package DBInfoscreen::Controller::Stationboard;

# Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Daniel Friesel
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later

use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller';

use DateTime;
use DateTime::Format::Strptime;
use Encode          qw(decode encode);
use File::Slurp     qw(read_file write_file);
use List::Util      qw(max uniq);
use List::MoreUtils qw();
use Mojo::JSON      qw(decode_json);
use Mojo::Promise;
use Mojo::UserAgent;
use Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS;
use Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS::StopFinder;
use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS;
use Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations;
use XML::LibXML;

use utf8;

no if $] >= 5.018, warnings => 'experimental::smartmatch';

my %default = (
	mode   => 'app',
	admode => 'deparr',

sub handle_no_results {
	my ( $self, $station, $data, $hafas ) = @_;

	my $errstr = $data->{errstr};

	if ($hafas) {
			url        => '',
			input      => $station,
			promise    => 'Mojo::Promise',
			user_agent => $self->ua,
			sub {
				my (@candidates) = @_;
				@candidates = map { [ $_->{name}, $_->{id} ] } @candidates;
				if ( @candidates == 1 and $candidates[0][0] ne $station ) {
					my $s      = $candidates[0][0];
					my $params = $self->req->params->to_string;
				for my $candidate (@candidates) {
					$candidate->[0] =~ s{[&]#x0028;}{(}g;
					$candidate->[0] =~ s{[&]#x0029;}{)}g;
				my $err;
				if ( not $errstr =~ m{LOCATION} ) {
					$err = $errstr;
					error       => $err,
					stationlist => \@candidates,
					hide_opts   => 0,
					status      => $data->{status} // 300,
			sub {
				my ($err) = @_;
					error     => ( $err // "Keine Abfahrten an '$station'" ),
					hide_opts => 0,
					status    => $data->{status} // 500,

	my @candidates = map { [ $_->[1], $_->[0] ] }
	if (
		@candidates > 1
		or (    @candidates == 1
			and $candidates[0][0] ne $station
			and $candidates[0][1] ne $station )
			stationlist => \@candidates,
			hide_opts   => 0,
			status      => $data->{status} // 300,
	if ( $data->{station_ds100} and $data->{station_ds100} =~ m{ ^ [OPQXYZ] }x )
			error => ( $errstr // "Keine Abfahrten an '$station'" )
			  . '. Das von DBF genutzte IRIS-Backend unterstützt im Regelfall nur innerdeutsche Zugfahrten.',
			hide_opts => 0,
			status    => $data->{status} // 200,
		error     => ( $errstr // "Keine Abfahrten an '$station'" ),
		hide_opts => 0,
		status    => $data->{status} // 404,

sub handle_no_results_json {
	my ( $self, $station, $data, $api_version ) = @_;

	my $errstr   = $data->{errstr};
	my $callback = $self->param('callback');

	my $json;
	if ($errstr) {
		$json = {
			api_version => $api_version,
			version     => $self->config->{version},
			error       => $errstr,
	else {
		my @candidates = map { { code => $_->[0], name => $_->[1] } }
		if ( @candidates > 1
			or ( @candidates == 1 and $candidates[0]{code} ne $station ) )
			$json = {
				api_version => $api_version,
				version     => $self->config->{version},
				error       => 'ambiguous station code/name',
				candidates  => \@candidates,
		else {
			$json = {
				api_version => $api_version,
				version     => $self->config->{version},
				error       => ( $errstr // "Got no results for '$station'" )
	if ($callback) {
		$json = $self->render_to_string( json => $json );
			data   => "$callback($json);",
			format => 'json',
	else {
			json   => $json,
			status => $data->{status} // 300,

sub result_is_train {
	my ( $result, $train ) = @_;

	if ( $train eq $result->type . ' ' . $result->train_no ) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

sub result_has_line {
	my ( $result, @lines ) = @_;
	my $line = $result->line;

	if ( List::MoreUtils::any { $line =~ m{^$_} } @lines ) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

sub result_has_platform {
	my ( $result, @platforms ) = @_;
	my $platform = ( split( qr{ }, $result->platform // '' ) )[0] // '';

	if ( List::MoreUtils::any { $_ eq $platform } @platforms ) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

sub result_has_train_type {
	my ( $result, @train_types ) = @_;
	my $train_type = $result->type;

	if ( List::MoreUtils::any { $train_type =~ m{^$_} } @train_types ) {
		return 1;
	return 0;

sub result_has_via {
	my ( $result, $via ) = @_;

	my @route = $result->route_post;

	my $eq_result = List::MoreUtils::any { lc eq lc($via) } @route;

	if ($eq_result) {
		return 1;

	my ( $re1_result, $re2_result );

	eval {
		$re2_result = List::MoreUtils::any { m{\Q$via\E}i } @route;
	eval {
		$re1_result = List::MoreUtils::any { m{$via}i } @route;

	if ($@) {
		return $re2_result || $eq_result;

	return $re1_result || $re2_result || $eq_result;

sub log_api_access {
	my ($suffix) = @_;
	$suffix //= q{};

	my $file    = "$ENV{DBFAKEDISPLAY_STATS}${suffix}";
	my $counter = 1;
	if ( -r $file ) {
		$counter = read_file($file) + 1;
	write_file( $file, $counter );

sub json_route_diff {
	my ( $self, $route, $sched_route ) = @_;
	my @json_route;
	my @route       = @{$route};
	my @sched_route = @{$sched_route};

	my $route_idx = 0;
	my $sched_idx = 0;

	while ( $route_idx <= $#route and $sched_idx <= $#sched_route ) {
		if ( $route[$route_idx] eq $sched_route[$sched_idx] ) {
			push( @json_route, { name => $route[$route_idx] } );

		# this branch is inefficient, but won't be taken frequently
		elsif ( not( $route[$route_idx] ~~ \@sched_route ) ) {
					name         => $route[$route_idx],
					isAdditional => 1
		else {
					name        => $sched_route[$sched_idx],
					isCancelled => 1
	while ( $route_idx <= $#route ) {
				name         => $route[$route_idx],
				isAdditional => 1,
				isCancelled  => 0
	while ( $sched_idx <= $#sched_route ) {
				name         => $sched_route[$sched_idx],
				isAdditional => 0,
				isCancelled  => 1
	return @json_route;

sub get_results_p {
	my ( $self, $station, %opt ) = @_;
	my $data;

	if ( $opt{hafas} ) {
		return Travel::Status::DE::HAFAS->new_p(
			station     => $station,
			cache       => $opt{cache_iris_rt},
			lwp_options => {
				timeout => 10,
				agent   => ''
			promise    => 'Mojo::Promise',
			user_agent => $self->ua,


	# requests with DS100 codes should be preferred (they avoid
	# encoding problems on the IRIS server). However, only use them
	# if we have an exact match. Ask the backend otherwise.
	my @station_matches
	  = Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station($station);

	# Requests with EVA codes can be handled even if we do not know about them.
	if ( @station_matches != 1 and $station =~ m{^\d+$} ) {
		@station_matches = ( [ undef, undef, $station ] );

	if ( @station_matches == 1 ) {
		$station = $station_matches[0][2];
		return Travel::Status::DE::IRIS->new_p(
			iris_base      => $ENV{DBFAKEDISPLAY_IRIS_BASE},
			station        => $station,
			main_cache     => $opt{cache_iris_main},
			realtime_cache => $opt{cache_iris_rt},
			log_dir        => $ENV{DBFAKEDISPLAY_XMLDUMP_DIR},
			lookbehind     => 20,
			lwp_options    => {
				timeout => 10,
				agent   => ''
			promise     => 'Mojo::Promise',
			user_agent  => Mojo::UserAgent->new,
			get_station => \&Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station,
			meta        => Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_meta(),
	elsif ( @station_matches > 1 ) {
		return Mojo::Promise->reject('Ambiguous station name');
	else {
		return Mojo::Promise->reject('Unknown station name');

sub handle_request {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $station = $self->stash('station');

	my $template     = $self->param('mode') // 'app';
	my $hafas        = !!$self->param('hafas');
	my $with_related = !$self->param('no_related');
	my %opt          = (
		cache_iris_main => $self->app->cache_iris_main,
		cache_iris_rt   => $self->app->cache_iris_rt,
		lookahead       => $self->config->{lookahead},
		hafas           => $hafas,

	if ( $self->param('past') ) {
		$opt{datetime} = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' )
		  ->subtract( minutes => 60 );
		$opt{lookahead} += 60;

	my $api_version = $Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::VERSION;

	$self->stash( departures => [] );
	$self->stash( title      => 'DBF' );
	$self->stash( version    => $self->config->{version} );

	if ( not( $template ~~ [qw[app infoscreen json multi single text]] ) ) {
		$template = 'app';

	if ( defined $station and $station =~ s{ [.] txt $ }{}x ) {
		$template = 'text';
		$self->param( station => $station );
		$self->stash( layout => 'text' );
	elsif ( defined $station and $station =~ s{ [.] json $ }{}x ) {
		$template = 'json';
	elsif ( $template ne 'app' ) {
		$self->stash( layout => 'legacy' );

	# Historically, there were two JSON APIs: 'json' (undocumented, raw
	# passthrough of serialized Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Result /
	# Travel::Status::DE::DE::HAFAS::Result objects) and 'marudor'
	# (documented, IRIS only, stable versioned API). The latter was initially
	# created for, but quickly used by other clients as well.
	# switched to a nodejs IRIS parser in December 2018. As the
	# 'json' API was not used and the 'marudor' variant is no longer related to
	# (or used by), it was renamed to 'json'. Many clients won't
	# notice this for year to come, so we make sure mode=marudor still works as
	# intended.
	if ( $template eq 'marudor' ) {
		$template = 'json';

	$self->param( mode => $template );

	if ( not $station ) {
		$self->render( 'landingpage', show_intro => 1 );

	# pre-fill station / train input form
	$self->stash( input => $station );
	$self->param( input => $station );

	if ($with_related) {
		$opt{with_related} = 1;

	if ( $self->param('train') and not $opt{datetime} ) {

       # request results from twenty minutes ago to avoid train details suddenly
       # becoming unavailable when its scheduled departure is reached.
		$opt{datetime} = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' )
		  ->subtract( minutes => 20 );
		$opt{lookahead} = $self->config->{lookahead} + 20;


	$self->get_results_p( $station, %opt )->then(
		sub {
			my ($status) = @_;
			my $data = {
				results       => [ $status->results ],
				station_ds100 =>
				  ( $status->station ? $status->station->{ds100} : undef ),
				station_eva => (
					? ( $status->station->{uic} // $status->station->{eva} )
					: undef
				station_evas =>
				  ( $status->station ? $status->station->{evas} : [] ),
				station_name =>
				  ( $status->station ? $status->station->{name} : $station ),

			if ( $status->station and $status->station->{names} ) {
				  = List::Util::reduce { length($a) < length($b) ? $a : $b }
				@{ $status->station->{names} };

			if ( not @{ $data->{results} } and $template eq 'json' ) {
				$self->handle_no_results_json( $station, $data, $api_version );
			if ( not @{ $data->{results} } ) {
				$self->handle_no_results( $station, $data, $hafas );
		sub {
			my ($err) = @_;
			if ( $template eq 'json' ) {
						errstr => $err,
						status => ( $err =~ m{station name$} ? 300 : 500 ),
					errstr => $err,
					status => ( $err =~ m{station name$} ? 300 : 500 ),

sub filter_results {
	my ( $self, @results ) = @_;

	if ( my $train = $self->param('train') ) {
		@results = grep { result_is_train( $_, $train ) } @results;

	if ( my @lines = split( /,/, $self->param('lines') // q{} ) ) {
		@results = grep { result_has_line( $_, @lines ) } @results;

	if ( my @platforms = split( /,/, $self->param('platforms') // q{} ) ) {
		@results = grep { result_has_platform( $_, @platforms ) } @results;

	if ( my $via = $self->param('via') ) {
		$via =~ s{ , \s* }{|}gx;
		@results = grep { result_has_via( $_, $via ) } @results;

	if ( my @train_types = split( /,/, $self->param('train_types') // q{} ) ) {
		@results = grep { result_has_train_type( $_, @train_types ) } @results;

	if ( my $limit = $self->param('limit') ) {
		if ( $limit =~ m{ ^ \d+ $ }x ) {
			splice( @results, $limit );

	return @results;

sub format_iris_result_info {
	my ( $self, $template, $result ) = @_;
	my ( $info, $moreinfo );

	my $delaymsg
	  = join( ', ', map { $_->[1] } $result->delay_messages );
	my $qosmsg = join( ' +++ ', map { $_->[1] } $result->qos_messages );
	if ( $result->is_cancelled ) {
		$info = "Fahrt fällt aus";
		if ($delaymsg) {
			$info .= ": ${delaymsg}";
	elsif ( $result->departure_is_cancelled ) {
		$info = "Zug endet hier";
		if ($delaymsg) {
			$info .= ": ${delaymsg}";
	elsif ( $result->delay and $result->delay > 0 ) {
		if ( $template eq 'app' or $template eq 'infoscreen' ) {
			$info = $delaymsg;
		else {
			$info = sprintf( 'ca. +%d%s%s',
				$result->delay, $delaymsg ? q{: } : q{}, $delaymsg );
	if (    $result->replacement_for
		and $template ne 'app'
		and $template ne 'infoscreen' )
		for my $rep ( $result->replacement_for ) {
			$info = sprintf(
				'Ersatzzug für %s %s %s%s',
				$rep->type,           $rep->train_no,
				$info ? '+++ ' : q{}, $info // q{}
	if ( $info and $qosmsg ) {
		$info .= ' +++ ';
	$info .= $qosmsg;

	if ( $result->additional_stops and not $result->is_cancelled ) {
		my $additional_line = join( q{, }, $result->additional_stops );
		  = 'Zusätzliche Halte: '
		  . $additional_line
		  . ( $info ? ' +++ ' : q{} )
		  . $info;
		if ( $template ne 'json' ) {
				[ 'Außerplanmäßiger Halt in', { text => $additional_line } ]

	if ( $result->canceled_stops and not $result->is_cancelled ) {
		my $cancel_line = join( q{, }, $result->canceled_stops );
		  = 'Ohne Halt in: ' . $cancel_line . ( $info ? ' +++ ' : q{} ) . $info;
		if ( $template ne 'json' ) {
			push( @{$moreinfo}, [ 'Ohne Halt in', { text => $cancel_line } ] );

	push( @{$moreinfo}, $result->messages );

	return ( $info, $moreinfo );

sub render_train {
	my ( $self, $result, $departure, $station_name, $template ) = @_;

	$departure->{links} = [];
	if ( $result->can('route_pre') ) {
		$departure->{route_pre_diff} = [
				[ $result->route_pre ],
				[ $result->sched_route_pre ]
		$departure->{route_post_diff} = [
				[ $result->route_post ],
				[ $result->sched_route_post ]

	if ( not $result->has_realtime ) {
		my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' );
		if ( $result->start < $now ) {
			$departure->{missing_realtime} = 1;
		else {
			$departure->{no_realtime_yet} = 1;

	my $linetype = 'bahn';

	if ( $result->can('classes') ) {
		my @classes = $result->classes;
		if ( @classes == 0 ) {
			$linetype = 'ext';
		elsif ( grep { $_ eq 'S' } @classes ) {
			$linetype = 'sbahn';
		elsif ( grep { $_ eq 'F' } @classes ) {
			$linetype = 'fern';
	elsif ( $result->can('class') ) {
		if ( $result->class <= 2 ) {
			$linetype = 'fern';
		elsif ( $result->class == 16 ) {
			$linetype = 'sbahn';
		elsif ( $result->class == 32 ) {
			$linetype = 'bus';
		elsif ( $result->class == 128 ) {
			$linetype = 'ubahn';
		elsif ( $result->class == 256 ) {
			$linetype = 'tram';


	my $wagonorder_req  = Mojo::Promise->new;
	my $occupancy_req   = Mojo::Promise->new;
	my $stationinfo_req = Mojo::Promise->new;
	my $route_req       = Mojo::Promise->new;

	my @requests
	  = ( $wagonorder_req, $occupancy_req, $stationinfo_req, $route_req );

	if ( $departure->{wr_link} ) {
		$self->wagonorder->is_available_p( $result, $departure->{wr_link} )
			sub {
				# great!
			sub {
				$departure->{wr_link} = undef;
			sub {
	else {

		eva      => $result->station_uic,
		train_no => $result->train_no
		sub {
			my ($occupancy) = @_;
			$departure->{occupancy} = $occupancy;
		sub {
			$departure->{occupancy} = undef;
		sub {

	$self->wagonorder->get_stationinfo_p( $result->station_uic )->then(
		sub {
			my ($station_info)    = @_;
			my ($platform_number) = ( $result->platform =~ m{(\d+)} );
			if ( not defined $platform_number ) {
			my $platform_info = $station_info->{$platform_number};
			if ( not $platform_info ) {
			my $prev_stop = ( $result->route_pre )[-1];
			my $next_stop = ( $result->route_post )[0];
			my $direction;

			if ( $platform_info->{kopfgleis} and $next_stop ) {
				$direction = $platform_info->{direction} eq 'r' ? 'l' : 'r';
			elsif ( $platform_info->{kopfgleis} ) {
				$direction = $platform_info->{direction};
			elsif ( $prev_stop
				and exists $platform_info->{direction_from}{$prev_stop} )
				$direction = $platform_info->{direction_from}{$prev_stop};
			elsif ( $next_stop
				and exists $platform_info->{direction_from}{$next_stop} )
				  = $platform_info->{direction_from}{$next_stop} eq 'r'
				  ? 'l'
				  : 'r';

			if ($direction) {
				$departure->{direction} = $direction;
			elsif ( $platform_info->{direction} ) {
				$departure->{direction} = 'a' . $platform_info->{direction};

		sub {
			# errors don't matter here
		sub {

	$self->hafas->get_route_timestamps_p( train => $result )->then(
		sub {
			my ( $route_ts, $journey ) = @_;

			$departure->{trip_id}  = $journey->id;
			$departure->{operator} = $journey->operator;

			if ( my $load = $route_ts->{$station_name}{load} ) {
				if ( %{$load} ) {
					  = [ $load->{FIRST}, $load->{SECOND} ];

			# If a train number changes on the way, IRIS routes are incomplete,
			# whereas HAFAS data has all stops -> merge HAFAS stops into IRIS
			# stops. This is a rare case, one point where it can be observed is
			# the TGV service at Frankfurt/Karlsruhe/Mannheim.
			my @hafas_stations = $journey->route;
			if ( my @iris_stations = @{ $departure->{route_pre_diff} } ) {
				my @missing_pre;
				for my $station (@hafas_stations) {
					if (
						List::MoreUtils::any { $_->{name} eq $station->{name} }
							@{ $departure->{route_pre_diff} },
							name  => $station->{name},
							hafas => 1
			if ( my @iris_stations = @{ $departure->{route_post_diff} } ) {
				my @missing_post;
				for my $station ( reverse @hafas_stations ) {
					if (
						List::MoreUtils::any { $_->{name} eq $station->{name} }
							@{ $departure->{route_post_diff} },
							name  => $station->{name},
							hafas => 1

			if ($route_ts) {
				if ( $route_ts->{ $result->station }{rt_bogus} ) {

					#$departure->{missing_realtime} = 1;
				for my $elem (
					@{ $departure->{route_pre_diff} },
					@{ $departure->{route_post_diff} }
					if ( $elem->{name}
						=~ m{^Betriebsstelle nicht bekannt (\d+)$} )
						my $eva = $1;
						if ( $route_ts->{$eva} ) {
							$elem->{name} = $route_ts->{$eva}{name};
					for my $key ( keys %{ $route_ts->{ $elem->{name} } // {} } )
						$elem->{$key} = $route_ts->{ $elem->{name} }{$key};

			my @him_messages;
			my @him_details;
			for my $message ( $journey->messages ) {
				if ( $message->code ) {
					push( @him_details,
						[ $message->short // q{}, { text => $message->text } ]
				else {
					push( @him_messages,
						[ $message->short // q{}, { text => $message->text } ]
			for my $m (@him_messages) {
				if ( $m->[0] =~ s{: Information.}{:} ) {
					$m->[1]{icon} = 'info_outline';
				elsif ( $m->[0] =~ s{: Störung.}{: } ) {
					$m->[1]{icon} = 'warning';
				elsif ( $m->[0] =~ s{: Bauarbeiten.}{: } ) {
					$m->[1]{icon} = 'build';
				$m->[0] =~ s{(?!<)->}{ → };
			unshift( @{ $departure->{moreinfo} }, @him_messages );
			unshift( @{ $departure->{details} },  @him_details );
		sub {
			# nop
		sub {

	  = $self->app->train_details_db->{ $departure->{train_no} };
	if (    not $departure->{arrival}
		and $departure->{composition}{prepTime}
		and $departure->{composition}{prepAt} eq $station_name )
		$departure->{prep_time}      = $departure->{composition}{prepTime};
		$departure->{arrival_hidden} = 1;
	if ( $self->param('detailed') ) {
		my @cycle_from;
		my @cycle_to;
		for my $pred ( @{ $departure->{composition}{predecessors} // [] } ) {
			push( @cycle_from, $pred->[1] );
		for my $succ ( @{ $departure->{composition}{successors} // [] } ) {
			push( @cycle_to, $succ->[1] );
		  = [ map { [ $_, $self->app->train_details_db->{$_} ] } @cycle_from ];
		  = [ map { [ $_, $self->app->train_details_db->{$_} ] } @cycle_to ];

	# Defer rendering until all requests have completed
		sub {
				$template // '_train_details',
				departure => $departure,
				linetype  => $linetype,
				icetype => $self->app->ice_type_map->{ $departure->{train_no} },
				details => $self->param('detailed')
				? $departure->{composition} // {}
				: {},
				dt_now       => DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ),
				station_name => $station_name,
				nav_link     =>
				  $self->url_for( 'station', station => $station_name )
				  ->query( { detailed => $self->param('detailed') } ),

sub station_train_details {
	my ($self)   = @_;
	my $train_no = $self->stash('train');
	my $station  = $self->stash('station');

	if ( $self->param('ajax') ) {
		delete $self->stash->{layout};

	my %opt = (
		cache_iris_main => $self->app->cache_iris_main,
		cache_iris_rt   => $self->app->cache_iris_rt,

	my $api_version = $Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::VERSION;

	$self->stash( departures => [] );
	$self->stash( title      => 'DBF' );
	$self->stash( version    => $self->config->{version} );

	if ( $self->param('past') ) {
		$opt{datetime} = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' )
		  ->subtract( minutes => 80 );
		$opt{lookahead} = $self->config->{lookahead} + 80;
	else {
		$opt{datetime} = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' )
		  ->subtract( minutes => 20 );
		$opt{lookahead} = $self->config->{lookahead} + 20;


	$self->get_results_p( $station, %opt )->then(
		sub {
			my ($status) = @_;
			my ($result)
			  = grep { result_is_train( $_, $train_no ) } $status->results;

			if ( not $result ) {
				die("Train not found\n");

			my ( $info, $moreinfo )
			  = $self->format_iris_result_info( 'app', $result );

			my $result_info = {
				sched_arrival => $result->sched_arrival
				? $result->sched_arrival->strftime('%H:%M')
				: undef,
				sched_departure => $result->sched_departure
				? $result->sched_departure->strftime('%H:%M')
				: undef,
				arrival => $result->arrival
				? $result->arrival->strftime('%H:%M')
				: undef,
				departure => $result->departure
				? $result->departure->strftime('%H:%M')
				: undef,
				arrival_hidden         => $result->arrival_hidden,
				departure_hidden       => $result->departure_hidden,
				train_type             => $result->type // '',
				train_line             => $result->line_no,
				train_no               => $result->train_no,
				destination            => $result->destination,
				origin                 => $result->origin,
				platform               => $result->platform,
				scheduled_platform     => $result->sched_platform,
				is_cancelled           => $result->is_cancelled,
				departure_is_cancelled => $result->departure_is_cancelled,
				arrival_is_cancelled   => $result->arrival_is_cancelled,
				moreinfo               => $moreinfo,
				delay                  => $result->delay,
				route_pre              => [ $result->route_pre ],
				route_post             => [ $result->route_post ],
				replaced_by            => [
					map { $_->type . q{ } . $_->train_no } $result->replaced_by
				replacement_for => [
					map { $_->type . q{ } . $_->train_no }
				wr_link => $result->sched_departure
				? $result->sched_departure->strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')
				: undef,
				eva   => $result->station_uic,
				start => $result->start,

			$self->stash( title => $status->station->{name}
				  // $self->stash('station') );
			$self->stash( hide_opts => 1 );

				$status->station->{name} // $self->stash('station'),
				$self->param('ajax') ? '_train_details' : 'train_details'
		sub {
			my ($errstr) = @_;
				error =>
				  "Keine Abfahrt von $train_no in $station gefunden: $errstr",
				status => 404,

sub train_details {
	my ($self) = @_;
	my $train = $self->stash('train');

	# TODO error handling

	if ( $self->param('ajax') ) {
		delete $self->stash->{layout};

	my $api_version = $Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::VERSION;

	$self->stash( departures => [] );
	$self->stash( title      => 'DBF' );
	$self->stash( version    => $self->config->{version} );

	my $res = {
		train_type      => undef,
		train_line      => undef,
		train_no        => undef,
		route_pre_diff  => [],
		route_post_diff => [],
		moreinfo        => [],
		replaced_by     => [],
		replacement_for => [],

	my %opt;

	if ( $train =~ m{[|]} ) {
		$opt{trip_id} = $train;
	else {
		my ( $train_type, $train_no ) = ( $train =~ m{ ^ (\S+) \s+ (.*) $ }x );
		$res->{train_type} = $train_type;
		$res->{train_no}   = $train_no;
		$self->stash( title => "${train_type} ${train_no}" );
		$opt{train_type} = $train_type;
		$opt{train_no}   = $train_no;

	$self->stash( hide_opts => 1 );

	my $linetype = 'bahn';

		sub {
			my ( $route_ts, $journey ) = @_;

			$res->{trip_id} = $journey->id;

			if ( not $res->{train_type} ) {
				my $train_type = $res->{train_type} = $journey->type   // q{};
				my $train_no   = $res->{train_no}   = $journey->number // q{};
				$res->{train_line} = $journey->line_no // q{};
				$self->stash( title => "${train_type} ${train_no}" );

			if ( not defined $journey->class ) {
				$linetype = 'ext';
			elsif ( $journey->class <= 2 ) {
				$linetype = 'fern';
			elsif ( $journey->class <= 8 ) {
				$linetype = 'bahn';
			elsif ( $journey->class <= 16 ) {
				$linetype = 'sbahn';
			elsif ( $journey->class == 32 ) {
				$linetype = 'bus';
			elsif ( $journey->class == 128 ) {
				$linetype = 'ubahn';
			elsif ( $journey->class == 256 ) {
				$linetype = 'tram';

			$res->{origin}      = $journey->route_start;
			$res->{destination} = $journey->route_end;
			$res->{operator}    = $journey->operator;

			  = [ map { { name => $_->{name} } } $journey->route ];
			for my $elem ( @{ $res->{route_post_diff} } ) {
				for my $key ( keys %{ $route_ts->{ $elem->{name} } // {} } ) {
					$elem->{$key} = $route_ts->{ $elem->{name} }{$key};

			if ( my $req_name = $self->param('highlight') ) {
				my $split;
				for my $i ( 0 .. $#{ $res->{route_post_diff} } ) {
					if ( $res->{route_post_diff}[$i]{name} eq $req_name ) {
						$split = $i;
				if ( defined $split ) {
					$self->stash( station_name => $req_name );
					for my $i ( 0 .. $split - 1 ) {
							@{ $res->{route_pre_diff} },
							shift( @{ $res->{route_post_diff} } )
					my $station_info = shift( @{ $res->{route_post_diff} } );
					$res->{eva} = $station_info->{eva};
					if ( $station_info->{sched_arr} ) {
						  = $station_info->{sched_arr}->strftime('%H:%M');
					if ( $station_info->{rt_arr} ) {
						  = $station_info->{rt_arr}->strftime('%H:%M');
					if ( $station_info->{sched_dep} ) {
						  = $station_info->{sched_dep}->strftime('%H:%M');
					if ( $station_info->{rt_dep} ) {
						  = $station_info->{rt_dep}->strftime('%H:%M');
					  = $station_info->{arr_cancelled};
					  = $station_info->{dep_cancelled};
					$res->{is_cancelled} = $res->{arrival_is_cancelled}
					  || $res->{arrival_is_cancelled};
					$res->{platform} = $station_info->{platform};
					  = $station_info->{sched_platform};

			my @him_messages;
			my @him_details;
			for my $message ( $journey->messages ) {
				if ( $message->code ) {
					push( @him_details,
						[ $message->short // q{}, { text => $message->text } ]
				else {
					push( @him_messages,
						[ $message->short // q{}, { text => $message->text } ]
			for my $m (@him_messages) {
				if ( $m->[0] =~ s{: Information.}{:} ) {
					$m->[1]{icon} = 'info_outline';
				elsif ( $m->[0] =~ s{: Störung.}{: } ) {
					$m->[1]{icon} = 'warning';
				elsif ( $m->[0] =~ s{: Bauarbeiten.}{: } ) {
					$m->[1]{icon} = 'build';
			if (@him_messages) {
				$res->{moreinfo} = [@him_messages];
			if (@him_details) {
				$res->{details} = [@him_details];

			if ( $self->param('detailed') ) {
				  = $self->app->train_details_db->{ $res->{train_no} };
				my @cycle_from;
				my @cycle_to;
				for my $pred ( @{ $res->{composition}{predecessors} // [] } ) {
					push( @cycle_from, $pred->[1] );
				for my $succ ( @{ $res->{composition}{successors} // [] } ) {
					push( @cycle_to, $succ->[1] );
				  = [ map { [ $_, $self->app->train_details_db->{$_} ] }
					  @cycle_from ];
				  = [ map { [ $_, $self->app->train_details_db->{$_} ] }
					  @cycle_to ];

				$self->param('ajax') ? '_train_details' : 'train_details',
				departure => $res,
				linetype  => $linetype,
				icetype   => $self->app->ice_type_map->{ $res->{train_no} },
				details   => {},    #$departure->{composition} // {},
				dt_now    => DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ),
		sub {
			my ($e) = @_;
			if ($e) {
					message   => $e,
					exception => undef,
					snapshot  => {}
			else {

sub handle_result {
	my ( $self, $data ) = @_;

	my @results = @{ $data->{results} };
	my @departures;

	my @platforms      = split( /,/, $self->param('platforms') // q{} );
	my $template       = $self->param('mode')         // 'app';
	my $hide_low_delay = $self->param('hidelowdelay') // 0;
	my $hide_opts      = $self->param('hide_opts')    // 0;
	my $show_realtime  = $self->param('rt') // $self->param('show_realtime')
	  // 0;
	my $show_details = $self->param('detailed') // 0;
	my $admode       = $self->param('admode')   // 'deparr';
	my $apiver       = $self->param('version')  // 0;
	my $callback     = $self->param('callback');
	my $via          = $self->param('via');

	my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' );

	if ( $self->param('ajax') ) {
		delete $self->stash->{layout};

	if ( $template eq 'single' ) {
		if ( not @platforms ) {
			for my $result (@results) {
				if (
					not( $self->numeric_platform_part( $result->platform ) ~~
						\@platforms )
					push( @platforms,
						$self->numeric_platform_part( $result->platform ) );
			@platforms = sort { $a <=> $b } @platforms;
		my %pcnt;
		  = grep { $pcnt{ $self->numeric_platform_part( $_->platform ) }++ < 1 }
		@results = map { $_->[1] }
		  sort { $a->[0] <=> $b->[0] }
		  map { [ $self->numeric_platform_part( $_->platform ), $_ ] } @results;

	if ($show_realtime) {
		if ( $self->param('hafas') ) {
			@results = sort { $a->datetime <=> $b->datetime } @results;
		elsif ( $admode eq 'arr' ) {
			@results = sort {
				( $a->arrival // $a->departure )
				  <=> ( $b->arrival // $b->departure )
			} @results;
		else {
			@results = sort {
				( $a->departure // $a->arrival )
				  <=> ( $b->departure // $b->arrival )
			} @results;

	@results = $self->filter_results(@results);

	for my $result (@results) {
		my $platform = ( split( qr{ }, $result->platform // '' ) )[0];
		my $delay    = $result->delay;
		if ( $admode eq 'arr' and not $result->arrival ) {
		if ( $admode eq 'dep'
			and not $result->departure )
		my ( $info, $moreinfo );
		if ( $result->can('replacement_for') ) {
			( $info, $moreinfo )
			  = $self->format_iris_result_info( $template, $result );

		my $time
		  = $result->can('time')
		  ? $result->time
		  : $result->sched_datetime->strftime('%H:%M');
		my $linetype = 'bahn';

		if ( $result->can('classes') ) {
			my @classes = $result->classes;
			if ( @classes == 0 ) {
				$linetype = 'ext';
			elsif ( grep { $_ eq 'S' } @classes ) {
				$linetype = 'sbahn';
			elsif ( grep { $_ eq 'F' } @classes ) {
				$linetype = 'fern';
		elsif ( $result->can('class') ) {
			if ( $result->class <= 2 ) {
				$linetype = 'fern';
			elsif ( $result->class == 16 ) {
				$linetype = 'sbahn';
			elsif ( $result->class == 32 ) {
				$linetype = 'bus';
			elsif ( $result->class == 128 ) {
				$linetype = 'ubahn';
			elsif ( $result->class == 256 ) {
				$linetype = 'tram';

		# ->time defaults to dep, so we only need to overwrite $time
		# if we want arrival times
		if ( $admode eq 'arr' ) {
			$time = $result->sched_arrival->strftime('%H:%M');

		if ($show_realtime) {
			if ( $self->param('hafas') ) {
				$time = $result->datetime->strftime('%H:%M');
			elsif ( ( $admode eq 'arr' and $result->arrival )
				or not $result->departure )
				$time = $result->arrival->strftime('%H:%M');
			else {
				$time = $result->departure->strftime('%H:%M');

		if ($hide_low_delay) {
			if ($info) {
				$info =~ s{ (?: ca [.] \s* )? [+] [ 1 2 3 4 ] $ }{}x;
		if ($info) {
			$info =~ s{ (?: ca [.] \s* )? [+] (\d+) }{Verspätung ca $1 Min.}x;

		if ( $template eq 'json' ) {
			my @json_route = $self->json_route_diff( [ $result->route ],
				[ $result->sched_route ] );

			if ( $apiver eq '1' or $apiver eq '2' ) {

				# no longer supported
						errstr =>
						  "JSON API version=${apiver} is no longer supported"
			else {    # apiver == 3
				my ( $delay_arr, $delay_dep, $sched_arr, $sched_dep );
				if ( $result->arrival ) {
					$delay_arr = $result->arrival->subtract_datetime(
						$result->sched_arrival )->in_units('minutes');
				if ( $result->departure ) {
					$delay_dep = $result->departure->subtract_datetime(
						$result->sched_departure )->in_units('minutes');
				if ( $result->sched_arrival ) {
					$sched_arr = $result->sched_arrival->strftime('%H:%M');
				if ( $result->sched_departure ) {
					$sched_dep = $result->sched_departure->strftime('%H:%M');
						delayArrival   => $delay_arr,
						delayDeparture => $delay_dep,
						destination    => $result->destination,
						isCancelled    => $result->is_cancelled,
						messages       => {
							delay => [
								map {
										timestamp => $_->[0],
										text      => $_->[1]
								} $result->delay_messages
							qos => [
								map {
										timestamp => $_->[0],
										text      => $_->[1]
								} $result->qos_messages
						missingRealtime => (
								not $result->has_realtime
								  and $result->start < $now
							) ? \1 : \0
						platform           => $result->platform,
						route              => \@json_route,
						scheduledPlatform  => $result->sched_platform,
						scheduledArrival   => $sched_arr,
						scheduledDeparture => $sched_dep,
						train              => $result->train,
						trainClasses       => [ $result->classes ],
						trainNumber        => $result->train_no,
						via                => [ $result->route_interesting(3) ],
		elsif ( $template eq 'text' ) {
					sprintf( '%5s %s%s',
						$result->is_cancelled     ? '--:--' : $time,
						( $delay and $delay > 0 ) ? q{+}    : q{},
						$delay || q{} ),
					$platform // q{ }
		else {
			if ( $result->can('replacement_for') ) {
						time          => $time,
						sched_arrival => $result->sched_arrival
						? $result->sched_arrival->strftime('%H:%M')
						: undef,
						sched_departure => $result->sched_departure
						? $result->sched_departure->strftime('%H:%M')
						: undef,
						arrival => $result->arrival
						? $result->arrival->strftime('%H:%M')
						: undef,
						departure => $result->departure
						? $result->departure->strftime('%H:%M')
						: undef,
						train              => $result->train,
						train_type         => $result->type // '',
						train_line         => $result->line_no,
						train_no           => $result->train_no,
						via                => [ $result->route_interesting(3) ],
						destination        => $result->destination,
						origin             => $result->origin,
						platform           => $result->platform,
						scheduled_platform => $result->sched_platform,
						info               => $info,
						is_cancelled       => $result->is_cancelled,
						departure_is_cancelled =>
						arrival_is_cancelled => $result->arrival_is_cancelled,
						linetype             => $linetype,
						messages             => {
							delay => [
								map {
										timestamp => $_->[0],
										text      => $_->[1]
								} $result->delay_messages
							qos => [
								map {
										timestamp => $_->[0],
										text      => $_->[1]
								} $result->qos_messages
						station          => $result->station,
						moreinfo         => $moreinfo,
						delay            => $delay,
						missing_realtime => (
							not $result->has_realtime
							  and $result->start < $now ? 1 : 0
						route_pre        => [ $result->route_pre ],
						route_post       => [ $result->route_post ],
						additional_stops => [ $result->additional_stops ],
						canceled_stops   => [ $result->canceled_stops ],
						replaced_by      => [
							map { $_->type . q{ } . $_->train_no }
						replacement_for => [
							map { $_->type . q{ } . $_->train_no }
						wr_link => $result->sched_departure
						? $result->sched_departure->strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')
						: undef,
			else {
				my $city = q{};
				if ( $result->station =~ m{ , ([^,]+) $ }x ) {
					$city = $1;
						time            => $time,
						sched_departure => $result->sched_datetime
						? $result->sched_datetime->strftime('%H:%M')
						: undef,
						departure => $result->rt_datetime
						? $result->rt_datetime->strftime('%H:%M')
						: undef,
						train      => $result->name,
						train_type => q{},
						train_line => $result->line,
						train_no   => $result->number,
						journey_id => $result->id,
						via        => [
							map { $_->{name} =~ s{,$city}{}r }
						destination => $result->destination =~ s{,$city}{}r,
						origin      => $result->origin,
						platform    => $result->platform,
						scheduled_platform => $result->sched_platform,
						info               => $info,
						is_cancelled       => $result->is_cancelled,
						linetype           => $linetype,
						station            => $result->station,
						moreinfo           => $moreinfo,
						delay              => $delay,
						replaced_by        => [],
						replacement_for    => [],
						route_pre          => [],
						route_post => [ map { $_->{name} } $result->route ],
						wr_link    => $result->sched_datetime
						? $result->sched_datetime->strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M')
						: undef,
			if ( $self->param('train') ) {
				$self->render_train( $result, $departures[-1],
					$data->{station_name} // $self->stash('station') );

	if ( $template eq 'json' ) {
		my $json = {
			departures => \@departures,
		if ($callback) {
			$json = $self->render_to_string( json => $json );
				data   => "$callback($json);",
				format => 'json'
		else {
				json => $json,
	elsif ( $template eq 'text' ) {
		my @line_length;
		for my $i ( 0 .. $#{ $departures[0] } ) {
			$line_length[$i] = max map { length( $_->[$i] ) } @departures;
		my $output = q{};
		for my $departure (@departures) {
			$output .= sprintf(
				join( q{  }, ( map { "%-${_}s" } @line_length ) ) . "\n",
				@{$departure}[ 0 .. $#{$departure} ]
			text   => $output,
			format => 'text',
	else {
		my $station_name = $data->{station_name} // $self->stash('station');
		my ( $api_link, $api_text, $api_icon );
		my $params = $self->req->params->clone;
		$params->param( hafas => not $params->param('hafas') );
		if ( $params->param('hafas') ) {
			$api_link = '/' . $data->{station_eva} . '?' . $params->to_string;
			$api_text = 'lol';
			$api_icon = 'train';
		else {
			my $iris_eva = List::Util::min grep { $_ >= 1000000 }
			  @{ $data->{station_evas} // [] };
			if ($iris_eva) {
				$api_link = '/' . $iris_eva . '?' . $params->to_string;
				$api_text = 'lol';
				$api_icon = 'directions_bus';
			api_link         => $api_link,
			api_text         => $api_text,
			api_icon         => $api_icon,
			departures       => \@departures,
			ice_type         => $self->app->ice_type_map,
			station          => $station_name,
			version          => $self->config->{version},
			title            => $via ? "$station_name → $via" : $station_name,
			refresh_interval => $template eq 'app' ? 0        : 120,
			hide_opts        => $hide_opts,
			hide_low_delay   => $hide_low_delay,
			show_realtime    => $show_realtime,
			load_marquee     => (
				     $template eq 'single'
				  or $template eq 'multi'
			force_mobile => ( $template eq 'app' ),
			nav_link => $self->url_for( 'station', station => $station_name )
			  ->query( { detailed => $self->param('detailed') } ),

sub stations_by_coordinates {
	my $self = shift;

	my $lon = $self->param('lon');
	my $lat = $self->param('lat');

	if ( not $lon or not $lat ) {
		$self->render( json => { error => 'Invalid lon/lat received' } );
	else {
		my @candidates = map {
				ds100    => $_->[0][0],
				name     => $_->[0][1],
				eva      => $_->[0][2],
				lon      => $_->[0][3],
				lat      => $_->[0][4],
				distance => $_->[1],
		} Travel::Status::DE::IRIS::Stations::get_station_by_location( $lon,
			$lat, 10 );
			json => {
				candidates => [@candidates],
