package Travel::Status::DE::VRR::Result; use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use parent 'Class::Accessor'; our $VERSION = '0.02'; Travel::Status::DE::VRR::Result->mk_ro_accessors( qw(countdown date delay destination info line platform platform_db sched_date sched_time time type) ); sub new { my ( $obj, %conf ) = @_; my $ref = \%conf; return bless( $ref, $obj ); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Travel::Status::DE::VRR::Result - Information about a single departure received by Travel::Status::DE::VRR =head1 SYNOPSIS for my $departure ($status->results) { printf( "At %s: %s to %s from platform %s\n", $departure->time, $departure->line, $departure->destination, $departure->platform ); } =head1 VERSION version 0.02 =head1 DESCRIPTION Travel::Status::DE::VRR::Result describes a single departure as obtained by TRavel::Status::DE::VRR. It contains information about the time, platform, line number and destination. =head1 METHODS =head2 ACCESSORS =over =item $departure->destination The tram/bus/train destination. =item $departure->info Additional information related to the departure (string). If departures for an address were requested, this is the stop name, otherwise it may be recent news related to the line's schedule. =item $departure->line The name/number of the line. =item $departure->platform The departure platform. Note that this is prefixed by either "Bstg." (for tram/bus departures) or "Gleis" (for trains). =item $departure->time The departure time as string in "HH:MM" format. =back =head2 INTERNAL =over =item $departure = Travel::Status::DE::VRR::Result->new(I<%data>) Returns a new Travel::Status::DE::VRR::Result object. You should not need to call this. Required I: =over =item B => I =item B => I =item B => I =item B