#!/usr/bin/env python3 """ Generate a driver/library benchmark based on DFA/PTA traces. Usage: PYTHONPATH=lib bin/generate-dfa-benchmark.py [options] [output.cc] generate-dfa-benchmarks reads in a DFA definition and generates runs (i.e., all words accepted by the DFA up to a configurable length). Each symbol corresponds to a function call. If arguments are specified in the DFA definition, each symbol corresponds to a function call with a specific set of arguments (so all argument combinations are present in the generated runs). Options: --accounting=static_state|static_state_immediate|static_statetransition|static_statetransition_immedate Select accounting method for dummy driver generation --dummy= Generate and use a dummy driver for online energy model overhead evaluation --depth= (default: 3) Maximum number of function calls per run --repeat= (default: 0) Repeat benchmark runs times. When 0, benchmark runs are repeated indefinitely and must be explicitly terminated with Ctrl+C / SIGINT --instance= Override the name of the class instance used for benchmarking --sleep= (default: 0) How long to sleep between function calls. --trace-filter=[ ...] Only consider traces whose beginning matches one of the provided transition sequences. E.g. --trace-filter='init,foo init,bar' will only consider traces with init as first and foo or bar as second transition, and --trace-filter='init,foo,$ init,bar,$' will only consider the traces init -> foo and init -> bar. """ import getopt import json import re import runner import sys import time import io import yaml from aspectc import Repo from automata import PTA from codegen import * from harness import OnboardTimerHarness opt = dict() def benchmark_from_runs(pta: PTA, runs: list, harness: OnboardTimerHarness, benchmark_id: int = 0, dummy = False) -> io.StringIO: outbuf = io.StringIO() outbuf.write('#include "arch.h"\n') if dummy: outbuf.write('#include "driver/dummy.h"\n') elif 'includes' in pta.codegen: for include in pta.codegen['includes']: outbuf.write('#include "{}"\n'.format(include)) outbuf.write(harness.global_code()) outbuf.write('int main(void)\n') outbuf.write('{\n') for driver in ('arch', 'gpio', 'kout'): outbuf.write('{}.setup();\n'.format(driver)) if 'setup' in pta.codegen: for call in pta.codegen['setup']: outbuf.write(call) # There is a race condition between flashing the code and starting the UART log. # When starting the log before flashing, output from a previous benchmark may cause bogus data to be added. # When flashing first and then starting the log, the first log lines may be lost. # To work around this, we flash first, then start the log, and use this delay statement to ensure that no output is lost. # This is also useful to faciliate MIMOSA calibration after flashing. outbuf.write('arch.delay_ms(10000);\n') outbuf.write('while (1) {\n') outbuf.write(harness.start_benchmark()) class_prefix = '' if 'instance' in opt: class_prefix = '{}.'.format(opt['instance']) elif 'instance' in pta.codegen: class_prefix = '{}.'.format(pta.codegen['instance']) num_transitions = 0 num_traces = 0 for run in runs: outbuf.write(harness.start_run()) harness.start_trace() param = pta.get_initial_param_dict() for transition, arguments, parameter in run: num_transitions += 1 harness.append_transition(transition.name, param, arguments) harness.append_state(transition.destination.name, parameter.copy()) outbuf.write('// {} -> {}\n'.format(transition.origin.name, transition.destination.name)) if transition.is_interrupt: outbuf.write('// wait for {} interrupt\n'.format(transition.name)) transition_code = '// TODO add startTransition / stopTransition calls to interrupt routine' else: transition_code = '{}{}({});'.format(class_prefix, transition.name, ', '.join(map(str, arguments))) outbuf.write(harness.pass_transition(pta.get_transition_id(transition), transition_code, transition = transition)) param = parameter outbuf.write('// current parameters: {}\n'.format(', '.join(map(lambda kv: '{}={}'.format(*kv), param.items())))) if opt['sleep']: outbuf.write('arch.delay_ms({:d}); // {}\n'.format(opt['sleep'], transition.destination.name)) outbuf.write(harness.stop_run(num_traces)) if dummy: outbuf.write('kout << "[Energy] " << {}getEnergy() << endl;\n'.format(class_prefix)) outbuf.write('\n') num_traces += 1 outbuf.write(harness.stop_benchmark()) outbuf.write('}\n') outbuf.write('return 0;\n') outbuf.write('}\n') return outbuf def run_benchmark(application_file: str, pta: PTA, runs: list, arch: str, app: str, run_args: list, harness: object, sleep: int = 0, repeat: int = 0, run_offset: int = 0, runs_total: int = 0, dummy = False): outbuf = benchmark_from_runs(pta, runs, harness, dummy = dummy) with open(application_file, 'w') as f: f.write(outbuf.getvalue()) print('[MAKE] building benchmark with {:d} runs'.format(len(runs))) # assume an average of 10ms per transition. Mind the 10s start delay. run_timeout = 10 + num_transitions * (sleep+10) / 1000 if repeat: run_timeout *= repeat needs_split = False try: runner.build(arch, app, run_args) except RuntimeError: if len(runs) > 50: # Application is too large -> split up runs needs_split = True else: # Unknown error raise # This has been deliberately taken out of the except clause to avoid nested exception handlers # (they lead to pretty interesting tracebacks which are probably more confusing than helpful) if needs_split: print('[MAKE] benchmark code is too large, splitting up') mid = len(runs) // 2 # Previously prepared trace data is useless harness.reset() results = run_benchmark(application_file, pta, runs[:mid], arch, app, run_args, harness.copy(), sleep, repeat, run_offset = run_offset, runs_total = runs_total, dummy = dummy) results.extend(run_benchmark(application_file, pta, runs[mid:], arch, app, run_args, harness.copy(), sleep, repeat, run_offset = run_offset + mid, runs_total = runs_total, dummy = dummy)) return results runner.flash(arch, app, run_args) monitor = runner.get_monitor(arch, callback = harness.parser_cb) if arch == 'posix': print('[RUN] Will run benchmark for {:.0f} seconds'.format(run_timeout)) lines = monitor.run(int(run_timeout)) return [(runs, harness, lines)] try: slept = 0 while repeat == 0 or slept / run_timeout < 1: time.sleep(5) slept += 5 print('[RUN] {:d}/{:d} ({:.0f}%), current benchmark at {:.0f}%'.format(run_offset, runs_total, run_offset * 100 / runs_total, slept * 100 / run_timeout)) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass lines = monitor.get_lines() monitor.close() return [(runs, harness, lines)] if __name__ == '__main__': try: optspec = ( 'accounting= ' 'arch= ' 'app= ' 'depth= ' 'dummy= ' 'instance= ' 'repeat= ' 'run= ' 'sleep= ' 'timer-pin= ' 'trace-filter= ' ) raw_opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "", optspec.split(' ')) for option, parameter in raw_opts: optname = re.sub(r'^--', '', option) opt[optname] = parameter if 'depth' in opt: opt['depth'] = int(opt['depth']) else: opt['depth'] = 3 if 'repeat' in opt: opt['repeat'] = int(opt['repeat']) else: opt['repeat'] = 0 if 'sleep' in opt: opt['sleep'] = int(opt['sleep']) else: opt['sleep'] = 0 if 'trace-filter' in opt: trace_filter = [] for trace in opt['trace-filter'].split(): trace_filter.append(trace.split(',')) opt['trace-filter'] = trace_filter else: opt['trace-filter'] = None except getopt.GetoptError as err: print(err) sys.exit(2) modelfile = args[0] with open(modelfile, 'r') as f: if '.json' in modelfile: pta = PTA.from_json(json.load(f)) else: pta = PTA.from_yaml(yaml.safe_load(f)) if 'timer-pin' in opt: timer_pin = opt['timer-pin'] else: timer_pin = 'GPIO::p1_0' if 'dummy' in opt: enum = dict() if '.json' not in modelfile: with open(modelfile, 'r') as f: driver_definition = yaml.safe_load(f) if 'dummygen' in driver_definition and 'enum' in driver_definition['dummygen']: enum = driver_definition['dummygen']['enum'] repo = Repo('/home/derf/var/projects/multipass/build/repo.acp') pta.set_random_energy_model() if 'accounting' in opt: accounting_object = get_accountingmethod(opt['accounting'])(opt['dummy'], pta) else: accounting_object = None drv = MultipassDriver(opt['dummy'], pta, repo.class_by_name[opt['dummy']], enum=enum, accounting=accounting_object) with open('/home/derf/var/projects/multipass/src/driver/dummy.cc', 'w') as f: f.write(drv.impl) with open('/home/derf/var/projects/multipass/include/driver/dummy.h', 'w') as f: f.write(drv.header) runs = list(pta.dfs(opt['depth'], with_arguments = True, with_parameters = True, trace_filter = opt['trace-filter'])) num_transitions = len(runs) if len(runs) == 0: print('DFS returned no traces -- perhaps your trace-filter is too restrictive?', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) need_return_values = False if next(filter(lambda x: len(x.return_value_handlers), pta.transitions), None): need_return_values = True harness = OnboardTimerHarness(gpio_pin = timer_pin, pta = pta, counter_limits = runner.get_counter_limits_us(opt['arch']), log_return_values = need_return_values) if len(args) > 1: results = run_benchmark(args[1], pta, runs, opt['arch'], opt['app'], opt['run'].split(), harness, opt['sleep'], opt['repeat'], runs_total = len(runs), dummy = 'dummy' in opt) json_out = { 'opt' : opt, 'pta' : pta.to_json(), 'traces' : list(map(lambda x: x[1].traces, results)), 'raw_output' : list(map(lambda x: x[2], results)), } with open(time.strftime('ptalog-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.json'), 'w') as f: json.dump(json_out, f) else: outbuf = benchmark_from_runs(pta, runs, harness) print(outbuf.getvalue()) sys.exit(0)