package DBInfoscreen::Helper::HAFAS; use strict; use warnings; use 5.020; use DateTime; use Encode qw(decode encode); use Mojo::JSON qw(decode_json); use Mojo::Promise; use XML::LibXML; sub new { my ( $class, %opt ) = @_; my $version = $opt{version}; $opt{header} = { 'User-Agent' => "dbf/${version} on $opt{root_url} +" }; return bless( \%opt, $class ); } sub get_json_p { my ( $self, $cache, $url ) = @_; my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new; if ( my $content = $cache->thaw($url) ) { return $promise->resolve($content); } $self->{user_agent}->request_timeout(5)->get_p( $url => $self->{header} ) ->then( sub { my ($tx) = @_; if ( my $err = $tx->error ) { $self->{log}->warn( "hafas->get_json_p($url): HTTP $err->{code} $err->{message}" ); $promise->reject( "GET $url returned HTTP $err->{code} $err->{message}"); return; } my $body = encode( 'utf-8', decode( 'ISO-8859-15', $tx->res->body ) ); $body =~ s{^TSLs[.]sls = }{}; $body =~ s{;$}{}; $body =~ s{(}{(}g; $body =~ s{)}{)}g; my $json = decode_json($body); $cache->freeze( $url, $json ); $promise->resolve($json); return; } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $self->{log}->warn("hafas->get_json_p($url): $err"); $promise->reject($err); return; } )->wait; return $promise; } sub get_xml_p { my ( $self, $cache, $url ) = @_; my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new; if ( my $content = $cache->thaw($url) ) { return $promise->resolve($content); } $self->{user_agent}->request_timeout(5)->get_p( $url => $self->{header} ) ->then( sub { my ($tx) = @_; if ( my $err = $tx->error ) { $cache->freeze( $url, {} ); $self->{log}->warn( "hafas->get_xml_p($url): HTTP $err->{code} $err->{message}" ); $promise->reject( "GET $url returned HTTP $err->{code} $err->{message}"); return; } my $body = decode( 'ISO-8859-15', $tx->res->body ); # <SDay text="... > ..."> is invalid HTML, but present # regardless. As it is the last tag, we just throw it away. $body =~ s{<SDay [^>]*/>}{}s; my $tree; eval { $tree = XML::LibXML->load_xml( string => $body ) }; if ($@) { $cache->freeze( $url, {} ); $promise->reject; return; } my $ret = { station => {}, stations => [], messages => [], }; for my $station ( $tree->findnodes('/Journey/St') ) { my $name = $station->getAttribute('name'); my $adelay = $station->getAttribute('adelay'); my $ddelay = $station->getAttribute('ddelay'); push( @{ $ret->{stations} }, $name ); $ret->{station}{$name} = { adelay => $adelay, ddelay => $ddelay, }; } for my $message ( $tree->findnodes('/Journey/HIMMessage') ) { my $header = $message->getAttribute('header'); my $lead = $message->getAttribute('lead'); my $display = $message->getAttribute('display'); push( @{ $ret->{messages} }, { header => $header, lead => $lead, display => $display } ); } $cache->freeze( $url, $ret ); $promise->resolve($ret); return; } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $self->{log}->warn("hafas->get_xml_p($url): $err"); $promise->reject($err); return; } )->wait; return $promise; } sub trainsearch_p { my ( $self, %opt ) = @_; my $base = ''; if ( not $opt{date_yy} ) { my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); $opt{date_yy} = $now->strftime('%d.%m.%y'); $opt{date_yyyy} = $now->strftime('%d.%m.%Y'); } my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new; $self->get_json_p( $self->{realtime_cache}, "${base}&date=$opt{date_yy}&trainname=$opt{train_no}" )->then( sub { my ($trainsearch) = @_; # Fallback: Take first result my $result = $trainsearch->{suggestions}[0]; # Try finding a result for the current date for my $suggestion ( @{ $trainsearch->{suggestions} // [] } ) { # Drunken API, sail with care. Both date formats are used interchangeably if ( exists $suggestion->{depDate} and ( $suggestion->{depDate} eq $opt{date_yy} or $suggestion->{depDate} eq $opt{date_yyyy} ) ) { # Train numbers are not unique, e.g. IC 149 refers both to the # InterCity service Amsterdam -> Berlin and to the InterCity service # Koebenhavns Lufthavn st -> Aarhus. One workaround is making # requests with the stationFilter=80 parameter. Checking the origin # station seems to be the more generic solution, so we do that # instead. if ( $opt{train_origin} and $suggestion->{dep} eq $opt{train_origin} ) { $result = $suggestion; last; } } } if ($result) { # The trip_id's date part doesn't seem to matter -- so far, HAFAS is # happy as long as the date part starts with a number. HAFAS-internal # tripIDs use this format (withouth leading zero for day of month < 10) # though, so let's stick with it. my $date_map = $opt{date_yyyy}; $date_map =~ tr{.}{}d; $result->{trip_id} = sprintf( '1|%d|%d|%d|%s', $result->{id}, $result->{cycle}, $result->{pool}, $date_map ); $promise->resolve($result); } else { $self->{log}->warn( "hafas->trainsearch_p($opt{train_no}): train not found"); $promise->reject("Zug $opt{train_no} nicht gefunden"); } # do not propagate $promise->reject's return value to this promise. # Perl implicitly returns the last statement, so we explicitly return # nothing to avoid this. return; } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $self->{log}->warn("hafas->trainsearch_p($opt{train_no}): $err"); $promise->reject($err); # do not propagate $promise->reject's return value to this promise return; } )->wait; return $promise; } sub get_route_timestamps_p { my ( $self, %opt ) = @_; my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new; if ( $opt{train} ) { $opt{date_yy} = $opt{train}->start->strftime('%d.%m.%y'); $opt{date_yyyy} = $opt{train}->start->strftime('%d.%m.%Y'); $opt{train_no} = $opt{train}->type . ' ' . $opt{train}->train_no; $opt{train_origin} = $opt{train}->origin; } else { my $now = DateTime->now( time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin' ); $opt{date_yy} = $now->strftime('%d.%m.%y'); $opt{date_yyyy} = $now->strftime('%d.%m.%Y'); } my $base = ''; my ( $trainsearch_result, $trainlink ); $self->trainsearch_p(%opt)->then( sub { ($trainsearch_result) = @_; $trainlink = $trainsearch_result->{trainLink}; return Mojo::Promise->all( $self->get_json_p( $self->{realtime_cache}, "${base}/${trainlink}?rt=1&date=$opt{date_yy}&L=vs_json" ), $self->get_xml_p( $self->{realtime_cache}, "${base}/${trainlink}?rt=1&date=$opt{date_yy}&L=vs_java3" ) ); } )->then( sub { my ( $traininfo, $traindelay ) = @_; $traininfo = $traininfo->[0]; $traindelay = $traindelay->[0]; if ( not $traininfo or $traininfo->{error} ) { $promise->reject; return; } my $ret = {}; my $strp = DateTime::Format::Strptime->new( pattern => '%d.%m.%y %H:%M', time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin', ); for my $station ( @{ $traininfo->{suggestions}[0]{locations} // [] } ) { my $name = $station->{name}; my $arr = $station->{arrDate} . ' ' . $station->{arrTime}; my $dep = $station->{depDate} . ' ' . $station->{depTime}; $ret->{$name} = { sched_arr => scalar $strp->parse_datetime($arr), sched_dep => scalar $strp->parse_datetime($dep), }; if ( exists $traindelay->{station}{$name} ) { my $delay = $traindelay->{station}{$name}; if ( $ret->{$name}{sched_arr} and $delay->{adelay} and $delay->{adelay} =~ m{^\d+$} ) { $ret->{$name}{rt_arr} = $ret->{$name}{sched_arr} ->clone->add( minutes => $delay->{adelay} ); } if ( $ret->{$name}{sched_dep} and $delay->{ddelay} and $delay->{ddelay} =~ m{^\d+$} ) { $ret->{$name}{rt_dep} = $ret->{$name}{sched_dep} ->clone->add( minutes => $delay->{ddelay} ); } } } $promise->resolve( $ret, $traindelay // {}, $trainsearch_result ); return; } )->catch( sub { $promise->reject; return; } )->wait; return $promise; } # Input: (HAFAS TripID, line number) # Output: Promise returning a # instance # on success sub get_polyline_p { my ( $self, $trip_id, $line ) = @_; my $url = "${trip_id}?lineName=${line}&polyline=true"; my $cache = $self->{realtime_cache}; my $promise = Mojo::Promise->new; if ( my $content = $cache->thaw($url) ) { $promise->resolve($content); $self->{log}->debug("GET $url (cached)"); return $promise; } $self->{user_agent}->request_timeout(5)->get_p( $url => $self->{header} ) ->then( sub { my ($tx) = @_; $self->{log}->debug("GET $url (OK)"); my $json = decode_json( $tx->res->body ); my @coordinate_list; for my $feature ( @{ $json->{polyline}{features} } ) { if ( exists $feature->{geometry}{coordinates} ) { push( @coordinate_list, $feature->{geometry}{coordinates} ); } #if ($feature->{type} eq 'Feature') { # say "Feature " . $feature->{properties}{name}; #} } my $ret = { name => $json->{line}{name} // '?', polyline => [@coordinate_list], raw => $json, }; $cache->freeze( $url, $ret ); $promise->resolve($ret); return; } )->catch( sub { my ($err) = @_; $self->{log}->debug("GET $url (error: $err)"); $promise->reject($err); return; } )->wait; return $promise; } 1;