package DBInfoscreen::Controller::Map; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; use Mojo::JSON qw(decode_json); use Mojo::Promise; use DateTime; use DateTime::Format::Strptime; use Geo::Distance; my $dbf_version = qx{git describe --dirty} || 'experimental'; chomp $dbf_version; sub get_hafas_polyline_p { my ( $self, $trip_id, $line ) = @_; my $url = "${trip_id}?lineName=${line}&polyline=true"; my $cache = $self->app->cache_iris_rt; my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new; if ( my $content = $cache->thaw($url) ) { $promise->resolve($content); return $promise; } $self->ua->request_timeout(5) ->get_p( $url => { 'User-Agent' => "${dbf_version}" } ) ->then( sub { my ($tx) = @_; my $json = decode_json( $tx->res->body ); my @coordinate_list; for my $feature ( @{ $json->{polyline}{features} } ) { if ( exists $feature->{geometry}{coordinates} ) { push( @coordinate_list, $feature->{geometry}{coordinates} ); } #if ($feature->{type} eq 'Feature') { # say "Feature " . $feature->{properties}{name}; #} } my $ret = { name => $json->{line}{name} // '?', polyline => [@coordinate_list], raw => $json, }; $cache->freeze( $url, $ret ); $promise->resolve($ret); } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $promise->reject($err); } )->wait; return $promise; } sub route { my ($self) = @_; my $trip_id = $self->stash('tripid'); my $line_no = $self->stash('lineno'); my $from_name = $self->param('from'); my $to_name = $self->param('to'); $self->render_later; $self->get_hafas_polyline_p( $trip_id, $line_no )->then( sub { my ($pl) = @_; my @polyline = @{ $pl->{polyline} }; my @line_pairs; my @station_coordinates; my @route; my @markers; my $next_stop; my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); my $strp = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new( pattern => '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000%z', time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin', ); for my $i ( 1 .. $#polyline ) { push( @line_pairs, [ [ $polyline[ $i - 1 ][1], $polyline[ $i - 1 ][0] ], [ $polyline[$i][1], $polyline[$i][0] ] ] ); } for my $stop ( @{ $pl->{raw}{stopovers} // [] } ) { my @stop_lines = ( $stop->{stop}{name} ); my ( $platform, $arr, $dep, $arr_delay, $dep_delay ); if ( $from_name and $stop->{stop}{name} eq $from_name ) { push( @markers, { lon => $stop->{stop}{location}{longitude}, lat => $stop->{stop}{location}{latitude}, title => $stop->{stop}{name}, icon => 'goldIcon', } ); } if ( $to_name and $stop->{stop}{name} eq $to_name ) { push( @markers, { lon => $stop->{stop}{location}{longitude}, lat => $stop->{stop}{location}{latitude}, title => $stop->{stop}{name}, icon => 'greenIcon', } ); } if ( $stop->{arrival} and $arr = $strp->parse_datetime( $stop->{arrival} ) ) { $arr_delay = ( $stop->{arrivalDelay} // 0 ) / 60; $platform //= $stop->{arrivalPlatform}; my $arr_line = $arr->strftime('Ankunft: %H:%M'); if ($arr_delay) { $arr_line .= sprintf( ' (%+d)', $arr_delay ); } push( @stop_lines, $arr_line ); } if ( $stop->{departure} and $dep = $strp->parse_datetime( $stop->{departure} ) ) { $dep_delay = ( $stop->{departureDelay} // 0 ) / 60; $platform //= $stop->{departurePlatform}; my $dep_line = $dep->strftime('Abfahrt: %H:%M'); if ($dep_delay) { $dep_line .= sprintf( ' (%+d)', $dep_delay ); } push( @stop_lines, $dep_line ); } if ($platform) { splice( @stop_lines, 1, 0, "Gleis $platform" ); } push( @station_coordinates, [ [ $stop->{stop}{location}{latitude}, $stop->{stop}{location}{longitude} ], [@stop_lines], ] ); push( @route, { lat => $stop->{stop}{location}{latitude}, lon => $stop->{stop}{location}{longitude}, name => $stop->{stop}{name}, arr => $arr, dep => $dep, arr_delay => $arr_delay, dep_delay => $dep_delay, platform => $platform, } ); } for my $i ( 1 .. $#route ) { if ( $route[$i]{arr} and $route[ $i - 1 ]{dep} and $now > $route[ $i - 1 ]{dep} and $now < $route[$i]{arr} ) { my $from_dt = $route[ $i - 1 ]{dep}; my $to_dt = $route[$i]{arr}; my $from_name = $route[ $i - 1 ]{name}; my $to_name = $route[$i]{name}; my $route_part_completion_ratio = ( $now->epoch - $from_dt->epoch ) / ( $to_dt->epoch - $from_dt->epoch ); my $title = $pl->{name}; if ( $route[$i]{arr_delay} ) { $title .= sprintf( ' (%+d)', $route[$i]{arr_delay} ); } my $geo = Geo::Distance->new; my ( $from_index, $to_index ); for my $j ( 0 .. $#{ $pl->{raw}{polyline}{features} } ) { my $this_point = $pl->{raw}{polyline}{features}[$j]; if ( not defined $from_index and $this_point->{properties}{type} and $this_point->{properties}{type} eq 'stop' and $this_point->{properties}{name} eq $from_name ) { $from_index = $j; } elsif ( $this_point->{properties}{type} and $this_point->{properties}{type} eq 'stop' and $this_point->{properties}{name} eq $to_name ) { $to_index = $j; last; } } if ( $from_index and $to_index ) { my $total_distance = 0; for my $j ( $from_index + 1 .. $to_index ) { my $prev = $pl->{raw}{polyline}{features}[ $j - 1 ] {geometry}{coordinates}; my $this = $pl->{raw}{polyline}{features}[$j]{geometry} {coordinates}; if ( $prev and $this ) { $total_distance += $geo->distance( 'kilometer', $prev->[0], $prev->[1], $this->[0], $this->[1] ); } } my $marker_distance = $total_distance * $route_part_completion_ratio; $total_distance = 0; for my $j ( $from_index + 1 .. $to_index ) { my $prev = $pl->{raw}{polyline}{features}[ $j - 1 ] {geometry}{coordinates}; my $this = $pl->{raw}{polyline}{features}[$j]{geometry} {coordinates}; if ( $prev and $this ) { $total_distance += $geo->distance( 'kilometer', $prev->[0], $prev->[1], $this->[0], $this->[1] ); } if ( $total_distance > $marker_distance ) { push( @markers, { lon => $this->[0], lat => $this->[1], title => $title } ); $next_stop = { type => 'next', station => $route[$i], }; last; } } } else { push( @markers, { lat => $route[ $i - 1 ]{lat} + ( ( $route[$i]{lat} - $route[ $i - 1 ]{lat} ) * $route_part_completion_ratio ), lon => $route[ $i - 1 ]{lon} + ( ( $route[$i]{lon} - $route[ $i - 1 ]{lon} ) * $route_part_completion_ratio ), title => $title } ); $next_stop = { type => 'next', station => $route[$i], }; } last; } if ( $route[ $i - 1 ]{dep} and $now <= $route[ $i - 1 ]{dep} ) { my $title = $pl->{name}; if ( $route[$i]{arr_delay} ) { $title .= sprintf( ' (%+d)', $route[$i]{arr_delay} ); } push( @markers, { lat => $route[ $i - 1 ]{lat}, lon => $route[ $i - 1 ]{lon}, title => $title } ); $next_stop = { type => 'present', station => $route[ $i - 1 ], }; last; } } if ( not @markers ) { push( @markers, { lat => $route[-1]{lat}, lon => $route[-1]{lon}, title => $route[-1]{name} . ' - Endstation', } ); $next_stop = { type => 'present', station => $route[-1] }; } $self->render( 'route_map', title => $pl->{name}, hide_opts => 1, with_map => 1, origin => { name => $pl->{raw}{origin}{name}, ts => $pl->{raw}{dep_line} ? scalar $strp->parse_datetime( $pl->{raw}{departure} ) : undef, }, destination => { name => $pl->{raw}{destination}{name}, ts => $pl->{raw}{arrival} ? scalar $strp->parse_datetime( $pl->{raw}{arrival} ) : undef, }, train_no => scalar $pl->{raw}{line}{additionalName}, next_stop => $next_stop, polyline_groups => [ { polylines => [@line_pairs], color => '#00838f', opacity => 0.6, fit_bounds => 1, } ], station_coordinates => [@station_coordinates], markers => [@markers], ); } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $self->render( 'route_map', title => "DBF", hide_opts => 1, with_map => 1, error => $err, origin => undef, destination => undef, ); } )->wait; } 1;