#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ analyze-archive - generate PTA energy model from dfatool benchmark traces analyze-archive generates a PTA energy model from one or more annotated traces generated by dfatool. By default, it does nothing else. Cross-Validation help: If is "montecarlo": Randomly divide data into 2/3 training and 1/3 validation, times. Reported model quality is the average of all validation runs. Data is partitioned without regard for parameter values, so a specific parameter combination may be present in both training and validation sets or just one of them. If is "kfold": Perform k-fold cross validation with k=. Divide data into 1-1/k training and 1/k validation, times. In the first set, items 0, k, 2k, ... ard used for validation, in the second set, items 1, k+1, 2k+1, ... and so on. validation, times. Reported model quality is the average of all validation runs. Data is partitioned without regard for parameter values, so a specific parameter combination may be present in both training and validation sets or just one of them. Trace Export: Each JSON file lists all occurences of the corresponding state/transition in the benchmark's PTA trace. Each occurence contains the corresponding PTA parameters (if any) in 'parameter' and measurement results in 'offline'. As measurements are typically run repeatedly, 'offline' is in turn a list of measurements: offline[0]['uW'] is the power trace of the first measurement of this state/transition, offline[1]['uW'] corresponds t the second measurement, etc. Values are provided in microwatts. For example, TX.json[0].offline[0].uW corresponds to the first measurement of the first TX state in the benchmark, and TX.json[5].offline[2].uW corresponds to the third measurement of the sixth TX state in the benchmark. WARNING: Several GB of RAM and disk space are required for complex measurements. (JSON files may grow very large -- we trade efficiency for easy handling) """ import argparse import json import logging import random import re import sys import time import dfatool.cli import dfatool.utils import dfatool.functions as df from dfatool import plotter from dfatool.loader import RawData, pta_trace_to_aggregate from dfatool.model import PTAModel from dfatool.validation import CrossValidator from dfatool.automata import PTA def print_model_quality(results): for state_or_tran in results.keys(): print() for key, result in results[state_or_tran].items(): if "smape" in result: print( "{:20s} {:15s} {:.2f}% / {:.0f}".format( state_or_tran, key, result["smape"], result["mae"] ) ) else: print("{:20s} {:15s} {:.0f}".format(state_or_tran, key, result["mae"])) def model_summary_table(result_list): buf = "transition duration" for results in result_list: if len(buf): buf += " ||| " buf += dfatool.cli.format_quality_measures(results["duration_by_trace"]) print(buf) buf = "total energy " for results in result_list: if len(buf): buf += " ||| " buf += dfatool.cli.format_quality_measures(results["energy_by_trace"]) print(buf) buf = "rel total energy " for results in result_list: if len(buf): buf += " ||| " buf += dfatool.cli.format_quality_measures(results["rel_energy_by_trace"]) print(buf) buf = "state-only energy " for results in result_list: if len(buf): buf += " ||| " buf += dfatool.cli.format_quality_measures(results["state_energy_by_trace"]) print(buf) buf = "transition timeout " for results in result_list: if len(buf): buf += " ||| " buf += dfatool.cli.format_quality_measures(results["timeout_by_trace"]) print(buf) def get_kconfig(model): buf = str() for param_name in model.parameters: unique_values = set() is_relevant = False for name in model.names: unique_values.update( model.attr_by_name[name]["power"].stats.distinct_values_by_param_name[ param_name ] ) for attr in model.attr_by_name[name].values(): # FIXME this indicates whether it might depend on the parameter, not whether it actually uses it (there's no API for that yet) if attr.stats.depends_on_param(param_name): is_relevant = True unique_values.discard(None) if not unique_values or not is_relevant: # unused by the model continue buf += f"config {param_name}\n" buf += f' prompt "{param_name}"\n' if unique_values == {0, 1}: buf += " bool\n" elif all(map(dfatool.utils.is_numeric, unique_values)): buf += " int\n" buf += f" range {min(unique_values)} {max(unique_values)}\n" else: buf += " string\n" buf += f" #!accept [{unique_values}]\n" return buf def plot_traces(preprocessed_data, sot_name): traces = list() timestamps = list() for trace in preprocessed_data: for state_or_transition in trace["trace"]: if state_or_transition["name"] == sot_name: timestamps.extend( map(lambda x: x["plot"][0], state_or_transition["offline"]) ) traces.extend( map(lambda x: x["plot"][1], state_or_transition["offline"]) ) if len(traces) == 0: print( f"""Did not find traces for state or transition {sot_name}. Abort.""", file=sys.stderr, ) sys.exit(2) if len(traces) > 40: print(f"""Truncating plot to 40 of {len(traces)} traces (random sample)""") indexes = random.sample(range(len(traces)), 40) timestamps = [timestamps[i] for i in indexes] traces = [traces[i] for i in indexes] plotter.plot_xy( timestamps, traces, xlabel="t [s]", ylabel="P [W]", title=sot_name, family=True ) if __name__ == "__main__": ignored_trace_indexes = [] safe_functions_enabled = False function_override = {} show_quality = [] pta = None energymodel_export_file = None trace_export_dir = None parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=__doc__ ) dfatool.cli.add_standard_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( "--no-cache", action="store_true", help="Do not load cached measurement results" ) parser.add_argument( "--plot-traces", metavar="NAME", type=str, help="Plot power trace for state or transition NAME. X axis is wrong for non-MIMOSA measurements", ) parser.add_argument( "--remove-outliers", action="store_true", help="Remove outliers exceeding the configured z score (default: 10)", ) parser.add_argument( "--z-score", type=int, default=10, help="Configure z score for outlier detection (and optional removel)", ) parser.add_argument( "--show-quality", choices=["overall", "summary"], action="append", default=list(), help="summary: show static/fitted/lut SMAPE and MAE for each attribute, averaged over all states/transitions.", ) parser.add_argument( "--ignored-trace-indexes", metavar="", type=str, help="Specify traces which should be ignored due to bogus data. " "1 is the first trace, 2 the second, and so on.", ) parser.add_argument( "--export-traces", metavar="DIRECTORY", type=str, help="Export power traces of all states and transitions to DIRECTORY. " "Creates a JSON file for each state and transition.", ) parser.add_argument( "--with-safe-functions", action="store_true", help="Include 'safe' functions (safe_log, safe_inv, safe_sqrt) which are also defined for 0 and -1. " "This allows a greater range of functions to be tried during fitting.", ) parser.add_argument( "--hwmodel", metavar="FILE", type=str, help="Load DFA hardware model from JSON or YAML FILE", ) parser.add_argument( "--export-pta-dot", metavar="FILE", type=str, help="Export PTA representation suitable for Graphviz dot to FILE", ) parser.add_argument( "--export-energymodel", metavar="FILE", type=str, help="Export JSON energy model to FILE. Works out of the box for v1+, requires --hwmodel for v0", ) parser.add_argument( "--export-webconf", metavar="FILE", type=str, help="Export KConfig model to FILE.Kconfig and energy model to FILE.js. Works out of the box for v1+, requires --hwmodel for v0", ) parser.add_argument( "--with-substates", metavar="PELT_CONFIG", type=str, help="Perform substate analysis", ) parser.add_argument("measurement", nargs="+") args = parser.parse_args() dfatool.cli.sanity_check(args) if args.log_level: numeric_level = getattr(logging, args.log_level.upper(), None) if not isinstance(numeric_level, int): print(f"Invalid log level: {args.log_level}", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) logging.basicConfig(level=numeric_level) if args.ignored_trace_indexes: ignored_trace_indexes = list(map(int, args.ignored_trace_indexes.split(","))) if 0 in ignored_trace_indexes: logging.error("arguments to --ignored-trace-indexes start from 1") if args.function_override: for function_desc in args.function_override.split(";"): state_or_tran, attribute, *function_str = function_desc.split(" ") function_override[(state_or_tran, attribute)] = " ".join(function_str) show_quality = args.show_quality if args.filter_param: args.filter_param = list( map(lambda x: x.split("="), args.filter_param.split(",")) ) else: args.filter_param = list() if args.filter_observation: args.filter_observation = list( map(lambda x: tuple(x.split(":")), args.filter_observation.split(",")) ) if args.with_safe_functions is not None: safe_functions_enabled = True if args.hwmodel: pta = PTA.from_file(args.hwmodel) raw_data = RawData( args.measurement, with_traces=( args.export_traces is not None or args.plot_traces is not None or args.with_substates is not None ), skip_cache=args.no_cache, ) if args.info: print(" ".join(raw_data.filenames) + ":") data_source = "???" if raw_data.ptalog: options = " --".join( map(lambda kv: f"{kv[0]}={str(kv[1])}", raw_data.ptalog["opt"].items()) ) print(f" Options: --{options}") if raw_data.version <= 1: data_source = "MIMOSA" elif raw_data.version == 2: if raw_data.ptalog and "sync" in raw_data.ptalog["opt"]["energytrace"]: data_source = "MSP430 EnergyTrace, sync={}".format( raw_data.ptalog["opt"]["energytrace"]["sync"] ) else: data_source = "MSP430 EnergyTrace" elif raw_data.version == 3: data_source = "Keysight" print(f" Data source ID: {raw_data.version} ({data_source})") preprocessed_data = raw_data.get_preprocessed_data() if args.info: print( f""" Valid Runs: {raw_data.preprocessing_stats["num_valid"]}/{raw_data.preprocessing_stats["num_runs"]}""" ) state_durations = map( lambda x: str(x["state_duration"]), raw_data.setup_by_fileno ) print(f""" State Duration: {" / ".join(state_durations)} ms""") if args.export_traces: uw_per_sot = dict() for trace in preprocessed_data: for state_or_transition in trace["trace"]: name = state_or_transition["name"] if name not in uw_per_sot: uw_per_sot[name] = list() for elem in state_or_transition["offline"]: elem["plot"] = list(elem["plot"]) uw_per_sot[name].append(state_or_transition) for name, data in uw_per_sot.items(): target = f"{args.export_traces}/{name}.json" print(f"exporting {target} ...") with open(target, "w") as f: json.dump(data, f) if args.with_substates is not None: arg_dict = dict() if args.with_substates != "": for kv in args.with_substates.split(","): k, v = kv.split("=") try: arg_dict[k] = float(v) except ValueError: arg_dict[k] = v args.with_substates = arg_dict if args.plot_traces: plot_traces(preprocessed_data, args.plot_traces) if raw_data.preprocessing_stats["num_valid"] == 0: print("No valid data available. Abort.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(2) if pta is None and raw_data.pta is not None: pta = PTA.from_json(raw_data.pta) by_name, parameters, arg_count = pta_trace_to_aggregate( preprocessed_data, ignored_trace_indexes ) if args.ignore_param: args.ignore_param = args.ignore_param.split(",") dfatool.utils.ignore_param(by_name, parameters, args.ignore_param) dfatool.utils.filter_aggregate_by_param(by_name, parameters, args.filter_param) dfatool.utils.filter_aggregate_by_observation(by_name, args.filter_observation) if args.param_shift: param_shift = dfatool.cli.parse_param_shift(args.param_shift) dfatool.utils.shift_param_in_aggregate(by_name, parameters, param_shift) if args.normalize_nfp: norm = dfatool.cli.parse_nfp_normalization(args.normalize_nfp) dfatool.utils.normalize_nfp_in_aggregate(by_name, norm) dfatool.utils.detect_outliers_in_aggregate( by_name, z_limit=args.z_score, remove_outliers=args.remove_outliers ) constructor_start = time.time() model = PTAModel( by_name, parameters, arg_count, traces=preprocessed_data, function_override=function_override, pta=pta, pelt=args.with_substates, force_tree=args.force_tree, ) constructor_duration = time.time() - constructor_start if args.info: dfatool.cli.print_info_by_name(model, by_name) if args.export_pgf_unparam: dfatool.cli.export_pgf_unparam(model, args.export_pgf_unparam) if args.export_json_unparam: dfatool.cli.export_json_unparam(model, args.export_json_unparam) if args.cross_validate: xv_method, xv_count = args.cross_validate.split(":") xv_count = int(xv_count) xv = CrossValidator( PTAModel, by_name, parameters, arg_count, force_tree=args.force_tree ) xv.parameter_aware = args.parameter_aware_cross_validation else: xv_method = None xv_count = None if args.plot_unparam: for kv in args.plot_unparam.split(";"): state_or_trans, attribute, ylabel = kv.split(":") fname = "param_y_{}_{}.pdf".format(state_or_trans, attribute) plotter.plot_y( model.by_name[state_or_trans][attribute], xlabel="measurement #", ylabel=ylabel, output=fname, ) if args.boxplot_unparam: plotter.boxplot( model.names, [model.by_name[name]["power"] for name in model.names], xlabel="State/Transition", ylabel="Average Power [µW]", output=f"{args.boxplot_unparam}power.pdf", ) plotter.boxplot( model.transitions, [model.by_name[name]["duration"] for name in model.transitions], xlabel="Transition", ylabel="Duration [µs]", output=f"{args.boxplot_unparam}duration.pdf", ) for name in model.names: plotter.boxplot( [name], [model.by_name[name]["power"]], xlabel="State/Transition", ylabel="Average Power [µW]", output=f"{args.boxplot_unparam}{name}-power.pdf", ) for trans in model.transitions: plotter.boxplot( [trans], [model.by_name[trans]["duration"]], xlabel="Transition", ylabel="duration [µs]", output=f"{args.boxplot_unparam}{trans}-duration.pdf", ) static_model = model.get_static() if "static" in args.show_model or "all" in args.show_model: print("--- simple static model ---") for state in model.states: for attribute in model.attributes(state): dfatool.cli.print_static( model, static_model, state, attribute, with_dependence="all" in args.show_model, ) if args.with_substates: for submodel in model.submodel_by_name.values(): for substate in submodel.states: for subattribute in submodel.attributes(substate): dfatool.cli.print_static( submodel, submodel.get_static(), substate, subattribut, with_dependence="all" in args.show_model, ) for trans in model.transitions: if "energy" in model.attributes(trans): try: print( "{:10s}: {:.0f} / {:.0f} / {:.0f} pJ ({:.2f} / {:.2f} / {:.2f})".format( trans, static_model(trans, "energy"), static_model(trans, "rel_energy_prev"), static_model(trans, "rel_energy_next"), model.attr_by_name[trans][ "energy" ].stats.generic_param_dependence_ratio(), model.attr_by_name[trans][ "rel_energy_prev" ].stats.generic_param_dependence_ratio(), model.attr_by_name[trans][ "rel_energy_next" ].stats.generic_param_dependence_ratio(), ) ) except KeyError: print( "{:10s}: {:.0f} pJ ({:.2f})".format( trans, static_model(trans, "energy"), model.attr_by_name[trans][ "energy" ].stats.generic_param_dependence_ratio(), ) ) else: try: print( "{:10s}: {:.0f} / {:.0f} / {:.0f} pJ (E=P·t)".format( trans, static_model(trans, "power") * static_model(trans, "duration"), static_model(trans, "rel_power_prev") * static_model(trans, "duration"), static_model(trans, "rel_power_next") * static_model(trans, "duration"), ) ) except KeyError: print( "{:10s}: {:.0f} pJ (E=P·t)".format( trans, static_model(trans, "power") * static_model(trans, "duration"), ) ) print( "{:10s}: {:.0f} µs ({:.2f})".format( trans, static_model(trans, "duration"), model.attr_by_name[trans][ "duration" ].stats.generic_param_dependence_ratio(), ) ) try: print( "{:10s}: {:.0f} / {:.0f} / {:.0f} µW ({:.2f} / {:.2f} / {:.2f})".format( trans, static_model(trans, "power"), static_model(trans, "rel_power_prev"), static_model(trans, "rel_power_next"), model.attr_by_name[trans][ "power" ].stats.generic_param_dependence_ratio(), model.attr_by_name[trans][ "rel_power_prev" ].stats.generic_param_dependence_ratio(), model.attr_by_name[trans][ "rel_power_next" ].stats.generic_param_dependence_ratio(), ) ) except KeyError: print( "{:10s}: {:.0f} pJ ({:.2f})".format( trans, static_model(trans, "power"), model.attr_by_name[trans][ "power" ].stats.generic_param_dependence_ratio(), ) ) if xv_method == "montecarlo": static_quality, _ = xv.montecarlo(lambda m: m.get_static(), xv_count) elif xv_method == "kfold": static_quality, _ = xv.kfold(lambda m: m.get_static(), xv_count) else: static_quality = model.assess(static_model) if len(args.show_model): print("--- LUT ---") lut_model = model.get_param_lut() lut_quality = model.assess(lut_model) if len(args.show_model): print("--- param model ---") # get_fitted_sub -> with sub-state detection and modeling fit_start_time = time.time() param_model, param_info = model.get_fitted( safe_functions_enabled=safe_functions_enabled ) fit_duration = time.time() - fit_start_time if "paramdetection" in args.show_model or "all" in args.show_model: for name in model.names: for attribute in model.attributes(name): info = param_info(name, attribute) print( "{:10s} {:10s} non-param stddev {:f}".format( name, attribute, model.attr_by_name[name][attribute].stats.std_static, ) ) print( "{:10s} {:10s} param-lut stddev {:f}".format( name, attribute, model.attr_by_name[name][attribute].stats.std_param_lut, ) ) for param in sorted( model.attr_by_name[name][attribute].stats.std_by_param.keys() ): print( "{:10s} {:10s} {:10s} stddev {:f}".format( name, attribute, param, model.attr_by_name[name][attribute].stats.std_by_param[ param ], ) ) for arg_index in range(model.attr_by_name[name][attribute].arg_count): print( "{:10s} {:10s} {:10s} stddev {:f}".format( name, attribute, f"arg{arg_index}", model.attr_by_name[name][attribute].stats.std_by_arg[ arg_index ], ) ) if type(info) is df.AnalyticFunction: for param_name in sorted(info.fit_by_param.keys(), key=str): param_fit = info.fit_by_param[param_name]["results"] for function_type in sorted(param_fit.keys()): function_rmsd = param_fit[function_type]["rmsd"] print( "{:10s} {:10s} {:10s} mean {:10s} RMSD {:.0f}".format( name, attribute, str(param_name), function_type, function_rmsd, ) ) if "param" in args.show_model or "all" in args.show_model: for state in model.states: for attribute in model.attributes(state): info = param_info(state, attribute) dfatool.cli.print_model( f"{state:10s} {attribute:15s}", info, model.parameters ) for trans in model.transitions: for attribute in model.attributes(trans): info = param_info(trans, attribute) dfatool.cli.print_model( f"{trans:10s} {attribute:15s}", info, model.parameters ) if args.with_substates: for submodel in model.submodel_by_name.values(): sub_param_model, sub_param_info = submodel.get_fitted() for substate in submodel.states: for subattribute in submodel.attributes(substate): info = sub_param_info(substate, subattribute) if type(info) is df.AnalyticFunction: print( "{:10s} {:15s}: {}".format( substate, subattribute, info.model_function ) ) print("{:10s} {:15s} {}".format("", "", info.model_args)) if args.with_substates: for state in model.states: if ( type(model.attr_by_name[state]["power"].model_function) is df.SubstateFunction ): # sub-state models need to know the duration of the state / transition. only needed for eval. model.attr_by_name[state]["power"].model_function.static_duration = ( raw_data.setup_by_fileno[0]["state_duration"] * 1e3 ) if xv_method == "montecarlo": xv.export_filename = args.export_xv analytic_quality, xv_analytic_models = xv.montecarlo( lambda m: m.get_fitted()[0], xv_count ) elif xv_method == "kfold": xv.export_filename = args.export_xv analytic_quality, xv_analytic_models = xv.kfold( lambda m: m.get_fitted()[0], xv_count ) else: if args.export_raw_predictions: analytic_quality, raw_results = model.assess(param_model, return_raw=True) with open(args.export_raw_predictions, "w") as f: json.dump(raw_results, f, cls=dfatool.utils.NpEncoder) else: analytic_quality = model.assess(param_model) xv_analytic_models = None if args.show_model_error: dfatool.cli.model_quality_table( lut=lut_quality, model=analytic_quality, static=static_quality, model_info=param_info, xv_method=xv_method, xv_count=xv_count, error_metric=args.error_metric, ) if args.with_substates: for submodel in model.submodel_by_name.values(): sub_static_model = submodel.get_static() sub_static_quality = submodel.assess(sub_static_model) sub_lut_model = submodel.get_param_lut() sub_lut_quality = submodel.assess(sub_lut_model) sub_param_model, sub_param_info = submodel.get_fitted() sub_analytic_quality = submodel.assess(sub_param_model) dfatool.cli.model_quality_table( lut=sub_lut_quality, model=sub_analytic_quality, static=sub_static_quality, model_info=sub_param_info, error_metric=args.error_metric, ) if "overall" in show_quality or "all" in show_quality: print("overall state static/param/lut MAE assuming equal state distribution:") print( " {:6.1f} / {:6.1f} / {:6.1f} µW".format( model.assess_states(static_model), model.assess_states(param_model), model.assess_states(lut_model), ) ) distrib = dict() num_states = len(model.states) p95_state = None for state in model.states: distrib[state] = 1.0 / num_states if "STANDBY1" in model.states: p95_state = "STANDBY1" elif "SLEEP" in model.states: p95_state = "SLEEP" if p95_state is not None: for state in distrib.keys(): distrib[state] = 0.05 / (num_states - 1) distrib[p95_state] = 0.95 print(f"overall state static/param/lut MAE assuming 95% {p95_state}:") print( " {:6.1f} / {:6.1f} / {:6.1f} µW".format( model.assess_states(static_model, distribution=distrib), model.assess_states(param_model, distribution=distrib), model.assess_states(lut_model, distribution=distrib), ) ) if "summary" in show_quality or "all" in show_quality: model_summary_table( [ model.assess_on_traces(static_model), model.assess_on_traces(param_model), model.assess_on_traces(lut_model), ] ) if args.show_model_complexity: dfatool.cli.print_model_complexity(model) if args.boxplot_param: dfatool.cli.boxplot_param(args, model) if args.plot_param: for kv in args.plot_param.split(";"): try: state_or_trans, attribute, param_name, *function = kv.split(":") except ValueError: print( "Usage: --plot-param='state_or_trans attribute param_name [additional function spec]'", file=sys.stderr, ) sys.exit(1) if len(function): function = df.gplearn_to_function(" ".join(function)) else: function = None plotter.plot_param( model, state_or_trans, attribute, model.param_index(param_name), extra_function=function, output=f"{state_or_trans}-{attribute}-{param_name}.pdf", show=not args.non_interactive, ) if args.export_dref: dref = raw_data.to_dref() dref.update( model.to_dref( static_quality, lut_quality, analytic_quality, xv_models=xv_analytic_models, ) ) dref["constructor duration"] = (constructor_duration, r"\second") dref["regression duration"] = (fit_duration, r"\second") dfatool.cli.export_dataref( args.export_dref, dref, precision=args.dref_precision ) if args.export_json: with open(args.export_json, "w") as f: json.dump(model.to_json(), f, sort_keys=True, cls=dfatool.utils.NpEncoder) if args.export_webconf: if not pta: print( "Note: v0 measurements do not embed the PTA used for benchmark generation. Estimating PTA from recorded observations." ) json_model = model.to_json() json_model_str = json.dumps( json_model, indent=2, sort_keys=True, cls=dfatool.utils.NpEncoder ) for function_str, function_body in model.webconf_function_map(): json_model_str = json_model_str.replace(function_str, function_body) buf = "class watModel {\n" buf += f"model = {json_model_str};\n" buf += "};" with open(f"{args.export_webconf}.js", "w") as f: f.write(buf) with open(f"{args.export_webconf}.kconfig", "w") as f: f.write(get_kconfig(model)) if args.export_energymodel: if not pta: print( "Note: v0 measurements do not embed the PTA used for benchmark generation. Estimating PTA from recorded observations." ) json_model = model.to_json() with open(args.export_energymodel, "w") as f: json.dump( json_model, f, indent=2, sort_keys=True, cls=dfatool.utils.NpEncoder ) if args.export_dot: dfatool.cli.export_dot(model, args.export_dot) if args.export_pta_dot: if not pta: print( "Note: v0 measurements do not embed the PTA used for benchmark generation. Estimating PTA from recorded observations." ) json_model = model.to_json() with open(args.export_pta_dot, "w") as f: f.write(model.to_dot()) sys.exit(0)