=pod =head1 NAME pkg - Package maintenance utility =head1 SYNOPSIS B [I] I [I] =head1 DESCRIPTION B is the basic script for maintaining packages I may be one of: =over =item B|B I fetch given I from the package_root and install it =item B|B I Remove I from the local packages tree =item B I Evauluate I. See the 'Examples' section and pkg(7) =item B I Show information on I, like dependencies, version, etc =item B List all installed packages =item B List all available (both installed and not installed packages Hint: C will show all packages that are currently not installed =item B Update the local package list =item B I Show commit history for package =item B [ I ] push new local versions to PKG_ROOT. If no argument is given, pushes all installed packages =item B [ I ] Check prereqs and update symlinks of I. If no argument is given, refreshs all installed packages =item B Update remote package list =item B [ I ] Check for local changes to the I's files. If no arguments is given, checks all installed packages =item B Update local and remote package list =item B|B [ I ] retrieve and install newest available version of I. If no argument is given, updates all installed packages =back =head1 OPTIONS B accepts both long and short options. Options marked as [boolean] may be negated, the short options by using '+' instead of '-' as prefix (like '+au'), the long options by prepending a 'no', like '--no-auto-update'. Options always override the configuration file and the environment variables. =over =item B<-q>, B<--quiet> [boolean] Enable quiet mode, don't print progress. Useful for scripting =item B<-d>, B<--debug> [boolean] Enable debug mode =item B<-au>, B<--auto-update> [boolean] Automatically update the package list before doing certain actions =item B<-co>, B<--checklinks-options> I