 * Copyright (C) 2011-2020 Birte Kristina Friesel
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
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.singlewagon {
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div.app {
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				padding-left: 0.2em;
				color: $fg;

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					background-color: transparent;

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					background-color: transparent;

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					padding-right: 1ex;

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			text-align: center;

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			display: inline-block;
			text-align: right;

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			width: 100%;
			color: #888888;

		.minfo {
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			color: $undelay-color;

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			margin-bottom: 1em;

			.no-realtime {
				color: $cancelled-stop-color;

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			margin-top: 1em;

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				color: $cancelled-stop-color;

			.past-stop {
				list-style-type: disc;

			.future-stop {
				list-style-type: circle;

			.time-early {
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			.time-delayed {
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			.time-sched-only {
				color: $delayed-stop-color;

			.time-sched-ontime {
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