<div class="mheader"> <div> % if ($departure->{train_no} or $departure->{train_line}) { <span class="train-line <%= $linetype %>"><%= $departure->{train_type} %> <%= $departure->{train_line} // $departure->{train_no} %></span> <span class="train-no"><%= $departure->{train_line} ? $departure->{train_no} : q{} %></span> % } % else { <span class="train-line"><%= $departure->{train} // q{???} %></span> % } </div> <div> % if ($departure->{origin}) { <span class="train-origin"><%= $departure->{origin} %></span> → % } <span class="train-dest"><%= $departure->{destination} // q{???} %></span> </div> % if ($departure->{is_cancelled}) { <div class="minfo">Fahrt fällt aus</div> % } % elsif (defined $departure->{delay} and $departure->{delay} > 0) { <div class="minfo">+<%= $departure->{delay} %> % if ($departure->{departure_is_cancelled}) { (endet hier) % } </div> % } % if (@{$departure->{replaced_by}}) { % for my $replacement (@{$departure->{replaced_by}}) { <span class="replaced">Ersatzzug: <%= $replacement %></span> % } % } % if (@{$departure->{replacement_for}}) { % for my $replacement (@{$departure->{replacement_for}}) { <span class="replacement">Ersatzzug für <%= $replacement %></span> % } % } </div> <!-- mheader --> <div class="mfooter"> <div class="platforminfo"> % if ($departure->{scheduled_platform} or $departure->{platform}) { Gleis <%= $departure->{scheduled_platform} // $departure->{platform} %> % } % if ($departure->{scheduled_platform} and $departure->{platform} % and $departure->{scheduled_platform} ne $departure->{platform}) { (heute Gleis <%= $departure->{platform} %>) % } % elsif ($departure->{changed_platform}) { (Gleiswechsel) % } </div> <!-- platforminfo --> % if (not $departure->{is_cancelled}) { <div class="timeinfo"> % if ($departure->{sched_arrival}) { Ankunft: <%= $departure->{sched_arrival} %> % if ($departure->{arrival} and $departure->{arrival} ne $departure->{sched_arrival}) { (heute <%= $departure->{arrival} %>) % } <br/> % } % if ($departure->{sched_departure}) { Abfahrt: <%= $departure->{sched_departure} %> % if ($departure->{departure} and $departure->{departure} ne $departure->{sched_departure}) { (heute <%= $departure->{departure} %>) % } <br/> % } % if (not ($departure->{sched_arrival} or $departure->{sched_departure})) { Abfahrt: <%= $departure->{time} %> % if ($departure->{delay}) { (heute +<%= $departure->{delay} %>) % } % } </div> <!-- timeinfo --> % if ($linetype eq 'fern' and $departure->{wr_link}) { <div class="verbose"> <a href="/_wr/<%= $departure->{train_no} %>/<%= $departure->{wr_link} %>">Wagenreihung</a> </div> % } % } % if ($departure->{route_pre_diff} and $departure->{route_post_diff}) { % if (@{$departure->{route_pre_diff}}) { <div class="mroute"> Von: % my $first = 0; % for my $stop (@{$departure->{route_pre_diff}}) { % if ($first++) { <span class="separator">–</span> % } <a href="/<%= $stop->{name} %>#<%= $departure->{train_type} . $departure->{train_no} %>" class=" % if ($stop->{isAdditional}) { additional-stop % } % elsif ($stop->{isCancelled}) { cancelled-stop % } % elsif ($self->is_important($stop->{name})) { important-stop % } % else { generic-stop % } "><%= $stop->{name} %></a> % } </div> <!-- mroute --> % } % if (@{$departure->{route_post_diff}}) { <div class="mroute"> Nach: % my $first = 0; % for my $stop (@{$departure->{route_post_diff}}) { % if ($first++) { <span class="separator">–</span> % } <a href="/<%= $stop->{name} %>#<%= $departure->{train_type} . $departure->{train_no} %>" class=" % if ($stop->{isAdditional}) { additional-stop % } % elsif ($stop->{isCancelled}) { cancelled-stop % } % elsif ($self->is_important($stop->{name})) { important-stop % } % else { generic-stop % } "><%= $stop->{name} %></a> % } </div> <!-- mroute --> % } % } % if ($departure->{moreinfo} and @{$departure->{moreinfo}}) { Meldungen: <ul> % for my $pair (@{$departure->{moreinfo}}) { <li> % if ($pair->[0]->isa('DateTime')) { % if ($pair->[0]->day != $dt_now->day) { % $pair->[0]->set_locale('de_DE'); %= $pair->[0]->strftime('%a %H:%M') % } % else { %= $pair->[0]->strftime('%H:%M') % } % } % else { %= $pair->[0] % } : <span class="reason"> %= $pair->[1] </span> </li> % } % if ($departure->{route_info}) { <li><%= $departure->{route_info} %></li> % } </ul> % } </div> <!-- mfooter -->