#!/usr/bin/env perl ## Copyright © 2008-2010 by Daniel Friesel ## License: WTFPL use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Cwd; use Getopt::Long; use Term::ANSIColor; my $base = $ENV{HOME}; my $msglevel = 0; my $remove = 0; my (%substitute, %bc_subst); my $linkfile; my $exit = 0; my $ct_auto = 0; sub mkdirs { my $source = shift; my $path = $base; my @dirs = split(/\//, $source); # the last element is the file pop(@dirs); for my $dir (@dirs) { if (not -d "$path/$dir") { mkdir("$path/$dir") or die("Can't create $path/$dir: $!"); } $path .= "/$dir"; } return; } sub dir_content { my ($dir) = @_; my @return; my ($normal_file, $dot_file); opendir(my $dh, $dir) or die("Cannot opendir $dir: $!"); while (my $entry = readdir($dh)) { next if ($entry ~~ ['.', '..', '.git', '.hg', '.links', 'links']); push(@return, $entry); if (not $dot_file and $entry =~ /^\./) { $dot_file = 1; } elsif (not $normal_file) { $normal_file = 1 } } if ($normal_file and $dot_file) { @return = grep { /^\./ } @return; } return @return; } sub print_format { my ($message, $src, $dst, $color, $level) = @_; if ($level > 1) { $exit++; } return if ($level < $msglevel); if (defined($color)) { printf(colored('%-9s', $color), $message); } else { printf('%-9s', $message); } printf(" %-15s -> %-15s\n", $src, $dst); return; } sub remove_link { my ($type, $src, $dst) = @_; if (($type eq 'soft' and -l "$base/$src") or ($type eq 'hard' and -e "$base/$src" and -e "$base/$dst")) { unlink("$base/$src") or warn("cannot unlink $base/$src: $!"); print_format('removed', $src, '', 'red', 1); } return; } sub check_symlink { my $src = shift; my $dst = shift; mkdirs($src); if (not -l "$base/$src" and not -e "$base/$src") { symlink($dst, "$base/$src"); print_format('created', $src, $dst, 'cyan', 1); } elsif (-l "$base/$src" and readlink("$base/$src") eq $dst) { print_format('ok', $src, $dst, 'green', 0); } elsif (-l "$base/$src" and readlink("$base/$src") eq "$base/$dst") { print_format('absolute', $src, $dst, 'yellow', 0); } elsif (not -l "$base/$src" and -e "$base/$src") { print_format('exists', $src, $dst, 'bold red', 2); } elsif (-l "$base/$src") { unlink("$base/$src"); symlink($dst, "$base/$src"); print_format('fixed', $src, $dst, 'cyan', 1); } return; } sub check_hardlink { my $src = shift; my $dst = shift; mkdirs($src); if (not -e "$base/$dst") { print_format('no dest', $src, $dst, 'red bold', 2); } elsif (not -f "$base/$src") { link("$base/$dst", "$base/$src") or warn($!); print_format('created', $src, $dst, 'cyan', 1); } elsif ((stat("$base/$src"))[1] != (stat("$base/$dst"))[1]) { unlink("$base/$src"); link("$base/$dst", "$base/$src") or warn($!); print_format('updated', $src, $dst, 'cyan', 1); } elsif ((stat("$base/$src"))[1] == (stat("$base/$dst"))[1]) { print_format('ok', $src, $dst, 'green', 0); } return; } sub loop_links { my $dir; my $cwd = cwd(); if (-d 'etc') { $dir = 'etc'; } elsif (!$ct_auto) { $dir = '.'; } else { return; } foreach my $entry (dir_content($dir)) { my $source = $entry; if ($source !~ /^\./) { $source = ".$source"; } if ($remove) { remove_link('soft', $source); } else { check_symlink($source, "$cwd/$dir/$entry"); } } return; } GetOptions( 'ct-auto' => \$ct_auto, 'm|msglevel=i' => \$msglevel, 'p|parameter=s' => \%substitute, 'q|quiet' => sub {$msglevel = 1}, 'r|remove' => \$remove, ); foreach my $key (keys %substitute) { my $path = $substitute{$key}; $path =~ s{ ^ $ENV{HOME} /}{}x; $bc_subst{$key} = $path; } if ($ct_auto) { loop_links(); exit 0; } elsif (-f 'links') { $linkfile = 'links'; } open(my $links, '<', $linkfile) or die("Cannot open $linkfile: $!"); while (my $line = <$links>) { chomp($line); foreach my $key (keys(%substitute)) { if ($line =~ / ^ \S+ \s+ \S+ \s+ \$ /x) { $line =~ s/\$$key/$substitute{$key}/g; } else { $line =~ s/\$$key/$bc_subst{$key}/g; } } my ($type, $src, $dst) = split(/\s+/, $line); next if (not($type ~~ ['soft', 'hard', 'auto'])); if ($type eq 'auto') { loop_links(); } else { if ($remove) { remove_link($type, $src, $dst); } elsif ($type eq 'soft') { check_symlink($src, $dst); } elsif ($type eq 'hard') { check_hardlink($src, $dst); } } } close($links) or die("Cannot close $linkfile: $!"); exit($exit); __END__ =head1 NAME checklinks - create/update links =head1 SYNOPSIS B [ I ] =head1 DESCRIPTION Create or update links based on a file =head1 OPTIONS =over =item B<-m>, B<--msglevel>=I Set the level threshold to show status messages. 0 show everything 1 filter "ok" and "absolute" messages 2 filter everything but "EXISTS" and "no dst" >2 no messages =item B<-p>, B<--parameter> I=I While reading the links file, replace $I with I. When used in conjuction with ct(1), $package will be set to the current package's relative path (as seen from $HOME, like C), and $etc will be set to $package/etc (like C) =item B<-q>, B<--quiet> Shortcut for C<< --msglevel=1 >> =item B<-r>, B<--remove> Remove all link sources (hardlinks: only if their destination exists) =back =head1 OUTPUT Typical checklinks output might look like this: ok .zshrc -> packages/zsh/etc/rc ok .zprofile -> packages/zsh/etc/profile absolute .zlogin -> packages/zsh/etc/login created .zlogout -> packages/zsh/etc/logout ok .zshenv -> packages/zsh/etc/env The first item is the status, the second the link source (as in, the link), the third the link target. The following status messages are possible: =over =item ok The link exists and points to the right file =item absolute (soft links only) The link exists and points to the right file, however it is an absolute link =item fixed (soft links only) The link pointed to the wrong file and has been corrected =item updated (hard links only) The source existed, but was not identical to the target. It has been deleted and replaced with a link to the target =item created The link did not exist and has been created =item exists (soft links only) The source already exists, but is not a symlink =item no dest (hard links only) The link destination does not exist and therefore cannot be hardlinked to =back =head1 FILES The symlink definitions are read from the file F<.links> or F in the current working directory. Each line contains, separated by spaces: =over =item the symlink type This may either be 'soft' or 'hard' (symlink / hardlink) or 'auto'. If the type is B, the following fields may be omitted. Instead, the notes in L apply. =item the source path of the source, i.e. the link. Relative to $HOME In symlink mode, the source will only be updated if it either does not exist or already is a symlink. This should prevent accidental data loss. Note that in hardlink mode, the source will I be deleted unless it is already the correct hardlink =item the target path of the target, i.e. the link's destination. This is relative to the source. See L(7) =back Lines beginning with an invalid symlink type will be ignored. I recommend using a # to introduce comments, though, and not simply write something into the file just because that is (technically) also ok ;) Example: # checklinks --parameter etc=packages/zsh soft .zshrc $etc/rc soft .zprofile $etc/profile soft .zlogin $etc/login soft .zlogout $etc/logout soft .zshenv $etc/env =head2 AUTO SYMLINKS If the link type is 'auto', B will attempt to guess which files are meant to be symlinked where. However, be aware that this feature is highly experimental and may be changed or removed in the future. So far it will only create absolute links. Also, do not mix 'auto' with other link types. Automatic symlinking works this way: B takes all files in either F, or (if that doesn't exist) the current directory. All files in there will be symlinked as a dotfile from your home. If the directory only contains normal files, their corresponding symlink will have a . as prefix; if dotfiles are present, only these will be symlinked to (without adding another . as prefix, of course). This way, it is possibly to have various files in a directory, but only symlink those which are dotfiles. Example: remnant ~/p/zsh > ls -A etc completions functions hosts .zlogout .zshenv completions.zwc functions.zwc startx .zprofile .zshrc remnant ~/p/zsh > cat links auto remnant ~/p/zsh > checklinks ok .zshenv -> /home/derf/packages/zsh/etc/.zshenv ok .zlogout -> /home/derf/packages/zsh/etc/.zlogout ok .zshrc -> /home/derf/packages/zsh/etc/.zshrc ok .zprofile -> /home/derf/packages/zsh/etc/.zprofile =head1 DIAGNOSTICS The exit value is the number of files with grave errors (a status of "exists" or "no dest").