#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ analyze-config - generate NFP model from system config benchmarks analyze-config generates an NFP model from benchmarks with various system configs (.config entries generated from a common Kconfig definition). The NFP model is not yet compatible with the type of models generated by analyze-archive and analyze-timing """ import argparse import json import kconfiglib import logging import os import numpy as np from dfatool.functions import SplitFunction, StaticFunction from dfatool.model import AnalyticModel, ModelAttribute from dfatool.utils import NpEncoder def make_config_vector(kconf, params, symbols, choices): config_vector = [None for i in params] for i, param in enumerate(params): if param in choices: choice = kconf.choices[choices.index(param)] if choice.selection: config_vector[i] = choice.selection.name else: config_vector[i] = kconf.syms[param].str_value return tuple(config_vector) def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, description=__doc__ ) parser.add_argument( "--log-level", metavar="LEVEL", choices=["debug", "info", "warning", "error"], default="warning", help="Set log level", ) parser.add_argument( "--with-choice-node", action="store_true", help="Add special decisiontree nodes for Kconfig choice symbols", ) parser.add_argument("kconfig_file") parser.add_argument("data_dir") args = parser.parse_args() if args.log_level: numeric_level = getattr(logging, args.log_level.upper(), None) if not isinstance(numeric_level, int): print(f"Invalid log level: {args.log_level}", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) logging.basicConfig(level=numeric_level) experiments = list() for direntry in os.listdir(args.data_dir): if "Multipass" in direntry: config_path = f"{args.data_dir}/{direntry}/.config" attr_path = f"{args.data_dir}/{direntry}/attributes.json" if os.path.exists(attr_path): experiments.append((config_path, attr_path)) kconf = kconfiglib.Kconfig(args.kconfig_file) # TODO Optional neben bool auch choices unterstützen. # Später ebenfalls int u.ä. -> dfatool-modeling symbols = sorted( map( lambda sym: sym.name, filter( lambda sym: kconfiglib.TYPE_TO_STR[sym.type] == "bool", kconf.syms.values(), ), ) ) if args.with_choice_node: choices = list(map(lambda choice: choice.name, kconf.choices)) else: choices = list() params = sorted(symbols + choices) by_name = { "multipass": { "isa": "state", "attributes": ["rom_usage", "ram_usage"], "rom_usage": list(), "ram_usage": list(), "param": list(), } } data = list() config_vectors = set() for config_path, attr_path in experiments: kconf.load_config(config_path) with open(attr_path, "r") as f: attr = json.load(f) config_vector = make_config_vector(kconf, params, symbols, choices) config_vectors.add(config_vector) by_name["multipass"]["rom_usage"].append(attr["total"]["ROM"]) by_name["multipass"]["ram_usage"].append(attr["total"]["RAM"]) by_name["multipass"]["param"].append(config_vector) data.append((config_vector, attr["total"]["ROM"], attr["total"]["RAM"])) print( "Processing {:d} unique configurations of {:d} total".format( len(config_vectors), len(experiments) ) ) print( "std of all data: {:5.0f} Bytes".format(np.std(list(map(lambda x: x[1], data)))) ) model = AnalyticModel(by_name, params, compute_stats=False) def get_min(this_symbols, this_data, data_index=1, threshold=100, level=0): rom_sizes = list(map(lambda x: x[data_index], this_data)) if np.std(rom_sizes) < threshold or len(this_symbols) == 0: return StaticFunction(np.mean(rom_sizes)) # sf.value_error["std"] = np.std(rom_sizes) mean_stds = list() for i, param in enumerate(this_symbols): unique_values = list(set(map(lambda vrr: vrr[0][i], this_data))) child_values = list() for value in unique_values: child_values.append( list(filter(lambda vrr: vrr[0][i] == value, this_data)) ) if len(list(filter(len, child_values))) < 2: # this param only has a single value. there's no point in splitting. mean_stds.append(np.inf) continue children = list() for child in child_values: children.append(np.std(list(map(lambda x: x[1], child)))) if np.any(np.isnan(children)): mean_stds.append(np.inf) else: mean_stds.append(np.mean(children)) if np.all(np.isinf(mean_stds)): # all children have the same configuration. We shouldn't get here due to the threshold check above... logging.warning("Waht") return StaticFunction(np.mean(rom_sizes)) symbol_index = np.argmin(mean_stds) symbol = this_symbols[symbol_index] unique_values = list(set(map(lambda vrr: vrr[0][symbol_index], this_data))) child = dict() for value in unique_values: children = list( filter(lambda vrr: vrr[0][symbol_index] == value, this_data) ) if len(children): print( f"Level {level} split on {symbol} == {value} has {len(children)} children" ) child[value] = get_min( this_symbols, children, data_index, threshold, level + 1 ) assert len(child.values()) >= 2 return SplitFunction(np.mean(rom_sizes), symbol_index, child) model.attr_by_name["multipass"] = dict() model.attr_by_name["multipass"]["rom_usage"] = ModelAttribute( "multipass", "rom_usage", by_name["multipass"]["rom_usage"], by_name["multipass"]["param"], params, ) model.attr_by_name["multipass"]["ram_usage"] = ModelAttribute( "multipass", "rom_usage", by_name["multipass"]["ram_usage"], by_name["multipass"]["param"], params, ) model.attr_by_name["multipass"]["rom_usage"].model_function = get_min( params, data, 1, 100 ) model.attr_by_name["multipass"]["ram_usage"].model_function = get_min( params, data, 2, 20 ) with open("kconfigmodel.json", "w") as f: json_model = model.to_json(with_param_name=True, param_names=params) json.dump(json_model, f, sort_keys=True, cls=NpEncoder) if __name__ == "__main__": main()