package DBInfoscreen;

# Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Daniel Friesel
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious';

use Cache::File;
use DBInfoscreen::Helper::HAFAS;
use DBInfoscreen::Helper::Marudor;
use DBInfoscreen::Helper::Wagonorder;
use File::Slurp qw(read_file);
use JSON;
use Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS;
use Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::StopFinder;
use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations;

use utf8;

no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';

our $VERSION = qx{git describe --dirty} || '0.05';

chomp $VERSION;

my %default = (
	backend => 'iris',
	mode    => 'app',
	admode  => 'deparr',

sub startup {
	my ($self) = @_;

		before_dispatch => sub {
			my ($self) = @_;

           # The "theme" cookie is set client-side if the theme we delivered was
           # changed by dark mode detection or by using the theme switcher. It's
           # not part of Mojolicious' session data (and can't be, due to
           # signing and HTTPOnly), so we need to add it here.

			for my $cookie ( @{ $self->req->cookies } ) {
				if ( $cookie->name eq 'theme' ) {
					$self->session( theme => $cookie->value );

		cache_hafas => sub {
			my ($self) = @_;
			return Cache::File->new(
				  // '/tmp/dbf-hafas',
				default_expires => '180 seconds',
				lock_level      => Cache::File::LOCK_LOCAL(),

		cache_iris_main => sub {
			my ($self) = @_;
			return Cache::File->new(
				  // '/tmp/dbf-iris-main',
				default_expires => '6 hours',
				lock_level      => Cache::File::LOCK_LOCAL(),

		cache_iris_rt => sub {
			my ($self) = @_;
			return Cache::File->new(
				  // '/tmp/dbf-iris-realtime',
				default_expires => '70 seconds',
				lock_level      => Cache::File::LOCK_LOCAL(),

		ice_type_map => sub {
			my $ice_type_map = JSON->new->utf8->decode(
				scalar read_file('share/ice_type.json') );
			my $ret;
			while ( my ( $k, $v ) = each %{$ice_type_map} ) {
				if ( $v->{type} ) {
					$ret->{$k} = [ $v->{type}, $v->{short} ];
			return $ret;

		hafas => sub {
			my ($self) = @_;
			state $hafas = DBInfoscreen::Helper::HAFAS->new(
				log            => $self->app->log,
				main_cache     => $self->app->cache_iris_main,
				realtime_cache => $self->app->cache_iris_rt,
				root_url       => $self->url_for('/')->to_abs,
				user_agent     => $self->ua,
				version        => $VERSION,

		marudor => sub {
			my ($self) = @_;
			state $hafas = DBInfoscreen::Helper::Marudor->new(
				log            => $self->app->log,
				main_cache     => $self->app->cache_iris_main,
				realtime_cache => $self->app->cache_iris_rt,
				root_url       => $self->url_for('/')->to_abs,
				user_agent     => $self->ua,
				version        => $VERSION,

		wagonorder => sub {
			my ($self) = @_;
			state $hafas = DBInfoscreen::Helper::Wagonorder->new(
				log            => $self->app->log,
				main_cache     => $self->app->cache_iris_main,
				realtime_cache => $self->app->cache_iris_rt,
				root_url       => $self->url_for('/')->to_abs,
				user_agent     => $self->ua,
				version        => $VERSION,

		'handle_no_results' => sub {
			my ( $self, $backend, $station, $errstr ) = @_;

			if ( $backend eq 'ris' ) {
				my $db_service = Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::get_service('DB');
				my $sf         = Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::StopFinder->new(
					url   => $db_service->{stopfinder},
					input => $station,
				my @candidates
				  = map { [ $_->{name}, $_->{id} ] } $sf->results;
				if ( @candidates > 1
					or ( @candidates == 1 and $candidates[0][1] ne $station ) )
						stationlist => \@candidates,
						hide_opts   => 0,
						status      => 300,
			if ( $backend eq 'iris' ) {
				my @candidates = map { [ $_->[1], $_->[0] ] }
				if ( @candidates > 1
					or ( @candidates == 1 and $candidates[0][1] ne $station ) )
						stationlist => \@candidates,
						hide_opts   => 0,
						status      => 300,
				error     => ( $errstr // "Got no results for '$station'" ),
				hide_opts => 0

		'handle_no_results_json' => sub {
			my ( $self, $backend, $station, $errstr, $api_version ) = @_;

			my $callback = $self->param('callback');

			my $json;
			if ($errstr) {
				$json = $self->render_to_string(
					json => {
						api_version => $api_version,
						version     => $VERSION,
						error       => $errstr,
			else {
				my @candidates = map { { code => $_->[0], name => $_->[1] } }
				if ( @candidates > 1
					( @candidates == 1 and $candidates[0]{code} ne $station ) )
					$json = $self->render_to_string(
						json => {
							api_version => $api_version,
							version     => $VERSION,
							error       => 'ambiguous station code/name',
							candidates  => \@candidates,
				else {
					$json = $self->render_to_string(
						json => {
							api_version => $api_version,
							version     => $VERSION,
							error =>
							  ( $errstr // "Got no results for '$station'" )
			if ($callback) {
					data   => "$callback($json);",
					format => 'json'
			else {
					data   => $json,
					format => 'json'

		'is_important' => sub {
			my ( $self, $stop ) = @_;

			# Centraal: dutch main station (Hbf in .nl)
			# HB:  swiss main station (Hbf in .ch)
			# hl.n.: czech main station (Hbf in .cz)
			if ( $stop =~ m{ HB $ | hl\.n\. $ | Hbf | Centraal | Flughafen }x )
				return 1;

		'json_route_diff' => sub {
			my ( $self, $route, $sched_route ) = @_;
			my @json_route;
			my @route       = @{$route};
			my @sched_route = @{$sched_route};

			my $route_idx = 0;
			my $sched_idx = 0;

			while ( $route_idx <= $#route and $sched_idx <= $#sched_route ) {
				if ( $route[$route_idx] eq $sched_route[$sched_idx] ) {
					push( @json_route, { name => $route[$route_idx] } );

				# this branch is inefficient, but won't be taken frequently
				elsif ( not( $route[$route_idx] ~~ \@sched_route ) ) {
							name         => $route[$route_idx],
							isAdditional => 1
				else {
							name        => $sched_route[$sched_idx],
							isCancelled => 1
			while ( $route_idx <= $#route ) {
						name         => $route[$route_idx],
						isAdditional => 1,
						isCancelled  => 0
			while ( $sched_idx <= $#sched_route ) {
						name         => $sched_route[$sched_idx],
						isAdditional => 0,
						isCancelled  => 1
			return @json_route;

		'utilization_icon' => sub {
			my ( $self,  $utilization ) = @_;
			my ( $first, $second )      = @{ $utilization // [ 0, 0 ] };
			my $sum = ( $first + $second ) / 2;

			my @symbols
			  = (
				qw(hourglass_empty person_outline people priority_high not_interested)
			my $text = 'Auslastung unbekannt';

			if ( $sum > 3.5 ) {
				$text = 'Zug ist ausgebucht';
			elsif ( $sum >= 2.5 ) {
				$text = 'Sehr hohe Auslastung';
			elsif ( $sum >= 1.5 ) {
				$text = 'Hohe Auslastung';
			elsif ( $sum >= 1 ) {
				$text = 'Geringe Auslastung';

			return ( $text, $symbols[$first], $symbols[$second] );

		'numeric_platform_part' => sub {
			my ( $self, $platform ) = @_;

			if ( not defined $platform ) {
				return 0;

			if ( $platform =~ m{ ^ \d+ $ }x ) {
				return $platform;

			if ( $platform =~ m{ (\d+) }x ) {
				return $1;

			return 0;

	my $r = $self->routes;










	$self->defaults( layout => 'app' );


		hypnotoad => {
			accepts => $ENV{DBFAKEDISPLAY_ACCEPTS} // 100,
			clients => $ENV{DBFAKEDISPLAY_CLIENTS} // 10,
			listen   => [ $ENV{DBFAKEDISPLAY_LISTEN} // 'http://*:8092' ],
			  // '/tmp/',
			spare   => $ENV{DBFAKEDISPLAY_SPARE}   // 2,
			workers => $ENV{DBFAKEDISPLAY_WORKERS} // 2,

	$self->types->type( json => 'application/json; charset=utf-8' );

