package DBInfoscreen::Controller::Wagenreihung; # Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Birte Kristina Friesel # # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-or-later use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Controller'; use Mojo::JSON qw(decode_json encode_json); use Mojo::Util qw(b64_encode b64_decode); use utf8; use Travel::Status::DE::DBWagenreihung; sub handle_wagenreihung_error { my ( $self, $train, $err ) = @_; $self->render( 'wagenreihung', title => $train, wr_error => $err, wr => undef, wref => undef, hide_opts => 1, status => 500, ); } sub wagenreihung { my ($self) = @_; my $exit_side = $self->param('e'); my $train_type = $self->param('category'); my $train_no = $self->param('number'); my $train = "${train_type} ${train_no}"; $self->render_later; $self->wagonorder->get_p( param => $self->req->query_params->to_hash ) ->then( sub { my ($json) = @_; my $wr; eval { $wr = Travel::Status::DE::DBWagenreihung->new( from_json => $json ); }; if ($@) { $self->handle_wagenreihung_error( $train, scalar $@ ); return; } if ( $exit_side and $exit_side =~ m{^a} ) { if ( $wr->sectors and defined $wr->direction ) { my $section_0 = ( $wr->sectors )[0]; my $direction = $wr->direction; if ( $section_0->name eq 'A' and $direction == 0 ) { $exit_side =~ s{^a}{}; } elsif ( $section_0->name ne 'A' and $direction == 100 ) { $exit_side =~ s{^a}{}; } else { $exit_side = ( $exit_side eq 'ar' ) ? 'l' : 'r'; } } else { $exit_side = undef; } } my $wref = { e => $exit_side ? substr( $exit_side, 0, 1 ) : '', tt => $wr->train_type, tn => $train_no, p => $wr->platform }; #if ( $wr->has_bad_wagons ) { # # create fake positions as the correct ones are not available # my $pos = 0; # for my $wagon ( $wr->wagons ) { # $wagon->{position}{start_percent} = $pos; # $wagon->{position}{end_percent} = $pos + 4; # $pos += 4; # } #} if ( defined $wr->direction and scalar $wr->carriages > 2 ) { # wagenlexikon images only know one orientation. They assume # that the second class (i.e., the wagon with the lowest # wagon number) is in the leftmost carriage(s). We define the # wagon with the lowest start_percent value to be leftmost # and invert the direction passed on to $wref if it is not # the wagon with the lowest wagon number. # Note that we need to check both the first two and the last two # wagons as the train may consist of several wings. If their # order differs, we do not show a direction, as we do not # handle that case yet. my @wagons = $wr->carriages; # skip first/last wagon as it may be a locomotive my $wna1 = $wagons[1]->number; my $wna2 = $wagons[2]->number; my $wnb1 = $wagons[-3]->number; my $wnb2 = $wagons[-2]->number; my $wpa1 = $wagons[1]->start_percent; my $wpa2 = $wagons[2]->start_percent; my $wpb1 = $wagons[-3]->start_percent; my $wpb2 = $wagons[-2]->start_percent; if ( $wna1 =~ m{^\d+$} and $wna2 =~ m{^\d+$} and $wnb1 =~ m{^\d+$} and $wnb2 =~ m{^\d+$} ) { # We need to perform normalization in two cases: # * wagon 1 is leftmost and its number is higher than wagon 2 # * wagon 1 is rightmost and its number is lower than wagon 2 # (-> the leftmost wagon has the highest number) # However, if wpa/wna und wpb/wnb do not match, we have a # winged train with different normalization requirements # in its wings. We do not handle that case yet. if ( ( $wna1 <=> $wna2 ) != ( $wnb1 <=> $wnb2 ) ) { # unhandled. Do not set $wref->{d}. } elsif (( $wpa1 < $wpa2 and $wna1 > $wna2 ) or ( $wpa1 > $wpa2 and $wna1 < $wna2 ) ) { # perform normalization $wref->{d} = 100 - $wr->direction; } else { # no normalization required $wref->{d} = $wr->direction; } } } my $exit_dir = 'unknown'; if ( defined $wr->direction and $exit_side ) { if ( $wr->direction == 0 and $exit_side eq 'l' ) { $exit_dir = 'left'; } elsif ( $wr->direction == 0 and $exit_side eq 'r' ) { $exit_dir = 'right'; } elsif ( $wr->direction == 100 and $exit_side eq 'l' ) { $exit_dir = 'right'; } elsif ( $wr->direction == 100 and $exit_side eq 'r' ) { $exit_dir = 'left'; } } $wref = b64_encode( encode_json($wref) ); my $title = join( ' / ', map { $_->{name} } $wr->trains ); $self->render( 'wagenreihung', description => sprintf( 'Ist-Wagenreihung %s', $title ), wr_error => undef, title => $title, wr => $wr, wref => $wref, exit_dir => $exit_dir, hide_opts => 1, ts => $json->{ts}, ); } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $self->handle_wagenreihung_error( $train, $err // "Unbekannter Fehler" ); return; } )->wait; } sub wagen { my ($self) = @_; my $wagon_id = $self->stash('wagon'); my $wagon_no = $self->param('n'); my $section = $self->param('s'); my $wref = $self->param('r'); if ( not $self->app->dbdb_wagon->{$wagon_id} ) { $self->render( 'not_found', message => "Keine Daten zu Wagentyp \"${wagon_id}\" vorhanden", hide_opts => 1 ); return; } eval { $wref = decode_json( b64_decode($wref) ); }; if ($@) { $wref = {}; } $wref->{wn} = $wagon_no; $wref->{ws} = $section; my @wagon_files = ("${wagon_id}.png"); if ( $self->app->dbdb_wagon->{"${wagon_id}_u"} ) { @wagon_files = ( "${wagon_id}_u.png", "${wagon_id}_l.png" ); } my $title = 'Wagen ' . $wagon_id; if ( $wref->{tt} and $wref->{tn} ) { $title = sprintf( '%s %s', $wref->{tt}, $wref->{tn} ); if ($wagon_no) { $title .= ' Wagen ' . $wagon_no; } else { $title .= ' Wagen ' . $wagon_id; } } if ( defined $wref->{d} and $wref->{e} ) { if ( $wref->{d} == 0 and $wref->{e} eq 'l' ) { $wref->{e} = 'd'; } elsif ( $wref->{d} == 0 and $wref->{e} eq 'r' ) { $wref->{e} = 'u'; } elsif ( $wref->{d} == 100 and $wref->{e} eq 'l' ) { $wref->{e} = 'u'; } elsif ( $wref->{d} == 100 and $wref->{e} eq 'r' ) { $wref->{e} = 'd'; } } else { $wref->{e} = ''; } $self->render( 'wagen', description => ( $wref->{s} ? 'Position von ' : q{} ) . $title . ( $wref->{s} ? " in $wref->{s}" : q{} ), title => $title, wagon_files => [@wagon_files], wagon_data => $self->app->dbdb_wagon->{$wagon_id}, wref => $wref, hide_opts => 1, ); } 1;