#!/bin/zsh setopt err_exit no_unset mkdir -p svg pdf png # bbox: left bottom right top # S. 6, 11ff ice1_bbox='78 45 830 198' #ice1_bbox='95 59 825 150' # doesn't work for 8029, 8031 ice1_offset=11 # Stelle 6 bis 9 der UIC-Wagennr. typeset -a ice1_types=( 8018 # Avmz, "93805>8018<566" 8014 # Avmz, "93805>8010<068" 8010 # Avmz, "93805>8010<571" 8031 # Apmbsz, "93805>8031<569" 8040 # WRmz ("WSmz") 8020 # Bvmz 8029 # Bpmz 8023 # Bvmz handy, familie 8023 # Bvmz ruhe 8023 # Bvmz handy 8026 # Bvmz 8028 # Bvmz 8027 # Bvmz ) # S. 25, 28ff # Stelle 6 bis 9 ice2_bbox='77 46 825 175' ice2_offset=28 typeset -a ice2_types=( 8053 # Apmz 8050 # Apmz 8070 # WRmbsz 8060 # Bpmbz 8063 # Bpmz 8066 # Bpmz 8080 # Bpmzf ) # S. 36, 39ff # Stelle 6 bis 9 ice3_403_1_bbox='77 38 825 197' ice3_403_1_offset=39 typeset -a ice3_403_1_types=( 31_4030 # Apmzf 31_4031 # Avmz 31_4032 # Bvmz 31_4033 # BRmz 31_4038 # Bpmbz 31_4037 # Bpmz 31_4036 # Bpmz 31_4035 # Bpmzf ) # S. 47, 50ff # Stelle 6 bis 9 ice3_403_2_bbox='77 38 825 197' ice3_403_2_offset=50 typeset -a ice3_403_2_types=( 32_4030 # Apmzf 32_4031 # Avmz 32_4032 # Bvmz 32_4033 # BRmz 32_4038 # Bpmbz 32_4037 # Bpmz 32_4036 # Bpmz 32_4035 # Bpmzf ) # S. 58, 61ff # Stelle 6 bis 9 ice3_403_r_bbox='77 38 825 147' ice3_403_r_offset=61 typeset -a ice3_403_r_types=( 3r_4030 # Apmzf 3r_4031 # Avmz 3r_4032 # Bvmz 3r_4033 # WRmz 3r_4038 # Bpmbz 3r_4037 # Bpmz 3r_4036 # Bpmz 3r_4035 # Bpmzf ) # Mehrsystem # S. 69, 72ff # Stelle 6 bis 9 ice3_406_bbox='77 38 825 197' ice3_406_offset=72 typeset -a ice3_406_types=( 3_4060 # Apmzf 3_4061 # Avmz 3_4062 # Bvmz 3_4063 # BRmz 3_4068 # Bpmbz 3_4067 # Bpmz 3_4066 # Bpmz 3_4065 # Bpmzf ) # S. 80, 83ff # Mehrsystem # Stelle 6 bis 9 ice3_406_r_bbox='77 38 825 147' ice3_406_r_offset=83 typeset -a ice3_406_r_types=( 3r_4060 # Apmzf 3r_4061 # Avmz 3r_4062 # Bvmz 3r_4063 # WRmz 3r_4068 # Bpmbz 3r_4067 # Bpmz 3r_4066 # Bpmz 3r_4065 # Bpmzf ) # S. 91, 94ff # Velaro # Stelle 6 bis 9 ice3_407_bbox='77 38 825 197' ice3_407_offset=94 typeset -a ice3_407_types=( 4070 # Apmzf 4071 # Apmz 4072 # ARmz 4073 # Bpmbsz 4078 # Bpmz 4077 # Bpmz 4076 # Bpmz 4075 # Bpmzf ) # S. 103, 107ff # Stelle 5 bis 9 ice4_bbox='77 45 825 180' ice4_offset=107 typeset -a ice4_types=( 08120 # Apmzf, "938008120264" 18120 # Apmz, "938018120262" 14120 # Apmz 88120 # ARmz 64120 # Bpmbsz 98120 # Bpmz 24120 # Bpmz 24123 # Bpmz 48120 # Bpmz 24125 # Bpmz 24128 # Bpmz 58120 # Bpmdzf ) # S. 120, 123ff # Stelle 6 bis 9 icet_411_s1_bbox='77 38 825 197' icet_411_s1_offset=123 typeset -a icet_411_s1_types=( t1_4110 # Apmzf t1_4111 # ABpmz t1_4112 # WRmz t1_4118 # Bpmdz t1_4117 # Bpmbz t1_4116 # Bpmz t1_4115 # Bpmzf ) # S. 130, 133ff # Stelle 6 bis 9 icet_411_s2_bbox='77 38 825 197' icet_411_s2_offset=133 typeset -a icet_411_s2_types=( t2_4110 # Apmzf t2_4111 # ABpmz t2_4112 # WRmz t2_4118 # Bpmdz t2_4117 # Bpmz t2_4116 # Bpmbz t2_4115 # Bpmzf ) # S. 140, 143ff # Stelle 6 bis 9 icet_415_bbox='77 38 825 197' icet_415_offset=143 typeset -a icet_415_types=( 4150 # Apmzf 4151 # BRpmz 4157 # Bpmz 4156 # Bpmbz 4155 # Bpmzf ) # S. 149, 152ff typeset -a met_types=( 1160 # Apmz (2. Kl.) 1161 # Apmz (2. Kl.) 1166 # Apmkz (2. Kl.) 1164 # Apmz (2. Kl.) 1162 # Apmz (2. Kl.) 1166 # Apmkz (1. Kl.) 1168 # Apmbzf (1. Kl.) ) # S. 160, 164ff ic1_bbox='78 50 818 140' ic1_offset=164 typeset -a ic1_types=( Apmmz # 126 Avmmz # 106 ARkimmbz # 288 Bvmmsz # 187 Bpmmbdz # 284 Bpmmz # 284 Bvmmz # 188.1 Bpmmbdzf # 286 Apmmz # 118 Bpmmbz # 284 Bpmmdz # 285 Bimmdzf # 287 Avmz # 109 ARkimbz # 266 Bvmsz # 186 Bpmbz # 294 Bpmbz # 294 ) # S. 182, 187, 189, 191 # Bombardier Twindexx ic2_bt_bbox='78 110 804 390' ic2_bt_offset=187 typeset -a ic2_bt_types=( DApza # 6872 # DApza # 687.2 x DBpza # 6822 # DBpza # 682.2 x DBpbzfa # 6682 # DBpbzfa # 668.2 ) # S. 192, 196, 198, 200, 202 # Stadler KISS ic2_sk_bbox='78 110 820 390' ic2_sk_offset=196 typeset -a ic2_sk_types=( 1106 # DABpzfa # 110.F x 1105 # DBpza # 110.E x 1104 # DBpbza # 110.D x 1101 # DBpdzfa # 110.A ) function extract_wagons() { start=$1 shift bbox=$1 shift for i in {1..$#}; do target=$@[$i] if [[ $target == x ]]; then continue fi echo "Page $(( start + i - 1 )): $target" pdfcrop --bbox $bbox tmp-$(( start + i - 1 )).pdf crop.pdf &> /dev/null # The wagon layout uses two white rectangles as background. one spans the # entire page, one just the wagon. By removing these, we gain a wagon # image with a transparent background, allowing it to be used both on # light and dark HTML pages. The background's path IDs are (somewhat) # random, so we simply remove all paths whose width exceeds the expected # width of the wagon symbol. paths=$( IFS=, typeset -a objects inkscape --query-all crop.pdf 2> /dev/null | while read o x y w h; do if (( w > 1000 )) && [[ $o == path* ]]; then objects+=$o elif (( x < 0 || y < 0 )) && [[ $o == path* || $o == tspan* ]]; then objects+=$o fi done echo ${(j:,:)objects} ) # when an inkscape command uses GUI verbs and performs a PDF import, it # opens the PDF Import Settings dialog. This cannot be overridden. # So we first convert to SVG (without GUI verbs, thus without triggering # the dialog) and then to PNG. inkscape --export-filename=svg/${target}.svg crop.pdf &> /dev/null xvfb-run inkscape --select=${paths} --verb=EditDelete --batch-process \ --export-dpi=600 -o png/${target}.png svg/${target}.svg &> /dev/null mv crop.pdf pdf/${target}.pdf done } pdfseparate Fahrzeuglexikon_2020.pdf tmp-%d.pdf extract_wagons $ice1_offset $ice1_bbox $ice1_types extract_wagons $ice2_offset $ice2_bbox $ice2_types extract_wagons $ice3_403_1_offset $ice3_403_1_bbox $ice3_403_1_types extract_wagons $ice3_403_2_offset $ice3_403_2_bbox $ice3_403_2_types extract_wagons $ice3_403_r_offset $ice3_403_r_bbox $ice3_403_r_types extract_wagons $ice3_406_offset $ice3_406_bbox $ice3_406_types extract_wagons $ice3_406_r_offset $ice3_406_r_bbox $ice3_406_r_types extract_wagons $ice3_407_offset $ice3_407_bbox $ice3_407_types extract_wagons $ice4_offset $ice4_bbox $ice4_types extract_wagons $ic1_offset $ic1_bbox $ic1_types extract_wagons $ic2_bt_offset $ic2_bt_bbox $ic2_bt_types extract_wagons $ic2_sk_offset $ic2_sk_bbox $ic2_sk_types rm tmp-* perl -MJSON -E 'say JSON->new->canonical->encode({map {$_ => true} @ARGV})' \ png/*(:t:r) > png/wagons.json chmod -R a+rX png rsync -a --info=progress2 --delete png/ epicentre:web/org.finalrewind.lib/out/dbdb/db_wagen/