package Travel::Status::DE::EFA::Result; use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use parent 'Class::Accessor'; our $VERSION = '2.01'; Travel::Status::DE::EFA::Result->mk_ro_accessors( qw(countdown datetime delay destination is_cancelled info key line lineref mot occupancy operator platform platform_db platform_name rt_datetime sched_datetime train_type train_name train_no type) ); my @mot_mapping = qw{ zug s-bahn u-bahn stadtbahn tram stadtbus regionalbus schnellbus seilbahn schiff ast sonstige }; sub new { my ( $obj, %conf ) = @_; my $ref = \%conf; if ( defined $ref->{delay} and $ref->{delay} eq '-9999' ) { $ref->{delay} = 0; $ref->{is_cancelled} = 1; } else { $ref->{is_cancelled} = 0; } $ref->{datetime} = $ref->{rt_datetime} // $ref->{sched_datetime}; return bless( $ref, $obj ); } sub mot_name { my ($self) = @_; return $mot_mapping[ $self->{mot} ] // 'sonstige'; } sub route_pre { my ($self) = @_; return @{ $self->{prev_route} }; } sub route_post { my ($self) = @_; return @{ $self->{next_route} }; } sub route_interesting { my ( $self, $max_parts ) = @_; my @via = $self->route_post; my ( @via_main, @via_show, $last_stop ); $max_parts //= 3; for my $stop (@via) { if ( $stop->name_suf =~ m{ Bf | Hbf | Flughafen | Hauptbahnhof | Krankenhaus | Klinik | (?: S $ ) }ox ) { push( @via_main, $stop ); } } $last_stop = pop(@via); if ( @via_main and $via_main[-1] == $last_stop ) { pop(@via_main); } if ( @via and $via[-1] == $last_stop ) { pop(@via); } if ( @via_main and @via and $via[0] == $via_main[0] ) { shift(@via_main); } if ( @via < $max_parts ) { @via_show = @via; } else { if ( @via_main >= $max_parts ) { @via_show = ( $via[0] ); } else { @via_show = splice( @via, 0, $max_parts - @via_main ); } while ( @via_show < $max_parts and @via_main ) { my $stop = shift(@via_main); # FIXME cannot smartmatch $stop since it became an object # if ( $stop ~~ \@via_show or $stop == $last_stop ) { # next; # } push( @via_show, $stop ); } } return @via_show; } sub TO_JSON { my ($self) = @_; return { %{$self} }; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Travel::Status::DE::EFA::Result - Information about a single departure received by Travel::Status::DE::EFA =head1 SYNOPSIS for my $departure ($status->results) { printf( "At %s: %s to %s from platform %d\n", $departure->datetime->strftime('%H:%M'), $departure->line, $departure->destination, $departure->platform ); } =head1 VERSION version 2.01 =head1 DESCRIPTION Travel::Status::DE::EFA::Result describes a single departure as obtained by Travel::Status::DE::EFA. It contains information about the time, platform, line number and destination. =head1 METHODS =head2 ACCESSORS =over =item $departure->countdown Time in minutes from now until the tram/bus/train will depart, including realtime data if available. If delay information is available, it is already included. =item $departure->datetime DateTime(3pm) object for departure date and time. Realtime data if available, schedule data otherwise. =item $departure->delay Expected delay from scheduled departure time in minutes. A delay of 0 indicates departure on time. undef when no realtime information is available. =item $departure->destination Destination name. =item $departure->info Additional information related to the departure (string). If departures for an address were requested, this is the stop name, otherwise it may be recent news related to the line's schedule. If no information is available, returns an empty string. =item $departure->is_cancelled 1 if the departure got cancelled, 0 otherwise. =item $departure->key Unknown. Unlike the name may suggest, this is not a unique key / UUID for a departure: On the same day, different lines departing at the same station may have the same key. It might, however, be unique when combined with the B information. =item $departure->line The name/number of the line. =item $departure->lineref Travel::Status::DE::EFA::Line(3pm) object describing the departing line in detail. =item $departure->mot Returns the "mode of transport" number. This is usually an integer between 0 and 11. =item $departure->mot_name Returns the "mode of transport", for instance "zug", "s-bahn", "tram" or "sonstige". =item $departure->occupancy Returns expected occupancy, if available, undef otherwise. Occupancy values are passed from the backend as-is. Known values are "MANY_SEATS" (low occupation), "FEW_SEATS" (high occupation), and "STANDING_ONLY" (very high occupation). =item $departure->platform Departure platform number (may not be a number). =item $departure->platform_db true if the platform number is operated by DB ("Gleis x"), false ("Bstg. x") otherwise. Unfortunately, there is no distinction between tram and bus platforms yet, which may also have the same numbers. =item $departure->route_interesting List of up to three "interesting" stations served by this departure. Is a subset of B. Each station is a Travel::Status::DE::EFA::Stop(3pm) object. =item $departure->route_pre List of stations the vehicle passed (or will have passed) before this stop. Each station is a Travel::Status::DE::EFA::Stop(3pm) object. =item $departure->route_post List of stations the vehicle will pass after this stop. Each station is a Travel::Status::DE::EFA::Stop(3pm) object. =item $departure->rt_datetime DateTime(3pm) object holding the departure date and time according to realtime data. Undef if unknown / unavailable. =item $departure->sched_datetime DateTime(3pm) object holding the scheduled departure date and time. =item $departure->train_type Train type, e.g. "ICE". Typically only defined for long-distance trains. =item $departure->train_name Train name, e.g. "ICE International" or "InterCityExpresS" or "Deichgraf". Typically only defined for long-distance trains. =item $departure->train_no Train number. Only defined if departure is a train. =item $departure->type Type of the departure. Note that sometimes puts bogus data in this field. See L. =back =head2 INTERNAL =over =item $departure = Travel::Status::DE::EFA::Result->new(I<%data>) Returns a new Travel::Status::DE::EFA::Result object. You should not need to call this. =item $departure->TO_JSON Allows the object data to be serialized to JSON. =back =head1 DEPARTURE TYPES The following are known so far: =over =item * Abellio-Zug =item * Bus =item * Eurocity =item * Intercity-Express =item * NE (NachtExpress / night bus) =item * Niederflurbus =item * R-Bahn (RE / RegionalExpress) =item * S-Bahn =item * SB (Schnellbus) =item * StraEenbahn =item * U-Bahn =back =head1 DIAGNOSTICS None. =head1 DEPENDENCIES =over =item Class::Accessor(3pm) =back =head1 BUGS AND LIMITATIONS C<< $result->type >> may contain bogus data. This comes from the interface. =head1 SEE ALSO Travel::Status::DE::EFA(3pm). =head1 AUTHOR Copyright (C) 2011-2023 by Birte Kristina Friesel Ederf@finalrewind.orgE =head1 LICENSE This module is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.