/* * Copyright (C) 2016 by Daniel Friesel * * License: You may use, redistribute and/or modify this file under the terms * of either: * * The GNU LGPL v3 (see COPYING and COPYING.LESSER), or * * The 3-clause BSD License (see COPYING.BSD) * */ #include #include #include "system.h" int main (void) { rocket.initialize(); while (1) { // nothing to do here, go to idle to save power SMCR = _BV(SE); asm("sleep"); /* * The display timer causes a wakeup after 256µs. Run the system * loop after the timer's ISR is done. * The Modem also causes wakeups, which is pretty convenient since * it means we can immediately process the received data. */ rocket.loop(); } return 0; }