db-infoscreen - App/Infoscreen for Railway Departures in Germany --- [https://finalrewind.org/projects/db-fakedisplay/](db-infoscreen homepage) db-infoscreen (formerly db-fakedisplay) shows departures at german train stations, serving both as infoscreen / webapp and station board look-alike. Thanks to the undocumented IRIS backend, it usually has very detailed information about delay reasons and service limitations. There's a public [db-infoscreen service on finalrewind.org](https://dbf.finalrewind.org/). You can also host your own instance if you like, see the Setup notes below. Dependencies --- * perl >= 5.10 * Cache::File (part of the Cache module) * Mojolicious * Mojolicious::Plugin::BrowserDetect * Travel::Status::DE::DBWagenreihung >= 0.00 * Travel::Status::DE::DeutscheBahn >= 2.03 * Travel::Status::DE::IRIS >= 1.21 Setup --- db-infoscreen respects the following environment variables: | Variable | Default | Description | | :------- | :------ | :---------- | | DBFAKEDISPLAY\_LISTEN | `http://*:8092` | IP and Port for web service | | DBFAKEDISPLAY\_STATS | _None_ | File in which the total count of backend API requests (excluding those answered from cache) is written | | DBFAKEDISPLAY\_HAFAS\_CACHE | `/tmp/dbf-hafas` | Directory for HAFAS cache | | DBFAKEDISPLAY\_IRIS\_CACHE | `/tmp/dbf-iris-mian` | Directory for IRIS schedule cache | | DBFAKEDISPLAY\_IRISRT\_CACHE | `/tmp/dbf-iris-realtime` | Directory for IRIS realtime cache | | DBFAKEDISPLAY\_WORKERS | 2 | Number of concurrent worker processes | Set these as needed, create `templates/imprint.html.ep` (imprint) and `templates/privacy.html.ep` (privacy policy), and configure your web server to pass requests for db-infoscreen to the appropriate port. You can run the app using a Mojo::Server of your choice, e.g. **perl index.pl daemon -m production** (quick&dirty, does not respect all variables) or **hypnotad** (recommended). A systemd unit example is provided in `examples/db-infoscreen.service`. All code in this repository may be used under the terms of the BSD-2-Clause (db-infoscreen, see COPYING) and MIT (jquery, jqueryui, and marquee libraries; see the respective files) licenses. Attribution is appreciated. System requirements --- Resource requirements depend on usage. For a few requests per second, about 50MB (150k inodes) cache and one or two CPU cores should be sufficient. db-infoscreen typically needs 50MB RAM per worker process, though calculating with 100MB per worker is recommended to leave a safety margin.