/* Name: modem.c
 * Audio modem for Attiny85 & other AVR chips with modifications
 * Author: Jari Tulilahti
 * Copyright: 2014 Rakettitiede Oy
 * License: LGPLv3, see COPYING, and COPYING.LESSER -files for more info

#include <avr/io.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "modem.h"

Modem modem;

 * Returns number of available bytes in ringbuffer or 0 if empty
uint8_t Modem::buffer_available() {
	return buffer_head - buffer_tail;

 * Store 1 byte in ringbuffer
inline void Modem::buffer_put(const uint8_t c) {
	if (modem.buffer_available() != MODEM_BUFFER_SIZE) {
		buffer[buffer_head++ % MODEM_BUFFER_SIZE] = c;

 * Fetch 1 byte from ringbuffer
uint8_t Modem::buffer_get() {
	uint8_t b = 0;
	if (buffer_available() != 0) {
		b = buffer[buffer_tail++ % MODEM_BUFFER_SIZE];
	return b;

 * Start the modem by enabling Pin Change Interrupts & Timer
void Modem::enable()  {
	/* Enable R1 */
	DDRA  |= _BV(PA3);
	PORTA |= _BV(PA3);

	/* Modem pin as input */

	/* Enable Pin Change Interrupts and PCINT for MODEM_PIN */

	/* Timer: TCCR1: CS10 and CS11 bits: 8MHz clock with Prescaler 64 = 125kHz timer clock */
	TCCR1B = _BV(CS11) | _BV(CS10);

void Modem::disable()
	PORTA &= ~_BV(PA3);
	DDRA  &= ~_BV(PA3);

void Modem::receive() {
	/* Static variables instead of globals to keep scope inside ISR */
	static uint8_t modem_bit = 0;
	static uint8_t modem_bitlen = 0;
	static uint8_t modem_byte = 0;

	/* Read & Zero Timer/Counter 1 value */
	uint8_t modem_pulselen = MODEM_TIMER;

	 * Check if we received Start/Sync -pulse.
	 * Calculate bit signal length middle point from pulse.
	 * Return from ISR immediately.
	if (modem_pulselen > MODEM_SYNC_LEN) {
		modem_bitlen = (modem_pulselen >> 2);
		modem_bit = 0;

	 * Shift byte and set high bit according to the pulse length.
	 * Long pulse = 1, Short pulse = 0
	modem_byte = (modem_byte >> 1) | (modem_pulselen < modem_bitlen ? 0x00 : 0x80);

	/* Check if we received complete byte and store it in ring buffer */
	if (!(++modem_bit % 0x08)) {

 * Pin Change Interrupt Vector. This is The Modem.
ISR(PCINT3_vect) {