within I<city>. Otherwise,
I<name> must be self-contained. I.e., both C<< efa Essen Hbf >> and
C<< efa "Essen Hbf" >> are valid. Note, however, than C<< efa E Hbf >> works,
but C<< efa "E Hbf" >> does not.

By default, I<name> refers to a stop, this can be changed by specifying
I<type>.  Supported types are B<address> and B<poi> (point of interest).

=head1 OPTIONS


=item B<-A>, B<--auto-url>, B<--discover-and-print>

Probe all known EFA entry points for the specified stop. Print the first
result which was not an error.

Note that this may take a while and will not necessarily return the best
result.  Also, using thi option by default is not recommended, as it puts EFA
services under considerable additional load.

=item B<-d>, B<--date> I<dd.mm.yyyy>

Show departures for I<date> instead of today.
May also be specified as I<dd.mm.>

=item B<-D>, B<--discover>

Probe all known EFA entry points for the specified stop. Print the URLs and
names of all entry points which did not return an error.

=item B<-L>, B<--linelist>

Do not show departures. Instead, list all lines serving the specified place.
Note that this information may be incomplete -- only lines which are in
service either at the time of the B<efa-m> call or at the time specifed
using B<--date> and B<--time> are guaranteed to be included.

=item B<-l>, B<--line> I<lines>

Only show departures of I<lines> (comma-separatad list, option may be

=item B<--list>

List supported EFA services with their URLs (see B<-u>) and abbreviations (see

=item B<-m>, B<--mot> I<motlist>

Only show departures whose type appears in I<motlist> (comma-separated list,
this option may be repeated).

The following departure types ("modes of transport") are supported:
zug, s-bahn, u-bahn, stadtbahn, tram, stadtbus, regionalbus, schnellbus,
seilbahn, schiff, ast, sonstige

=item B<-o>, B<--offset> I<minutes>

Ignore departures which are less than I<minutes> from now.

=item B<-O>, B<--output> I<outputtypes>

For each result, show additional information as specified by I<outputtypes>.
I<outputtypes> is a comma-separated list, the B<-O>/B<--output> option may
also be repeated. Each output type has both a short and long form, for instance
both "-Or" and "--output=route" are valid.

The following output types are supported:


=item a / route_after

Show each departure's full route (timestamps and stop names) after the
requested station.

=item b / route_before

Show each departure's full route (timestamps and stop names) before the
requested station.

=item f / fullroute

Show each departure's full route (timestamps and stop names) before and
after the requested station.

=item r / route

Show up to three stops between the requested station and the departure's
destination. B<efa-m> tries to display the three most important stops,
however these are heuristically determined and may not be optimal.


=item B<-p>, B<--platform> I<platforms>

Only show departures at I<platforms> (comma-separated list, option may be
repeated).  Note that the C<< Bstg. >> / C<< Gleis >> prefix must be omitted.

=item B<-r>, B<--relative>

Show relative departure times in minutes (i.e. the time difference between
the departure and the time of the request).  In this case, realtime data is
already included.

=item B<-s>, B<--service> I<name>

Short name of the EFA entry point. See Travel::Status::DE::EFA(3pm) and the
B<--list> option for a list of services.

=item B<-t>, B<--time> I<hh:mm>

Show departures starting at I<time> instead of now.

=item B<-u>, B<--efa-url> I<url>

URL to the EFA entry point, defaults to
L<http://efa.vrr.de/vrr/XSLT_DM_REQUEST>.  Depending on your location, some
I<url>s may contain more specific data than others.  See
Travel::Status::DE::EFA(3pm) and the B<--list> option for alternatives.

=item B<--timeout> I<seconds>

Set timeout for HTTP requests. Default: 10 seconds. Set to 0 or a negative
value to disable it.

=item B<-v>, B<--via> I<station>

Only show trains serving I<station> after the requseted stop. I<station>
is matched against the "I<city> I<stop>" fields in each line's route.
Regular expressions are also supported.

=item B<-V>, B<--track-via> I<station>

Lik B<--via>: Only show trains serving I<station> after the requseted stop.
Also, show the arrival time at I<station> after the departure time at the
current stop.

=item B<--version>

Show version information.



Normally zero. B<1> means B<efa-m> was called with invalid options,
B<2> indicates a request error from Travel::Status::DE::EFA(3pm).





=item * Class::Accessor(3pm)

=item * LWP::UserAgent(3pm)

=item * Travel::Status::DE::EFA(3pm)

=item * XML::LibXML(3pm)



B<efa-m> uses the VRR EFA service by default, which seems to contain the
greatest available set of information. However, some cities (e.g. Berlin or
parts of Hamburg) are not supported there, and B<efa-m> is not yet able to
choose the appropriate EFA URL for these by itself. In these cases, you should
find an appropriate EFA service using the B<-D>/B<--discover> option and then
use B<-s> I<service> when making requests.

=head1 AUTHOR

Copyright (C) 2011-2020 by Birte Kristina Friesel E<lt>derf@finalrewind.orgE<gt>

=head1 LICENSE

This program is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.