#!/usr/bin/env perl use strict; use warnings; use 5.010; use Cwd; use Test::More tests => 9; use Test::Cmd; my $test = Test::Cmd->new( prog => 'bin/comirror-setup', workdir => q{} ); my $cwd = $test->workdir(); my $next_base = 'file://' . getcwd() . '/test/next-loop'; my ($str, $exit); my @links; sub check_key { my ($filetype, $key, $value) = @_; my @lines; $test->read(\@lines, "comirror.${filetype}"); if(grep { $_ eq "$key\t$value\n" } @lines) { pass("${filetype}: ${key} = ${value}"); } else { fail("${filetype}: ${key} = ${value}"); } } ok($test, 'Create Test::Cmd object'); $exit = $test->run( chdir => $cwd ); ok($exit != 0, 'Not enough arguments: non-zero return'); is ($test->stdout, q{}, 'Not enough arguments: Nothing to stdout'); isnt($test->stderr, q{}, 'Not enough arguments: Something to stderr'); for my $i (1 .. 5) { push(@links, "${next_base}/${i}.xhtml"); } $exit = $test->run( chdir => $cwd, args => join(q{ }, @links[0, 1, 3]), ); ok($exit == 0, 'Correct usage: return zero'); isnt($test->stdout, q{}, 'Correct usage: Something to stdout'); is ($test->stderr, q{}, 'Correct usage: Nothing to stderr'); check_key('state', 'uri', $links[0]); check_key('conf', 'image_re', "${next_base}/.+");