db-infoscreen - App/Infoscreen for Railway Departures in Germany --- [db-infoscreen](https://finalrewind.org/projects/db-fakedisplay/) (formerly db-fakedisplay) shows departures at german train stations, serving both as infoscreen / webapp and station board look-alike. It aims to aggregate departure and train data from different sources and combine them in a useful (and user-friendly) manner. It is intended both for a quick glance at the departure board and for public transportation geeks looking for details about specific trains. There's a public [db-infoscreen service on finalrewind.org](https://dbf.finalrewind.org/). You can also host your own instance via carton/cpanminus or Docker if you like, see the Setup notes below. Dependencies --- * perl >= 5.20 * carton or cpanminus * build-essential * git Installation --- After installing the dependencies, clone the repository using git, e.g. ``` git clone https://git.finalrewind.org/db-fakedisplay ``` Make sure that all files (including `.git`, which is used to determine the software version) are readable by your www user, and follow the steps in the next sections. Perl Dependencies --- db-infoscreen depends on a set of Perl modules which are documented in `cpanfile`. After installing the dependencies mentioned above, you can use carton or cpanminus to install Perl dependencies locally. In the project root directory (where `cpanfile` resides), run either ``` carton install ``` or ``` cpanm --installdeps . ``` and set `PERL5LIB=.../local/lib/perl5` before running index.pl or wrap it with `carton exec hypnotoad index.pl`. Note that you should provide imprint and privacy policy pages. Depending on traffic volume, you may also want to increase the amount of worker processes and install a caching proxy in front of DBF. See the Setup notes below. To update your DBF installation, run `git pull`, ensure that all files are readable by your www user, and re-run `carton install` or `cpanm --installdeps .`. Installation with Docker --- A db-infoscreen image is available on Docker Hub. You can install and run it as follows: ``` docker pull derfnull/db-fakedisplay:latest docker run --rm -p 8000:8092 -v "$(pwd)/templates:/app/ext-templates:ro" db-fakedisplay:latest ``` This will make the web service available on port 8000. Note that you should provide imprint and privacy policy pages, see the Setup notes below. Use `docker run -e DBFAKEDISPLAY_WORKERS=4 ...` and similar to pass environment variables to the db-infoscreen service. To update your Docker installation, fetch a new image from Docker Hub and re-start the container. Setup --- In hypnotoad mode (recommended), db-infoscreen respects the following environment variables: | Variable | Default | Description | | :------- | :------ | :---------- | | DBFAKEDISPLAY\_LISTEN | `http://*:8092` | IP and Port for web service | | DBFAKEDISPLAY\_STATS | _None_ | File in which the total count of backend API requests (excluding those answered from cache) is written | | DBFAKEDISPLAY\_HAFAS\_API | `https://v5.db.transport.rest` | hafas-rest-api endpoint | | DBFAKEDISPLAY\_IRIS\_CACHE | `/tmp/dbf-iris-mian` | Directory for IRIS schedule cache | | DBFAKEDISPLAY\_IRISRT\_CACHE | `/tmp/dbf-iris-realtime` | Directory for IRIS realtime cache | | DBFAKEDISPLAY\_WORKERS | 2 | Number of worker processes (i.e., maximum amount of concurrent requests) | Set these as needed, create `templates/imprint.html.ep` (imprint) and `templates/privacy.html.ep` (privacy policy), and configure your web server to pass requests for db-infoscreen to the appropriate port. See the `examples` directory for imprint and privacy policy samples. You can then use a service supervisor of your choice to run **hypnotoad index.pl** (using Mojolicious' hypnotoad server). See `examples/db-infoscreen.service` for a systemd unit example. For a quick&dirty setup on low-traffic sites you can also use **morbo index.pl** or **perl index.pl daemon -m production**. In this case, DBFAKEDISPLAY\_LISTEN and DBFAKEDISPLAY\_WORKERS have no effect. Morbo accepts IP and port configuration using the `-l`/`--listen` switch (default: `http://*:3000`); Daemon mode respects the MOJO\_LISTEN environment variable (default: `http://*:3000`). For public-facing installations, you may want to enable caching in the reverse proxy serving DBF. See `examples/nginx-cache.conf` and `examples/nginx-site.conf` for nginx examples. All code in this repository may be used under the terms of the BSD-2-Clause (db-infoscreen, see COPYING) and MIT (jquery, jqueryui, and marquee libraries; see the respective files) licenses. Attribution is appreciated. Background Data Updates --- db-infoscreen can use <https://lib.finalrewind.org/dbdb/db_zugbildung_v1.json> to show scheduled ICE/IC types (ICE 1/2/3/4/T, IC 1/2), wagon orders, and other attributes. It expects the file to be provided in `share/zugbildungsplan.json`. As this information is updated regularly, the file is not shipped as part of this db-infoscreen distribution. It is recommended to retrieve it a few minutes after midnight via a daily cronjob. See `examples/dbf_update_zugbildungsplan` for a shell script. DBF will periodically reload `share/zugbildungsplan.json`. You can use your service supervisor (e.g. `systemctl reload db-infoscreen`) to force an immediate reload. You may also ignore the file; it is entirely optional. System requirements --- Resource requirements depend on usage. For a few requests per second, about 200MB (600k inodes) cache and one or two CPU cores should be sufficient. db-infoscreen typically needs 50MB RAM per worker process, though calculating with 100MB per worker is recommended to leave a safety margin. Licensing --- This project follows the REUSE specification. The copyright of individual files is documented in the file's header or in .reuse/dep5. The referenced licenses are stored in the LICENSES directory. The program code of db-infoscreen is licensed under the terms of the GNU AGPL v3. HTML Templates and SASS/CSS layout are licensed under the terms of the 2-Clause BSD License. This means that you are free to host your own db-infoscreen instance, both for personal/internal and public use, under the following conditions. * You are free to change HTML/SASS/CSS templates as you see fit (though you must not remove the copyright headers). * If you make changes to the program code, that is, a file below lib/ or a db-infoscreen javascript file below public/static/js/, you must make those changes available to the public. The easiest way of making changes available is by maintaining a public fork of the Git repository. A tarball is also acceptable. Please change `source_url` in `lib/DBInfoscreen.pm` to point to your Git repository / source archive if you are using a version with custom changes. Resources --- Mirrors of the db-infoscreen repository are available at * [Chaosdorf](https://chaosdorf.de/git/derf/db-infoscreen) * [git.finalrewind.org](https://git.finalrewind.org/db-fakedisplay/) * [GitHub](https://github.com/derf/db-fakedisplay)