#include #include #include #include #include #include "font2.h" #include "modem.h" #define SHUTDOWN_THRESHOLD 2048 volatile uint8_t disp[8]; class System { private: uint16_t want_shutdown; public: System() { want_shutdown = 0; }; void loop(void); void shutdown(void); }; class Display { public: Display() {}; void turn_on(void); void turn_off(void); }; System rocket; Display display; void Display::turn_off() { TIMSK0 &= ~_BV(TOIE0); PORTB = 0; PORTD = 0; } void Display::turn_on() { TIMSK0 |= _BV(TOIE0); } void System::loop() { // both buttons are pressed if ((PINC & (_BV(PC3) | _BV(PC7))) == 0) { // naptime! // But not before both buttons have been pressed for // SHUTDOWN_THRESHOLD * 0.256 ms. And then, not before both have // been released, because otherwise we'd go te sleep when // they're pressed and wake up when they're released, which // isn't really the point here. if (want_shutdown < SHUTDOWN_THRESHOLD) { want_shutdown++; } else { // turn off display to indicate we're about to shut down display.turn_off(); // wait until both buttons are released while (!((PINC & _BV(PC3)) && (PINC & _BV(PC7)))) ; // and some more to debounce the buttons _delay_ms(10); // actual naptime // enable PCINT on PC3 (PCINT11) and PC7 (PCINT15) for wakeup PCMSK1 |= _BV(PCINT15) | _BV(PCINT11); PCICR |= _BV(PCIE1); // go to power-down mode SMCR = _BV(SM1) | _BV(SE); asm("sleep"); // execution will resume here - disable PCINT again. // Don't disable PCICR, something else might need it. PCMSK1 &= ~(_BV(PCINT15) | _BV(PCINT11)); // turn on display display.turn_on(); want_shutdown = 0; } } else { want_shutdown = 0; } if (modem.buffer_available()) { disp[0] = modem.buffer_get(); } } int main (void) { // disable ADC to save power PRR |= _BV(PRADC); // dito wdt_disable(); // Ports B and D drive the dot matrix display -> set all as output DDRB = 0xff; DDRD = 0xff; PORTB = 0; PORTD = 0; // Enable pull-ups on PC3 and PC7 (button pins) PORTC |= _BV(PC3) | _BV(PC7); // Enable 8bit counter with prescaler=8 (-> timer frequency = 1MHz) TCCR0A = _BV(CS01); // raise timer interrupt on counter overflow (-> interrupt frequency = ~4kHz) TIMSK0 = _BV(TOIE0); disp[0] = font[8][1]; disp[1] = font[8][2]; disp[2] = font[8][3]; disp[3] = font[8][4]; disp[4] = font[8][5]; disp[5] = font[8][6]; disp[6] = font[8][7]; disp[7] = font[8][8]; #if 0 // smile! disp[0] = 0x08; disp[1] = 0x04; disp[2] = 0x62; disp[3] = 0x02; disp[4] = 0x02; disp[5] = 0x62; disp[6] = 0x04; disp[7] = 0x08; disp[8] = 0x00; disp[9] = 0x00; disp[10] = 0x00; disp[11] = 0x00; disp[12] = 0x00; disp[13] = 0x00; disp[14] = 0x00; disp[15] = 0x00; disp[16] = 0x28; disp[17] = 0x44; disp[18] = 0x22; disp[19] = 0x02; disp[20] = 0x02; disp[21] = 0x22; disp[22] = 0x44; disp[23] = 0x28; disp[24] = 0x00; disp[25] = 0x00; disp[26] = 0x00; disp[27] = 0x00; disp[28] = 0x00; disp[29] = 0x00; disp[30] = 0x00; disp[31] = 0x00; #endif modem.init(); sei(); while (1) { // nothing to do here, go to idle to save power SMCR = _BV(SE); asm("sleep"); rocket.loop(); } return 0; } /* * Draws a single display column. This function should be called at least once * per millisecond. * * Current configuration: * Called every 256 microseconds. The whole display is refreshed every 2048us, * giving a refresh rate of ~500Hz */ ISR(TIMER0_OVF_vect) { static uint8_t active_col = 0; static uint16_t scroll = 0; static uint8_t disp_offset = 0; static uint8_t disp_buf[8]; uint8_t i; if (++scroll == 512) { scroll = 0; if (++disp_offset == sizeof(disp)) { disp_offset = 0; } for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { disp_buf[i] = ~disp[(disp_offset + i) % sizeof(disp)]; } } /* * To avoid flickering, do not put any code (or expensive index * calculations) between the following three lines. */ PORTB = 0; PORTD = disp_buf[active_col]; PORTB = _BV(active_col); if (++active_col == 8) active_col = 0; } ISR(PCINT1_vect) { // we use PCINT1 for wakeup, so we should catch it here (and do nothing) }